Lak nudi visok sijaj in super prekrivnost že po prvem nanosu ter popoln, natančen čopič.
Istočasno pa Art Couture lak nohte neguje s svojimi negovalnimi sestavinami, kot so vitamini A, C in E, pantenol in izvleček morskih alg. Poleg naštetega pa mi je zelo všeč , da je tudi zelo obstojen. Jaz sem si izbrala odtenek 784 - couture classic rose.
Cena: cca 9 eur
BIOBAZIN silky comfort vsebuje 99 % sestavin naravnega izvora. Sestavljen je iz izvlečekov žajbljevih in oljčnih listov, karitejevega masla in iz olje jojobe. Ne vsebuje parabenov, aluminijevega klorohidrata, alkohola, umetnih barvil ali dišav. Poleg naštetega pa na oblačilih ne pušča belih sledi in ima prijeten nevsiljiv vonj, ter nudi zaščito preko celega dne.Cena: cca 4 eur
O božanski Flow kosmetiikki sem že pisala, zato bom na hitro povzela…
Flow kosmetiikka je zgodba s Finske o ročno izdelani kozmetiki iz družinske rokodelske obrti, kjer se uporabljajo samo certificirane organske in divje rasle sestavine iz neokrnjene arktične narave Laponske. Flow kosmetiikka filozofija, realizirana v njihovih izdelkih se tako glasi:" A little goes a long way." O moji večerni negi s FLOW Čistilnim blazamom borovnice, Čistilnim tonikom barjanske robide-jesenska vresa in s Serumom za obraz morske krhlike in brusnice si lahko prebereš TUKAJ.
4. KIKO- Svinčnik za obrvi Precision
Že kar nekaj let za obrvi uporabljam KIKO svinčnik- Precision v odtenku 02. Ne morem verjet, da ga še nisem uvrstila med favorite :) Svinčnik Precision omogoča enostaven in natančen nanos. Z njim lahko nežno ali pa močno poudarim svoje obrvi, pa še zelo obstojen je. V škatlici poleg svinčnika prejmeš tudi šilček. Cena: cca 6 eur
5. MAYBELLINE maskara
Več o tem zakaj mi je ta maskara tako zelo všeč, si lahko prebereš TUKAJ.
1. ARTDECO- Nail Polish Art Couture
The coating provides high gloss and super coverage after the first application and complete, accurate brush. At the same time, Art Couture nail polish nourishes their skin care ingredients, such as vitamins A, C and E, panthenol and seaweed extract.In addition to the above but I really like that it is also highly persistent. I chose a shade 784 - couture classic rose. Price: approx 9 euro
BIOBAZA silky comfort consisting of 99% natural ingredients. It consists of an extract of sage and olive leaf, shea butter and jojoba oil. It does not contain parabens, aluminium chloralhydrate, alcohol, artificial colours or fragrances. In addition, on the clothes does not leave white traces and has a pleasant and unobtrusive scent and provides protection throughout all day. Price: approx 4 euro
About gorgeous Flow kosmetiikki I already wrote, so I will quickly summarise …
Flow kosmetiikka is from Finland and it is handmade cosmetics from family handicraft which use only certified organic and wild grown ingredients from the pristine Arctic nature of Lapland. Flow kosmetiikka philosophy realised in their products is worded as follows: "A little goes a long way." About my night skin care routine with FLOW
Facial Cleansing Balm Bilberry, Heather tonic mist and Seabuckthorn&Lingonberry oil serum you can read HERE.
4. KIKO- Eyebrow Pencil Precision
For my eyebrow, I use KIKO Pencil- Precision in the shade 02. Pencil Precision allows the easy and precise application. You can gently or strongly emphasise your eyebrows and is also highly persistent. In the box next to the pencil you will get also a sharpener. Price: approx 6 euro
5. MAYBELLINE mascara
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Flow---- LOVE :)