BIORE 1-minutna termo maska
Črna maska, ki kože ne iritira, se ne posuši, pore pa so vidno zmanjšane že po prvi uporabi in koža postane tudi bolj čista. Super nizkocenovni izdelek, ki se ga pri nas dobi v Mullerju. V enem pakiranju dobiš 4 maske po 7 g. En vrečka zadošča za en nanos. Jaz jo uporabljam 1-krat na teden. Posebnost maske je, da se aktivira ob stiku z vodo. Uporaba: najprej navlažiš obraz, nato posušiš roke in masko naneseš na suhe dlani, nato pa jo porazdeliš po obrazu. Masiraš približno 1 minuto, med masiranjem pa  se maska segreje. Po eni minuti, pa jo temeljito spereš. Cena: cca 6 eur

IsaDora Twist-up gloss stick
Totalno sem odvisna od te kremasta, vlažilne, obstojen in  negovalna tekstura z sijočim zaključkom. Preprost gloss za nanos z nežnim barvnim efektom. Jaz ga uporabljam v odtenek 10 Lovely Lavender. Cena: cca 12 eur

Geli za tuširanje in kopel L'Angelica
Moje poletna obsesija, ki se bo prenesla tudi v jesen :) Z njimi pa me je "nalezla" blogarska kolegica Katja Grudnik, ki ustvarja Viva la Vida Blog. Hvala Katja! ;) Zaenkrat sta moja dva favorita vonj bombaža in belega mošusa ter granatno jabolko. Poleg negovalne učinka in božanskih vonjev, so vsi geli brez parabenov, parafinov, silikonov ter gensko spremenjenih organizmov.

Adijo, Sladkor- Sarah Wilson
Super, preprosta iskrena knjiga, ki temelji na izkušnji same avtorice. Sarah Wilson je bila zasvojena s sladkorjem in je vsak dan zaužila 25 žličk sladkorja, preden je spoznala, da je to krivec za nihanje razpoloženja in teže, motnje spanca in težave s ščitnico. Vedela je, da mora ukrepati. Kar se je začelo kot poskus, je kmalu postalo način življenja, zatem pa kampanja opozarjanja na nevarnosti, ki jih za zdravje pomeni sladkor. Avtorici v knjigi z lastnimi izkušnjami pomaga:
-opustiti sladkor s preverjenim 8-tedenskim programom
-premagati hrepenenje po sladkem z uspešnimi in preprostimi ukanami
-najti zdrave nadomestke sladkorja
-pripraviti 108 preprostih jedi za razstrupljanje, slanih prigrizkov, pa tudi 
slaščic in poslastic brez sladkorja za najmlajše …
Priznam, da sem sedaj še bolj pozorna pri izbiri živil in deklaracije še bolj podrobno preberem.

BIORE 1- minute thermal mask
A black mask that does not irritate the skin does not dry out, and the pores are visibly reduced after the first use and the skin become even cleaner. A super low-cost product that you can get in  Muller. In one package, you get 4 masks of 7 g. One bag is sufficient for one application. I use it once a week. The special feature of the mask is to activate it on contact with water. Application: first moisten the face, then dry your hands and apply the mask on dry hands, then distribute it along the face. To massage for about 1 minute, during applying, the mask is heated. After one minute, wash it thoroughly. Price:  approx 6 eur

IsaDora Twist-up gloss stick
I am completely dependent on this creamy, moisturizing, persistent and nourishing texture with a glossy finish. Simple gloss for application with gentle colour effect. I use it in the shade 10 Lovely Lavender. Price: approx. 12 EUR

Shower gel  L'Angelica
My summer obsession, which will also be continued in autumn :) Above gels delighted me my blogger colleague Katja Grudnik, who creates the Viva la Vida Blog. Thank you, Katja! ;) So far my two favourite scents are cotton and white musk and pomegranate. In addition to the nourishing effect and the divine scents, all gels are free of parabens, paraffin, silicones and genetically modified organisms.

I Quit Sugar- Sarah Wilson
Nice simple and honest book, based on the experience of the author herself. Sarah Wilson was a self-confessed sugar addict, eating the equivalent of 25 teaspoons of sugar every day, before making the link between her sugar consumption and a lifetime of mood disorders, fluctuating weight issues, sleep problems and thyroid disease. She knew she had to make a change. What started as an experiment soon became a way of life, then a campaign to alert others to the health dangers of sugar. I Quit Sugar uses Sarah's personal experience to help you: 
- beat the sugar habit with a tested 8-week plan 
- overcome cravings via proven and easy tricks 
- find healthy sugar substitutes 
- cook sugar-free: 108 desserts, cakes, chocolate, kids' treats, snacks and easy detox meals.


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