NiKEL- Rose Body Milk

NiKEL kozmetika temelji na lastnih farmacevtskih recepturah in 100% naravnih aktivnih učinkovinah,  katerih učinkovitost je dokazana in dermatološko potrjena. Združuje tradicionalna znanja z najsodobnejšimi dosežki. Vse snovi v izdelku, kot tudi končni izdelki,  so potrjene kvalitete s certifikati pooblaščenih ustanov.

NiKEL ponuja naravno kozmetiko farmacevtske kakovosti, čisto, brez dodatkov, ki bi lahko škodovali, katera poleg nege, pomaga tudi odpraviti težave s kožo. Mediteran in njegovo rastlinsko bogastvo, katerega zdravilnost je zabeležena v številnih knjigah je oživljeno v NiKEL kozmetiki pod motom »Narava zdravi«. Poleg rastlin hrvaškega podnebja (Olje bršljana – 100% naravni anticelulitni hit in 100% naravni anti age hit Eliksir proti gubam z 12 rastlinami iz hrvaškega Mediterana), NiKEL linija uporablja tudi inovativne delovne komponente uglednih svetovnih raziskovalnih laboratorijev, ki posedujejo vrhunske biotehnologije v službi naravnih substanc.
Več o sami znamki NiKEL in o njihovih izdelkih si lahko prebereš TUKAJ.

Jaz trenutno uporabljam njihovo VRTNIČNO MLEKO ZA TELO. Z eno besedo zame je to mleko BOŽANSKO. Hitro se vpije v kožo ter jo naredi  mehko, elastično in dišečo. Vonj je omamem, tak nežen in pomirjajoč. Mleko je brez parabenov in je namenjeno:
  • suhi, občutljivi in dehidrirani koži
  • koži nagnjeni luskanju
  • bori pa se tudi proti strijam

Ker pa izdelek vsebuje 100 % rastlinske antociane, se lahko barva izdelka hitro spremeni. Zato se ne ustraši, da je z izdelkom kaj narobe, če se ti to zgodi.
Pri nas NIKEL izdelke dobiš v vseh prodajalnah Muller. Če pa se boš sedaj v teh prihajajočih toplejših dnevih, potepala kaj po hrvaški obali oz po Hrvaški na sploh, pa skoči do DM ;)
Cena: 12 eur

NiKEL cosmetics is based on pharmaceutical prescriptions and 100% natural active components whose effectiveness has been proven and dermatologically tested. More about NiKEL products you can read HERE.

I currently use their Rose Body Milk. With one word that milk is divine. It is absorbed rapidly, leaving the skin silky soft and elastic. The smell is stunning, such a gentle and calming.Body milk is paraben free and is aimed for:
  • dehydrated skin
  • rough elbows
  • skin shedding
  • sensitive skin
  • stretch marks
  • dry skin

Product contains 100% herbal anthocyanins so the colour of the product may change. 
In Slovenia, NiKEL products are available in all drugstores Muller.

Price: 12 euro



Dvorec Trebnik- Negovalni balzam za okrog oči vrtnica
Bi rada nekaj nežnega, toda učinkovitega? Če je odgovor "DA", je potem ta kremica kot nalašč zate. Bogata krema z rožno vodo nudi globoko vlaženje in pomlajuje kožo okrog predela oči. Se hitro vpije in osveži utrujeni videz oči. Rožna voda pomirja in gladi drobne gubice okoli oči, izvleček kofeina in cimeta pa res dobro zmanjšata zabuhlost in podočnjake. Kremica nima vsiljivega vonja, tako da je primerna tudi za najbolj občutljive oči.
(Cena: 30 ml-> 11,79 eur)

Dvorec Trebnik- Nočna krema vrtnice
Nežna, učinkovita, naravna,... OH! Če si ljubiteljica res naravne kozmetike, potem ti priporočam, da probaš tole kremico. Hranljiva nočna krema za obraz je bogata z izvlečki vrtnice in antioksidanti, ki skrbijo za obnovo in vlaženje kože. Kombinacija naravnih olj in koencima Q10 izboljšuje prožnost kože in preprečuje znake staranja kože. Kremica se hitro vpije, vonj je po zeliščih in ni vsiljiv ter hitro izgine. Koža pa je vidno bolj napeta, nahranjena in navlažena.
(Cena:  50 ml-> 10,99 eur)

