Spring is finally here and is time to change some products in my makeup bag. I noticed, the two products are repeated every spring, so I decided to introduce them to you. Today I will presented my first favourite, this is, Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation.

I adore Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation. It is lightweight, it has silky texture with quite comprehensive coverage and a beautiful luminous matte finish. After application my skin looks fresher, skin imperfections are instantly less visible and it contains an SPF 15, which is an additional bonus. Water texture instantly blends with skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. I’ve been using shade 22 Beige Rose.

Bližajo se toplejši dnevi in s tem se tudi spreminja moja kozmetična torbica. Opažam pa, da se dva proizvoda vsako pomlad ponavljata, zato sem se odločila, da vam ju predstavim. Danes bom predstavila mojega prvega favorita, to je Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet puder.

Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet puder obožujem, ker je izjemno lahke svilnate teksture, poleg tega pa je skoraj neviden in ga lahko brez slabe vesti večkrat zaporedoma naneseš na kožo.  Vodna tekstura se v trenutku zlije s kožo in za seboj pušča izjemen mat učinek tekom celega dne. Po nanosu je moja koža videti bolj sveža, nepravilnosti na koži pa so v trenutku manj vidne. Poleg tega vsebuje SPF 15, kar je še dodaten bonus. Jaz uporabljam odtenek 22 Beige Rose.

Ime izdelka?
Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Puder
What is it?
Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation

Kakšni koži je namenjen?
Idealen je  za normalno, mešano ali mastno kožo.
Who is it for?
Ideal for normal, combination or oily  skins.

Pred uporabo stekleničko dobro pretresite, ker je njegova tekstura precej vodena, nato pa ga s pomočjo prstov nanesete po celotnem obrazu (od sredine obraza navzven).
How do you use it?
Shake the bottle well before use to preserve the evanescence and lightness of texture. Apply with fingertips, then blend in from the middle of the face outwards.

Dobra stran izdelka?
  •  Izjemno lahek puder
  • Teksture na obrazu skoraj ne občutiš
  • Izniči temne lise in posvetli rdečico
  • Zelo dobro prekriva nepravilnosti na koži
  • Po nanosu je koža obraza svilnata z mat učinkom
  • Obstojen skozi cel dan 
What’s good about it?
  • Lightweight texture
  • Emulsion instantly becomes one with the skin
  • Dark spots and redness are perfectly corrected
  • Very good covering
  • Matte velvety effect
  • Lasts all day 

Slaba stran izdelka?
Cena, mogoče malce previsoka.
What’s not so good about it?
The price is maybe to high.

Kje se izdelek lahko kupi?
V Slovenije ga lahko kupite v  prodajalnah Müller.
Where can you get it?
In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller.

30 ml ->39,50 eur
30 ml ->39,50 eur



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