Današnja  objava je namenjena predstavitvi MAC-ovega pudra. Vse vemo, da je MAC ena  najbolj kvalitetna in najbolj priljubljena znamka med makeup artisti. Tiste, ki še tega ne veste, ste sedaj o tem seznanjene ;)

Odkar imam MAC trgovinico skoraj pred nosom (v Trstu), moram priznat, da sem kar redna obiskovalka. Moj zadnji obisk se je končal z nakupom pudra Face and Body. Iskala sem nekaj lahkega in obstojnega. Nekaj kar bo primerno za toplejše dni. Tako sem se odločila za njihov prvi in najbolj popularen izdelek F&B.

No, pa začnimo…

Rada bi poudarila, da je puder zelo tekoč in voden.  Je najbolj tekoč puder, kar sem jih do zdaj uporabljala (bolj tekoč kot Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Puder). Tako je tekoč, da ob nanosu na hrbtno stran dlani, se ob najmanjšem gibu razlije po celi roki.
Prekrivnost, ki jo puder nudi  je srednja. Je pa zanimivo, da dlje časa kot ga  vtirate, bolj gost postane in večjo prekrivnost ima. Jaz  puder nanašam s pomočjo čopiča, ker mi je tako svetovala MAC-ova artistka (za nanos lahko uporabljaš MAC-ov 187 čopič, jaz uporabljam KIKO 107 čopič). Nekateri makeup artisti so mnenja, da je bolje, puder nanašat s prsti. Jaz sem probala oba načina in neke razlike nisem opazila. Je pa pomembno to, da podlago hitro in zelo dobro vtreš v kožo, ker sicer postane kar malo lepljiva.
Meni je puder zelo všeč, predvsem zato ker ne da mat finiša na koncu, ampak pusti na koži malo bolj sijoč finiš, kar je meni zelo všeč. Podlaga deluje  zelo naravno in nihče ne bo opazil, da sploh nosite puder, kar je za te toplejše dni nasploh SUPER :)  
Definitivno je puder namenjen suhi, normalni/neproblematični koži. Vse tiste, ki  imate mastno kožo, vam ga odsvetujem, predvsem zato ker se boste začele svetiti že po nekaj urah. Odsvetujem pa ga tudi tistim, ki  imate rade podlage z večjo prekrivnostjo in mat finišem.

Today's announcement is intended to present the MAC Face and Body foundation. We  all know that the MAC is one of the most quality and the most popular brand among makeup artists. Those who do not know, now you know ;)

I was looking for something light and durable. Something that will be suitable for warmer days. MAC Face and Body foundation has been around for a long time. This was the first MAC foundation.

So, let's start…

This stuff is probably the runniest foundation you will have ever used, it’s like water.  But as soon as you start working it into the skin, the strangest thing starts to happen. The more friction or movement F&B gets, the thicker it gets, so the more you blend it in, the more coverage it has.

For applying I use a brush (you can use MAC face brush 187, I use KIKO face brush 107) but you can also use your fingertips ( some makeup artist told that this is the best way for applying). I tried both ways and I do not notice any difference.

The coverage is sheer to medium, really you can build this up to be full cove.rage. The finish is dewy, and very smooth, skin looks pore free and perfect.

This foundation  isn’t the best for oily skin, because, it could goes very shiny. It’s amazing for normal to dry skins though.

Ime izdelka?
M-A-C Studio Face and body puder.
What is it?
M-A-C StudioFace and body foundation.

Kakšni koži je namenjen?
Suha, normalna/ neproblematična koža.
Who is it for?
Normal to dry skins.

Opis izdelka?
Puder bazira na vodni osnovi. Primeren je za vse tiste, ki ne marate težkih podlag in obožujete naraven, svež in sijoč videz kože. Odličen je za obraz kot tudi za  telo. Barva pudra se ne prenaša na oblačila. Izdelek je na voljo v 13-tih odtenkih. Ker je moj podton kože bolj rožnat, mi zato ustreza odtenek N1.
Product description?
A water-based, water-resistant foundation that provides natural coverage for face and/or body. Face and Body Foundation provides sheer, natural looking coverage in an easy to blend formula. Available in a wide range of colours. I use shade N1 (because I have pink undertone). Contains several emollients to help moisturise and condition the skin. It delivers professional looking results that meet the exacting standards of beauty photography and is ideal for perfecting the face and body.

Water, Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Butylene Glycol, PVP/Hexadecene Copolymer, Stearic Acid, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Talc, Tocopherol, Tocopherol Acetate, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange), Fusanus Spicatus Wood oil, Xantham Gum, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 20, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin [ /- Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Chromium Oxide Greens]
Water, Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Butylene Glycol, PVP/Hexadecene Copolymer, Stearic Acid, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Talc, Tocopherol, Tocopherol Acetate, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange), Fusanus Spicatus Wood oil, Xantham Gum, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 20, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin [ /- Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Chromium Oxide Greens]

Pred uporabo stekleničko dobro pretresite, ker je tekstura pudra precej vodena. Nato pa ga s pomočjo prstov ali čopiča nanesi po celotnem obrazu.
How do you use it?
Shake the bottle well before use to preserve the evanescence and lightness of texture. Apply with fingertips or brush, then blend in from the middle of the face outwards.

Dobra stran izdelka?
  • Puder se lepo  izenači s kožo obraza in telesa
  • Se  ne prenaša na oblačila
  • Zelo lahka podlaga
  • Končni rezultat: sijoč in naraven videz kože
  • Podlaga je primerna predvsem za poletne mesece
  • Dolgo obstojen

Whats good about it?
  • Second skin effect
  • Amazing also for a body
  • Is not transferred to clothing
  • Very light base
  • The final result: shiny and natural-looking skin
  • Foundation is particularly suitable for the summer months
  • Long-lasting

Slaba stran izdelka?
Malo preveč tekoč.
Whats not so good about it?
A little too liquid.

50 ml-> 30 eur
120 ml-> cca 38 eur
50 ml-> 30 eur
120 ml-> cca 38 eur

Kateri je pa tvoj najljubši puder za te toplejše dni? 

Which is your favourite foundation for these warmer days?


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