Flow kosmetiikka krema za obraz morska krhlika in brusnica
Moja koža zadnje čase ni ravno v odličnem stanju. Je kar precej suha na področju ličnic, poleg tega pa še hormočki nagajajo, tako da na T- področju imam kar precej mozoljčkov. Ta kremica svoje delo opravlja FANTASTIČNO. Poleg tega, da je naravna, je tudi izjemno učinkovita, saj vlaži, neguje in izboljša elastičnost kože. Kožo naredi žametno mehko in gladko. Krema ščiti kožne celice s svojimi antioksidanti in hialuronsko kislino. Por mi ne maši in posledično mi ne povzroča dodatnih mozoljčkov. Vsakič ko si jo nanesem, me tekstura in vonj opomnita, zakaj mi je Flow kosmetiikka tako zelo všeč. (Več o kremi si lahko prebereš TUKAJ)

Jamie Oliver- Superhrana za vsak dan
Jamie je na svojih popotovanjih po svetu raziskoval prehrano ljudi, ki živijo dolgo. Svoje znanje je strnil v tole knjigo, ki je razdeljena na tri dele (zajterk, kosio, večerja). V njej je veliko dobro premišljenih in uravnoteženih receptov, ki nas nahranijo in pobožajo naše brbončice. Ker se je Jamie zelo potrudil zato, da so z recepti zadovoljni tudi najstrožji strokovnjaki za prehrano, je vsaka jed, ki si jo lahko pripravimo, po njih, dobra izbira. Zelo mi je všeč tudi zadnje poglavje o prehrani na splošno, ki je zelo minimalistično, simpatično in z bistvenimi informacijami o tem, kaj jesti in piti ter, seveda, v kakšnih količinah.
(Cena: 34,96 eur)

Dvorec Trebnik- Gentle nourishing eye cream with rose water
This rich eye cream with rose water offers deep hydration and rejuvenates the skin around the eye area. It absorbs quickly to instantly illuminate and refresh tired-looking eyes. Rosewater soothes and smoothes fine lines around the eyes. Caffeine and cinnamon extract reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cream has no intrusive smell, making it suitable for even the most sensitive eyes.
(Price: 30 ml-> 11,79 eur)

Dvorec Trebnik- Luxurious night cream with rose water and coenzyme Q10
Luxurious facial cream rich with rose extract and antioxidants for a regenerating and hydrating skin care. The combination of natural oils and coenzyme Q10 works as you sleep to improve skin elasticity and suppleness. It balances skin moisture levels and has a skin revitalising effect which prevents signs of skin ageing.The cream absorbs quickly, it smells like herbs and smell are not intrusive and quickly disappears. The skin is visibly more toned, nourished and moisturised.
(Price: 50 ml-> 10,99 eur)

Flow cosmetics- seabuckthorn and lingonberry facial cream
Soothing, regenerating and toning. Boots skin elasticity and glow. Protects the skin from oxidative damage. Also, the cream protects the skin cells with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. Every time I applied this cream on my face, the texture and smell remind me why I love Flow cosmetics so much. (More about the cream you can read HERE)

Jamie Oliver-Everyday Super Food

Jamie's Everyday Super Food makes eating well delicious, easy and fun No matter how busy you are, you'll find that healthy eating the Jamie way is both simple and achievable, making it super easy to choose exactly the kind of meals that suit you. The book is divided into breakfasts, lunches and dinners,  and every tasty meal is nutritionally balanced so that any combination of the day will bring you in under your recommended daily allowance of calories (2000 women/2,500 men), allowing you to enjoy snacks and drinks on the side.
(Price: 34,96 eur)




Rimmel je zame osebno ena izmed najboljših drogerijskih znamk. Na voljo je veliko odličnih izdelkov, po zelo ugodnih cenah. Trenutno uporabljam dve njihovi podlagi, ki sta odlični. Sicer eno uporabljam raje kot drugo, ampak samo zato, ker imam v zadnjem času borbo z mozoljčki, ki bruhajo ven nekontrolirano. Hitro boste ugotovile katera podlaga mi je trenutno ljubša :)


  • Zelo lahka tekstura
  • SPF 20
  • Srednja prekrivnost ( mozoljev ne prekrije)
  • Podlaga je namenjena suhi do normalni koži
  • Nudi zdrav, svež in naraven videz kože
  • Kože ne izsuši
  • Super podlaga za poletne dni
  • Zelo obstojen

