Po dolgem času je tu nova objava. Z vami tokrat delim dva izdelka, ki sta v moji negi  to zimo nepogrešljiva.

Nočna maska Natura Siberica, je super v kolikor želiš svoji koži dati nekaj dodatne vlage. Maska je izjemno nežna in brez vpadljivega vonja. Kožo lepo nahrani in navlaži.
Pred spanjem masko naneseš na suho, čisto kožo (izogni se predelu okoli oči in ust). Maska se v kožo hitro vpije in jo ni potrebno spirati.
Kot sem že omenila, maska ne dela nekih čudežev, je pa odlična za zimski čas, ko koža potrebuje še več vlage kot običajno.
Cena: 5,29 eur

Aloe Vera losjon z kakavovim maslom
Losjon je namenjen suhi in občutljivi koži, razdraženi ter srbeči koži. Kombinacija kakavovega masla z aloe vero ter vitaminom E je namenjena intenzivni vlažilni negi dehidrirane in suhe kože. Losjon se v kožo hitro vpije in ji intenzivno povrne vlago tudi v globljih plasteh, poleg tega pa se še lepo razmaže in prijetno diši. Tale losjon je tudi odlična nega za poletje, saj pomaga pri vzdrževanju zagorele poti.

Cena: 9,32 eur

Night Mask Natura Sibirica is great if you want to give your skin some extra moisture. The mask is exceptionally gentle and has no perceptible smell. It nourishes and moisturises the skin.
Before going to bed, apply a mask to dry, clean skin (avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth). The mask is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not need to be washed.
As I mentioned, the mask does not work for some miracles, but it is excellent for winter time when the skin needs even more moisture than usual.
Price: 5,29 eur

Aloe Vera lotion with cocoa butter is designed for dry and sensitive skin, irritated and itchy skin. The combination of cocoa butter, aloe vera and vitamin E is intended for the intensive moisturizing care of dry and dehydrated skin. The lotion quickly absorbs into the skin and retains moisture intensively in deeper layers, and it is still smoothed and smelled pleasantly. This lotion is also an excellent care for the summer, as it helps to maintain a burnt path.
Price: 9,32 eur

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