V mesecu maju sem testirala kar nekaj FLOW izdelkov, s katerimi sem postala obsedena in ta moja odvisnost še vedno traja. Jaz res ne vem, če sem bila že kdaj tako navdušena nad kakšno znamko,  kot sem nad FLOW KOZMETIIK.

Bom kar začela… tokrat vam predstavljam prve tri izdelke.

Piling krema za obraz - sladkor in čokolada
To čokoladno razvajanje je božansko. Piling je naraven in v obliki kreme, kar omogoča dvojno delovanje, in sicer piling ter hranjenje. Piling ni grob in je primeren tudi za občutljivo kože. Vonj čokolade in pomaranče pa te lahko kar hitro zavede in ga lahko zamenjaš za sladico kot je čokoladni mousse. Poleg sladke pomaranče in čokolade, se v pilingu nahaja še organski trstni sladkor. Vse tri sestavine kožo osvežijo ter jo naredijo naravno mehko in nahranjeno. Jaz ga obožujem, saj me za par minut popelje v tovarno čokolade in the par minut imam svoj zen :)

Piling za telo, ki je sestavljen iz himalajske soli in poprove mete.
Kožo naredi gladko, mehko in čudovito dišečo. Eterična olja poprove mete in ciprese sproščata, odvajata vodo in lajšata boleče mišice zaradi spodbujene cirkulacije. Po uporabi ne potrebuješ nobene dodatne kreme za telo, ker koža pride zelo lepo nahranjena. Poleg tega pa je še vonj omamen, tak svež, pravcat za prihajajoče poletne dni.

In nazadnje sledi še hladno stiskano arganovo olje.
Organsko arganovo olje je lepotilno olje za obnovo kože, preprečuje nastanek gub in obraznih linij. Jaz ga uporabljam samo za lase. Vsakič ko si lase umijem, par kapljic olja nanesem še na vlažne konice. Olje las ne masti,  konice pa so lepo nahranjene in mehke. Idealen izdelek za poletne dni. 

Vse izdelke najdeš v spletni trgovinici Kozmetix.si

In May, I tested quite a few FLOW products with which I became obsessed and my addiction is still going on. I really do not know if I was ever so excited about any brand like I am impressed by  FLOW KOZMETIIK.

Let's start ... this time I present the first three products.

Exfoliating Face Cream - sugar and chocolate.
Peeling is a natural and in the form of creams, which enables dual functioning, namely exfoliating and feeding. Exfoliation is not grave and is also suitable for sensitive skin. The smell of chocolate and oranges may quickly tempt you and can be exchanged for a dessert such as chocolate mousse. Exfoliating it is consists of sweet orange, chocolate and organic cane sugar. All three ingredients refresh the skin and make it soft and fresh.

Body Scrub, which is consists of Himalayan salt and mint. It leaves skin smooth, soft and beautifully scented. Essential oils of peppermint and cypress released vented water and relieving sore muscles due to stimulated circulation. After use, you do not need any additional creams for the body. The smell is stunning, such a fresh, veritable for the upcoming summer days.

And finally, the cold pressed Argan oil. The organic Argan oil is a beauty oil for the recovery of the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles and facial lines. I use it only for hair. Every time when I wash my hair, a put few drops on the ends of my hair. The hair after application are non-greasy and the ends are well-fed and soft. The ideal product for summer days.

All products you can found in the online shop Kozmetix.si


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