  • Zelo slabo se nanaša na primer
  • S čopičem, ga tudi ni fajn nanašat, ker pušča sledi. Priporočam nanos z rokami ali gobico
  • Žal ne vem pa kako dobro prekrije temne podočnjake pod očmi ( piše, da naj bi jih)

Cena:cca. 8 eur


  • Lahka tekstura
  • Namenjen predvsem mešani koži (lahko pa ga uporabljaš tudi če imaš suho ali normalno kožo)
  • Zelo dobra prekrivnost (mozoljčke zelo lepo prekrije)
  • SPF 20
  • Nudi zdrav in naraven videz kože
  • Kože ne izsuši, ker vsebuje serum
  • Obstojen (ne 25 h kot je navedeno na embalaži, ampak 12 h sigurno :))
  • Lepo se ga da nanesti tudi s čopičem

  • Malo lepljiva tekstura, ki pa se hitro posuši, tako da ni nadležno
  • Delno mat zaključek

Cena: 9,99 eur

Rimmel is for me personally one of the best drugstore brands.There are many excellent products at very affordable prices.Currently, I use two of their foundations, which are excellent. I use one rather than another, but only because I have recent problems with breakouts.You will quickly found out which foundation I currently prefer :)


  • Very light texture
  • SPF 20
  • Average coverage (breakouts are not covered)
  • Intended for dry to normal skin
  • It offers healthy, fresh and natural-looking skin
  • The skin does not dry out
  • Super base for summer days
  • Very stable

  • Very bad refers on primer
  • I recommend applying foundation with your hands or a sponge
  • Unfortunately, I do not know how well they cover the dark circles under the eyes (it says that it should be)

Price: approx  8 eur


  • The light texture
  • Intended primarily for mixed skin (but it can also be used if you have dry or normal skin)
  • Very good coverage ( very nice cover the breakouts)
  • SPF 20
  • It offers a healthy and natural appearance of the skin
  • The skin does not dry out because it contains serum
  • Resistant (not 25 hours as indicated on the packaging, but 12 hours sure :))
  • It can be nicely applied with a brush

  • A little sticky texture, which dries quickly, so it is not annoying
  • Matte finish

Price:9,99 eur



Poznaš naravno slovensko kozmetiko, ki prihaja iz Dvorca Trebnik? Jaz sem jo odkrila šele pred kratkim in kar sem do sedaj testerila, me je popolnoma navdušilo.

Zakaj sem tako navdušena? Najprej, zato ker so vsi izdelki:
  • brez parabenov
  • brez gensko spremenjenih organizmov
  • brez barvil
  • brez mineralnih olj
  • vsebujejo sestavine naravnega izvora
  • bogata z rastlinskomi izvlečki in naravnimi olji
  • niso testirana na živalih

Pa tudi zato, ker je to prva slovenska certificirana naravna kozmetika, ki je dostopna preko spletne strani (DVOREC TREBNIK) in v supermarketih Mercator.

Moja vsakodnevna večerna rutina se prične z:
  • Čistilnim losijonom nepozebnik
  • Negovalnim balzamom za okrog oči vrtnica
  • Nočno kremo vrtnice

Čistilni losijon nepozebnik
Čistilni losjon je naravna mešanica izvlečka nepozebnika in botaničnih olj za osvežujočo vsakodnevno nego kože. Nepozebnik odstranjuje maščobo in umazanijo s kože, mešanica botaničnih olj pa nežno očisti in ohranja hidro-lipidno ravnovesje kože.
Losijon je zelo nežen, zato ga lahko uporabljaš zjutraj in zvečer in je primeren tudi za občutljivo kožo.  Jaz ga uporabljam zvečer. Najprej si obraz očistim z micelarno vodico, nato pa nanesem še losijon, ki ga s krožnimi gibi  vmasiram v suho kožo in ga nato sperem. Lahko pa ga tudi uporabiš na mokri koži. Ostanek ličil lepo odstrani, kože ne izsuši in jo po uporabi ne zateguje.
(Cena:  200 ml-> 9,99 eur)

