Kot obljubljeno, vam danes predstavljam še enega mojega pomladnega favorita in to je… Cliniqova Superdefense CC krema. Ker se v toplejših mesecih skušam izogibati težkim podlagam in pudrom, ter želim, da koža obraza diha in  izgleda čim bolj naravno, sem kar nekaj časa iskala pravo podlago, ki bi delovala čim bolj naravno ter hkrati prekrila rdečico in manjše nepravilnosti na mojem obrazu. Ker sem pred tem že uporabljala  Cliniqovo Age Defence BB kremo, nad katero nisem bila preveč navdušena, sem se odločila, da poskusim in dam priliko še CC kremici :). Že po prvem nanosu sem bila pozitivno presenečena, saj kremica nudi ravno pravšnjo količino vsega kar moja koža obraza potrebuje.

»CC« skrajšano pomeni colour correcting, kar pomeni da je vloga teh kremic predvsem korigiranje manjših nepravilnosti na koži. Večina CC krem nudi srednje  prekrivanje.

Cliniqova Superdefense CC krema je  lahke teksture ter vsebuje zaščitni faktor 30. Na koži deluje naravno ter pušča zdrav in svež izgled tekom celega dneva. CC krema je tudi super podlaga, jaz jo občasno nanesem kot podlago  pred uporabo Chanelovega pudra (Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation) in končni rezultat je izjemen.

As I promised, today I will present another one spring product, which I love and this is ... Clinique Superdefense CC cream. In the warmer months, I try to avoid heavy basis and foundation. I just want that skin on my face breath and looks as naturally as possible. Quite a long time I was looking for the right basis, which act as naturally as possible and at the same time conceal the redness and small imperfections on my face. Before that I have used Clinique Age Defence BB Cream, above which I was not too impressed, so I decided to try CC Cream :). Already after the first application I was positively surprised because cream provides just the right amount of everything that my facial skin needs.

"CC" cream is used by some brands to mean Colour Control cream, or Colour Correcting cream, and some brands claim to reduce the appearance of skin redness or sallowness or to improve uneven skin tone. Most CC Cream Provides medium coverage.

The Clinique Superdefense CC cream it has the light texture and contains SPF 30. On the skin it works naturally and leaves a healthy and fresh look throughout the day. CC cream is also a great base, occasionally I use it as a base before applying my Chanel foundation (Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation) and the final result is amazing.

Ime izdelka?
Clinique Superdefense CC Krema
What is it?
Clinique Superdefense CC Cream

Kakšni koži je namenjen?
Namenjena je vsem tipom kože.
Who is it for?
Ideal for all skin types.

Hilauronska kislina zadržuje vlažnost kože ter svežino; vitamin E; rožmarin; nordihydroguaiaretic kislina odpravlja poškodbe UVA / UVB žarkov in asorbyl-tokoferil maleata varuje kožo pred zunanjimi škodljivimi vplivi.
Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin moisture and fresh; vitamin E; rosemary; nordihydroguaiaretic acid eliminates the damage of UVA / UVB rays and asorbyl-tocopheryl maleate protect skin against external harmful influences.

Lahko jo nosite samostojno, v kolikor želite večjo in bolj intenzivno prekritost pa jo nanesite kot podlago pod pudrom.
How do you use it?
Wear it alone or apply it over your favourite moisturizer. For fuller coverage wear it under foundation.

Dobra stran izdelka?
  • Izjemno lahka tekstura
  • Izniči temne lise in prekrije rdečico
  • Zelo dobro prekriva manjše nepravilnosti na koži
  • Ne vsebuje olja
  • Ne povzroča aken
  • Po nanosu se koža obraza ne sveti
  • Vsebuje SPF 30
  • Obstojna skozi cel dan

What’s good about it?
  • Lightweight texture
  • Dark spots and redness are perfectly corrected
  •  Very good covering small imperfections
  •  Oil free
  •  Do not cause acne
  •  After application, the skin on the face is not illuminated
  •  Contains SPF 30
  •   Lasts all day 

Slaba stran izdelka?
Kremo se žal lahko dobi samo v treh odtenkih.
What’s not so good about it?
Unfortunately you can get cream in only three shades.

Kje se izdelek lahko dobi?
V Slovenije jo lahko kupite v  prodajalnah Müller.
Where can you get it?
In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller.

40 ml ->25,90 eur
40 ml ->25,90 eur


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