Mia Höytö Cosmetics Lempeä Uni oljni serum za razvajanje

Malo je naravnih kozmetičnih izdelkov, ki me res prepričajo. Nekako moja kožo rabi kemijo, vsaj sem jaz v to prepričana :) , ampak tale naravni multivitaminski oljni serum me je navdušil.

Serum je primeren za mastno kot tudi za suho kožo. Ker je oljnate teksture, sem se ustrašila, da mi bo začel mašiti pore.  Moja koža je že tako zadnje čase bolj mastna in tega res nebi rabila.

Poudarit moram, da  serum sestavljajo vitamini  A, B, C in E ter vrtnica Otto, ki preprečuje in popravlja znake staranja. 

Serum uporabljam zvečer, ker mi na koži vseeno pusti tak bolj masten film, kar me ne moti. Uporabljam ga po nanosu kreme, včasih ko me napade lenoba, pa tudi samostojno.

Po nanosu je koža bolj pomirjena, zjutraj pa na dotik veliko bolj mehka in vidno nahranjena. Vonj pa je prijeten in pomirjajoč.

Izdelek spada v višji cenovni rang, ampak po mojem mnenju cena opravičuje kvaliteto.

There are not many natural cosmetic products that really satisfy me. Somehow my skin needs chemistry, at least I believe this :), but this natural multivitamin oil serum impressed me.

The serum is suitable for oily and dry skin. Because of the oily texture, I was scared to start pouring my pores.

I must emphasize that serum consists of vitamins A, B, C and E, and Rose Otto, which prevents and corrects the signs of aging.

I use the serum in the evening because I still leave a more greasy film on my skin, which does not bother me. I use it after application of the cream, sometimes when it is attacked by laziness, but also independently.

After application, the skin is more restrained and in the morning it becomes much softer and visibly nourished. The smell is pleasant and calming.

The product is in the higher price range, but in my opinion, the quality justifies the price.


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