Negovalni balzam za okrog oči vrtnica
Bogata krema z rožno vodo nudi globoko vlaženje in pomlajuje kožo okrog predela oči. Se hitro vpije in osveži utrujeni videz oči. Rožna voda pomirja in gladi drobne gubice okoli oči, izvleček kofeina in cimeta pa res dobro zmanjšata zabuhlost in podočnjake. Kremica nima vsiljivega vonja, tako da je primerna tudi za najbolj občutljive oči. Kremico uporabljam dobre tri tedne in lahko rečem, da zabuhlost se je res zmanjšala, predel okoli oči je bolj napet in navlažen. Da bi se gubice zmanjšale oziroma zapolnile, pa je še prezgodaj o tem govoriti. Definitivno bom o njej še poročala.
(Cena: 30 ml-> 11,79 eur)

Nočna krema vrtnice
Hranljiva nočna krema za obraz je bogata z izvlečki vrtnice in antioksidanti, ki skrbijo za obnovo in vlaženje kože. Kombinacija naravnih olj in koencima Q10 izboljšuje prožnost kože in preprečuje znake staranja kože. Nanesem jo vsak večer na očiščen obraz in vrat. Kremica se hitro vpije, vonj je po zeliščih in ni vsiljiv ter hitro izgine. Koža pa je vidno bolj napeta, nahranjena in navlažena.
(Cena:  50 ml-> 10,99 eur)

Do you know the Slovenian natural cosmetics Dvorec Trebnik? I discovered it only recently and so far tester, I am totally impressed.

Why am I so excited? First, because all the products are:
  • without parabens
  • GMO-free
  • free of dyestuffs
  • without mineral oil
  • containing ingredients of natural origin
  • rich rattlins komi extracts and natural oils
  • they are not tested on animals

But also because this is the first Slovenian certified natural cosmetics, which is available through the website (DVOREC TREBNIK) and in the Mercator supermarkets.

I currently use the following products:
  • Cleansing lotion with hamamelis extract
  • Gentle nourishing eye cream with rose water
  • Luxurious night cream with rose water and coenzyme Q10
Cleansing lotion with hamamelis extract
Cleansing lotion is a natural blend of hamamelis extract and botanical oils for a balance and refreshing daily skin care. Hamamelis herbal combination removes grease and dirt from the skin. A mixture of botanical oils cleanses the skin delicately and maintains its hydro-lipid balance. The lotion is very gentle and can be used morning and evening, and is also suitable for sensitive skin. I use it at night. First, I clean the face with micellar water,  then I use lotion wich I apply on dry skin with the circular motion and rinse with plenty of warm water. It can also be used on wet skin. Removes makeup and the skin does not dry out after use.
(Price: 200 ml-> 9.99 euro)

Gentle nourishing eye cream with rose water
This rich eye cream with rose water offers deep hydration and rejuvenates the skin around the eye area. It absorbs quickly to instantly illuminate and refresh tired-looking eyes. Rosewater soothes and smoothes fine lines around the eyes. Caffeine and cinnamon extract reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cream has no intrusive smell, making it suitable for even the most sensitive eyes. I use the cream over three weeks now and I can say that puffiness is really reduced, the eye area is more tense and moistened. For wrinkles, to reduce or fill is still too early to talk about it. Definitely, I will report again about this cream soon.
(Price: 30 ml-> 11,79 EUR)

Luxurious night cream with rose water and coenzyme Q10
Luxurious facial cream rich with rose extract and antioxidants for a regenerating and hydrating skin care. The combination of natural oils and coenzyme Q10 works as you sleep to improve skin elasticity and suppleness. It balances skin moisture levels and has a skin-revitalising effect which prevents signs of skin ageing. I apply it every night to cleansed face and neck. The cream absorbs quickly, it smells like herbs and smell are not intrusive and quickly disappears. The skin is visibly more toned, nourished and moisturised.
(Price: 50 ml-> 10.99 euro)



Ah, ti balzami za ustnice, nikoli jih ni preveč. Dva na nočni omarici, dva na delovni mizi, najman trije v torbici,… Odvisna, ne vem?? Mogoče ?!

