The Ordinary.

Končno je čas, da po dobrih dveh mesecih uporabe The Ordinary izdelkov, tudi jaz z vami delimi svoje mnenje …

Začela bom kar z izdelki, ki so me navdušili, to so:

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
To je izdelek, ki sem ga hotela po dobrih treh tednih uporabe, kar prenehat uporabljat, saj nikakor ni učinkoval, tako kot so nekatre kolegice blogarke pisala. Ampak vztrajnost se je nekako izplačala in vidni rezultati so se nekako začeli kazati po mesecu uporabe. Mešanica Niacinamida in Zinka odlično kontrolia sebum, ki ga moja koža kar pridno proizvaja, celi mozolje in manjša rdečico, ki jo povzročajo mozoljčki ter manjša pore in koža je vidno bolj čista. Izdelek je primeren za problematično/mastno kožo.

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
Super izdelek, ki ga potrebuje vsaka koža za dodatno vlago. Izdelek je primeren za vse tipe kože, saj z redno uporabo hialuronske kisline se koža počasneje stara. Je pa to izdelek, ki ga je potrebno takoj po nanosu "zakleniti" s serumom, oljem, kremo, saj drugače zelo hitro izhlapi iz kože in efekta ni. To je izdelek, ki ga moraš imet v redni negi obraza.

Matrixyl 10% + HA
Izdelekje primeren za vse, ki smo prišle v 30-ta :) Serum je primerem za vse tipe kože, učinkuje proti statičnim in dinamčnim gubicam, učinkuje tudi zelo dobro kot kremica za okoli oči. Tekstura je lahka in se v kožo hitro vpije. Jaz nimam še ne vem kakšnih izrazitih gubic, so se pa te miniaturne gubic okoli oči, ki jih samo jaz vidim, malo zmanjšale, zato je druga steklenička že na poti :)

Izdelek, ki pa me nikakor ni navdušil je, Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA. Krema naj nebi mašila por, pri meni je bilo ravno obratno in to je bil že prvi in en velik minus. Film, ki ga je krema pustila namoji  koži je bil masten in se ni vpil, tako kot naj bi se po nekaterih ocenah. Tako, da sem po dveh tednih vztajnosti kremo prenehala uporabljati.

Vse The Ordinary izdelke lahko kupiš na njihovi spletni strani DECIEM. So pa sedaj izdelki na voljo tudi v Sloveniji,  v spletni trgovinici  Če izdelke naročiš do 13 h, so že naslednji dan pri temi, kar je pa sploh super.

Finally, it's time to say, after nearly two months of using the Ordinary products, I share with you what products have impressed me and which ones do not.
I'll start with products that have impressed me are:

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
This is a product I wanted after three weeks of use, which is no longer effective, as it did not work, as some bloggers wrote. But persistence was somehow paid out, and the visible results somehow began to show after the month of use. The mixture of Niacinamide and Zinka is perfectly controlled by the sebum, which my skin produces very well, whole pimples and a little redness caused by pimples and smaller pores, and the skin is clearly purer. The product is suitable for problematic/oily skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
Great product that every skin needs for extra moisture. The product is suitable for all skin types, as with the regular use of hyaluronic skin ageing more slowly. But this is a product that is needed immediately close after application with serum, oil or cream, otherwise, it very quickly evaporates from the skin and does not have any effect. This is the product you need to have in your regular facial care.

Matrixyl 10% + HA
The product is suitable for anyone who came in 30 years, like me :) The serum is suitable for all skin types, it affects on the static and dynamic wrinkles, it also works very well as an eye cream. The texture is light and absorbs into the skin quickly. I do not have any significant wrinkles yet, but these miniature wrinkles around the eyes, which I only see, have decreased slightly, so the second bottle is already on the way :)

The product which, however, did not impress me, Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA. The cream would not the pore filler, for me, it was the opposite, and this was the very first and one big minus. The film that the cream had left on my skin was greasy and did not yell, as it should be according to some estimates. So that after two weeks of application I stopped using the cream.

You can buy All The Ordinary products on their website DECIEM. Now, the products are also available in Slovenia, at the online store.

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