Katera sta tista dva balzama za ustnice, katera pri meni ne smete nikoli zmanjkati?
LABELLO VITAMIN SHAKE in MELEM v sticku. Oba zelo lepo nahranita in navlažita ustnice, s tem da Labello vitamin shake poleg vseh vitaminov in odličnega okusa, doda še lepo obarvanost in sijaj ustnicam, tako da ga včasih uporabljam tudi namesto šminkice.
(Oba izdelka sta na voljo v Mullerju, cena: okoli 2 eur)

Trenutno pa uporabljam še:
  • CATRICE TINTED LIP GLOW BALM, ki je izjemno negovalen, poveča naravno barvo ustnic ter jih obarva v rahlo roza barvo. Idealno nadomestilo šminke. (Muller, cena: okoli 3 eur)
  • OLIVELLA balzam za ustnice- limona, vsebuje bogato formulo mineralov in vitaminov, zasnovan pa je na 100% deviškem olivnem olju. Nanaša se ga  s pomočjo kroglice, ki nudi hladilni učinek, okus in sestavine so božanske, edino kar bi si želela je to, da bi bil malo bolj obstojen oziroma, da bi bile ustnice dlje časa navlažene. (
  • ROSAL Macaron balzam- jagoda, ustnice nahrani in navlaži, okus pa je tako dober, da bi ga kar z žličko pojedla :). Nepogrešljiv na moji delovni mizi. (Muller, cena: okoli 3 eur)
  • TERRA NATURI balzam s karitejevim maslom in jojobo, ustnice nahrani in zelo lepo navlaži. (Muller, cena: okoli 2 eur)

Ah, these lip balms, never too much. Two on the nightstand, two on the work table, at least three in the bag ...
Depends, I do not know ?? Maybe?!

My favourites are:
Labello Vitamin SHAKE and MELEM lip balm in the stick. Both very nice nourish and moisturise lips.
Labello Vitamin Shake is full of vitamins and great taste as well adds to lips nice coloration and shine. I use it sometimes instead of lipstick.
(Both products are available in Muller, price: approx. 2 euro)

Currently, I use it also:
  • CATRICE GLOW Tinted Lip Balm, which is extremely nourishing, enhance the natural colour of the lips and colours them in a slightly pink colour. Ideally lipstick compensation. (Muller, price: approx. 3 euro)
  • Olivella lip balm - lemon, contains a rich formula of minerals and vitamins and is based on 100% of the virgin olive oil. It refers it by using a ball that provides a cooling effect. Taste and ingredients are divine. The only thing I would like it to be a little more persistent. (
  • ROSAL Macaron lip balm - strawberry, nourishes and moisturises lips. The taste is so good that you could eat with a spoon :). Indispensable on my work table. (Muller, price: approx. 3 euro)
  • TERRA NATURI lip balm with shea butter and jojoba nourishes and moisturises lips very nice. (Muller, price: approx. 2 euro)

Kateri je pa tvoj naljubši?

Which is yours favorite?



Finally, spring is here and what pleased me most is that we are approaching only nicer and warmer days. In March, I used a lot of new products, but those that I have but worthy of publication. And two completely beauty "product", this month I was impressed and gave me a lot to think about.

Here we go ...

MIA African Hair Cosmetics SILKKI krema za telo
This silky natural body cream with Ecocert certification is really something special. The cream is full of vitamins and antioxidants, texture is extremely lightweight and moisturizing. My skin kremico rapidly absorbed and destroyed after the application, the skin is nourished really nice and soft. Smell is such that it does not know how to describe it, definitely not annoying, but it is special. The cream is ideal for sensitive skin, including children.
Price: 31.70 EUR ( )

Tale concealer is very close to my favorite corrector Maybelline Instant Age Rewind The Eraser Dark Circles. Concealer very good cover signs of fatigue, in addition to the eye area nicely brightens. The texture was very creamy and moisturizing, in addition, contains vitamin C and E. As it relates to using the brush, which enables a surprisingly precise application, by the I used as illuminator below the eyebrows. Oh, and do not "cuts" in the wrinkles and zelooo obtojen.
Price: about 7 EUR

Olivella daily cleaning wipes for face and body
Tissues are very soft, because they are made of 100% cotton, and also include 100% virgin olive oil. Wipes are hypoallergenic and antibacterial. Remove dirt and makeup, as well as waterproof mascara awesome removed. If you do not ličiš wipes are great for a quick refresher, because after you use facial wash is not necessary. So that Ideally, travel and warmer months to come. They are designed as well as all the mothers who have small home Sonck, since the wipes designed for cleaning delicate baby skin in changing diapers.
Price: 7,99 Euro ( )

Sali Hughes is a beauty columnist for the Guardian weekend magazine and author of books Pretty Honest Pretty and Iconic. I first noticed it on You Tubu where the channel entitled  salihughesbeauty . So far I've only read the first book Pretty Honest, that I was totally impressed. In it you can find everything associated with the world of beauty advice to various tricks, etc. In it are written the things that will never become obsolete, the book is one such "must have" every beauty fanatic :). I devoured it that when I read it. Definitely in the near future to order another book Pretty Iconic.
Price: 17,06 eur soft binding, hardcover 22,40 Euro ( bookdepository )

The documentary is not new, I made it but I just mirror now and I'm still in shock. Documentary film The true cost (real price) tells the story of the clothes we wear, the people who made them and the effect it has on the textile industry this planet. The film was shot in several countries around the world and this visit so shiny catwalk as well as the darkest corners en a mov. On its way, the artists talked with Stella McCartney, Livio Firth and Vandano Shiva. Along with the  put Li  on a journey into the lives of the people and places that are hidden for our clothes.

Finally, spring is here and what pleased me most is that we are approaching only nicer and warmer days.

MIA African Hair Cosmetics SILKKI body cream
This silky natural body cream with Ecocert certification is really something special. The cream is full of vitamins and antioxidants, texture is extremely lightweight and moisturising. My skin quickly absorbed cream in themselves, and after application, the skin is nourished and really nice and soft. The scent is… I don't know how to describe it, definitely not annoying, but it is specific. The cream is ideal for sensitive skin, including children's skin.
Price: 31, 70 euro (

This concealer is very close to my favourite concealer Maybelline Instant Age Rewind The Eraser Dark Circles.Concealer very good cover the signs of fatigue and highlight and illuminate the eye area. The texture is very creamy and moisturising and contains vitamin C and E. Because it applied with the brush, which is the precise application,  I used it also like highlighter under the eyebrows.
Price: approx. 7 euro

OLIVELLA daily cleansing tissues
Tissues are very soft because they are made of 100% cotton, and also include 100% virgin olive oil. Tissues are hypoallergenic and antibacterial. They turn away impurities and makeup and also removed well the waterproof mascara. If you do not use makeup, wipes are great for a quick refresher, because after you use, the facial wash is not necessary. So that they are ideally for travel and warmer months to come. They are also designed for all mothers who have small children at home because the wipes are designed for cleaning delicate baby skin in changing diapers.
Price: 7.99 euros ( )

Sali Hughes is resident beauty columnist for Guardian Weekend magazine and author of books Pretty Honest Pretty and Iconic. I first noticed her on You Tube, where she has a channel salihughesbeauty. So far I've only read the first book Pretty Honest, which totally impressed me. In the book, you can find everything associated with the world of beauty, different tips, tricks, etc. The book is "must have" for every beauty obsessed person. Definitely, in the near future, I have to order another book Pretty Iconic.
Price: 17,06 eur paperback, hardback 22,40 Euro (bookdepository)

A documentary film: THE TRUE COST
The documentary is not new. This is a story about clothing. It's about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a groundbreaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?



This week, I was impressed by two products, which are designed for cleaning the skin.

Kahn cleaning foam by gentle peeling effect
Foam is a very gentle, odorless, contains no added colorants and alcohol. With a skin removes dirt, makeup, dead skin cells and deeply cleanses. In addition to the above takes into account the pH of the skin, which is the same as the pH of tears. Sparkling component softens, soothes and prevents loss of moisture without irritating and dehydrating the skin. It works by opening the pores and skin preparation for the application of cosmetics. After use, the facial skin is very soft.
I use it morning and evening. In the morning, we need one coat, evening due to a better sense of your Apply twice, even though it would be enough already one layer is, of course, before you cleanse the skin or with milk, micellar mouthwash or with cleaning wipes.
Dinner: 6 eur

 Olivella daily cleaning wipes for face and body
Personally, I Wipes are not favorite for removing make-up. Because all that I have used so far have been for my skin too aggressive. Totally by izušili and irritated. Therefore, I must admit that I was before the first use of handkerchiefs Olivella was a little in fear of what they will do to my skin, but in vain. Tissues are very soft, because they are made of 100% cotton, and also include 100% virgin olive oil. Wipes are hypoallergenic and antibacterial. Remove dirt and makeup, as well as waterproof mascara awesome removed. If you do not ličiš wipes are great for a quick refresher, because after you use facial wash is not necessary. So that Ideally, travel and warmer months to come. They are designed as well as all the mothers who have small home Sonck, since the wipes designed for cleaning delicate baby skin in changing diapers.
Price: 7,99 Euro ( )

This week, I was impressed by two products, which are designed for cleaning the skin.

KAHNE cleansing foam with gentle peeling effect
Foam is a very gentle, odourless, contains no added colourants and alcohol. From the skin removes impurities, makeup, dead skin cells and deeply cleanses. In addition to the above takes into account the pH of the skin, which is the same as the pH of tears. The sparkling component softens the skin, calms and prevents loss of moisture without irritating and dehydrating the skin. It works by opening the pores and prepare the skin for the application of cosmetics. After use, the skin is very soft. I use the foam in the morning and evening. At night I cleaned my face previously with wipes or micellar water and then I used foam.
Price: 6 euro

OLIVELLA daily cleansing tissues
Personally, cleaning tissues are not my favourite for removing make-up. Because all that I have used so far, have been for my skin too aggressive. After use, my skin was dehydrated and irritated. Therefore, I must admit that I was before the first use  Olivella cleansing tissues, was a little in fear of what they will do to my skin. Tissues are very soft because they are made of 100% cotton, and also include 100% virgin olive oil. Tissues are hypoallergenic and antibacterial. They turn away impurities and makeup and also removed well the waterproof mascara. If you do not use makeup, wipes are great for a quick refresher, because after you use, the facial wash is not necessary. So that they are ideally for travel and warmer months to come. They are also designed for all mothers who have small children at home because the wipes are designed for cleaning delicate baby skin in changing diapers.

Price: 7,99 euro (



1. ARTDECO- Nail Polish Art Couture

Lak offers high gloss and super opacity after the first coat and perfect, precise brush.
The same t slow but Art Couture nail polish nourish their skin care ingredients, such as vitamins A, C and E, panthenol and extract č ek seaweed.  In addition to the above but I really like that it is also very durable. I chose a shade of  784 - couture classic rose
Price: approx 9 eur


BIOBAZIN silky comfort contains 99% natural ingredients. It consists of  extracts č ek s f sage and oil d ing leaves, shea ego  masl a  and  from  jojoba oil. It does not contain parabens, aluminum chlorohydrate, alcohol, artificial colors or di W av.  In addition to these on clothing does not leave white traces and has a pleasant odor unobtrusive, and provides protection throughout the day.   Price: approximately EUR 4


O Divine Flow kosmetiikki I wrote, so I'll quickly summarize ...
Flow kosmetiikka the story with Finland on the  ro w no cosmetics made  from othe f Wounds handicraft, which are used only  certified organic  and  wild grown ingredients  from the  pristine arctic t is not the nature of Lapland. Flow kosmetiikka philosophy realized in their articles to read as follows: "A little goes a long way." O my evening care with FLOW Cleaning  Blessed om  blueberries F cleaning rake tonic marsh blackberries-Autumn Tree heath and  the  Serum Face of sea buckthorn and cranberries  you can read  HERE . 
4. KIKO- Pencil eyebrow Precision
For quite a few years for the eyebrows using KIKO svinčnik- Precision in the shade 02. I can not believe that I have not ranked among the favorites :) Pencil Precision allows easy and precise application. It can be gently or strongly emphasize their eyebrows, but still is very stable. The carton also receive a pencil sharpener. Price: approx 6 eur
5th Maybelline mascara
Learn why me this mascara really like so you can read  HERE .

1. ARTDECO- Nail Polish Art Couture 

The coating provides high gloss and super coverage after the first application and complete, accurate brush. At the same time, Art Couture nail polish nourishes their skin care ingredients, such as vitamins A, C and E, panthenol and seaweed extract.In addition to the above but I really like that it is also highly persistent. I chose a shade 784 - couture classic rose. Price: approx 9 euro


BIOBAZA silky comfort consisting of 99% natural ingredients. It consists of an extract of sage and olive leaf, shea butter and jojoba oil. It does not contain parabens, aluminium chloralhydrate, alcohol, artificial colours or fragrances. In addition,  on the clothes does not leave white traces and has a pleasant and unobtrusive scent and provides protection throughout all day. Price: approx 4 euro

About gorgeous Flow kosmetiikki I already wrote, so I will quickly summarise …

Flow kosmetiikka is from Finland and it is handmade cosmetics from family handicraft which use only certified organic and wild grown ingredients from the pristine Arctic nature of Lapland. Flow kosmetiikka philosophy realised in their products is worded as follows: "A little goes a long way." About my night skin care routine with FLOW
Facial Cleansing Balm Bilberry, Heather tonic mist and Seabuckthorn&Lingonberry oil serum you can read HERE.

4. KIKO- Eyebrow Pencil Precision

For my eyebrow, I use KIKO Pencil- Precision in the shade 02. Pencil Precision allows the easy and precise application. You can gently or strongly emphasise your eyebrows and is also highly persistent. In the box next to the pencil you will get also a  sharpener. Price: approx 6 euro

5. Maybelline mascara

Why do I like this mascara? More about here you can read HERE.


All we know that makeup is not complete until no eyelashes on Apply your favorite mascara. 

I currently use Maybelline The Falsies Push Up Angel waterproof mascara. When I first applied, I was a little surprised by the "strange" brush / brush. This brush is shaped like a crescent moon with short synthetic bristles nice embrace all the lashes. After the first application, lashes are long, elevated and well defined. After the second coat lashes but become a little more longer, get more volume, but a little more glamorous they become :). After two coats lashes are not glued together, but remain well defined, despite the fact that it is waterproof mascara is easy to remove, but still is soooo persistent, but no traces on the eyelids leaves (you know what I mean: D). I am totally impressed by her. The only minus is that so far in Slovenia do not get. 
Price: around 10 EUR.

We all know that makeup is not complete, as long as on eyelashes don't apply your favourite mascara.

I currently use Maybelline The Falsies Push Up Angel Waterproof Mascara. When I first applied, I was a little surprised by the "strange" brush. This brush is shaped like a crescent with short synthetic bristles, wich nice embrace all the lashes. After the first application, lashes are long, elevated and well-defined. After second application, lashes become a little longer, get more volume and also they become a little more glamorous :). After two coats lashes are not glued together, but remain well defined, despite the fact that this is waterproof mascara it is very easy to remove and also is soooo persistent. Also, does not leave any traces on the eyelids (you know what I mean: D). I am totally impressed by her. The only minus is this, that you can not buy this mascara in Slovenia. 
Price: approx. 10 euro.


Evening facial is for me the best part of the day. This is the time when everything calms down and is able to devote peace facial and enjoy all the candy that I have available.

O Divine Flow kosmetiikki I wrote, so I'll quickly summarize ...
Flow kosmetiikka the story with Finland on the  ro w no cosmetics made  from othe f Wounds handicraft, which are used only  certified organic  and  wild grown ingredients  from the  pristine arctic t is not the nature of Lapland. Flow kosmetiikka philosophy realized in their articles to read as follows: "A little goes a long way."
Evening Facial Care:
Step 1:  Face your first cleaned with micellar mouthwash (Biodermino currently using Sensibio H2O).
Step 2:  Then use the Flow kosmeiikka and natural cleansing balm obraz- blueberry, which thoroughly cleans the skin and removes all impurities and makeup. Primer is for all types wherefe.  It is 100% natural and contain 95% of organically grown ingredients. A small amount of conditioner into the palm of ejection, add a little water and rubbing to create čwonderful tCold creamthat I apply on dampfno timefon and soaked cotton swab to remove all dirt and makeup, which still remain. Price: 29 eur  
Step 3:  Follow Flow kosmetiikk obraz- cleansing tonic for dry and sensitive skin. Just as balm is also tonic 100% natural and contain 95% of organically grown ingredients. Uravnava natural pH afterfs , and the skin of pomirja and restores. Hyaluronic acid could increasedU is the softness and smoothness whenfe, because he knowsfe with water.  I do it applied to the face using cotton pads.  
Dinner: 29 eur
Step 4:  Care and closed with Flow kosmetiikk with serum sea buckthorn and cranberries facial anti-aging. The serum is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and healthy fatty acids. The skin after the application of a smooth, very soft, soothed and more elastic, and the ordinary coating as well as wrinkles less visible. I use serum alone (3-4 drops are sufficient for the entire face), it can also be used as an intermediate stage before applying moisturizer. Price: 35 € 80
More about Flow kosmetiikk and the other brands offered me a very dear online shop you can read and look  HERE .
For me, when it comes to my skincare routine its all about the evening. I’m not a morning person so I spend more time on my skin before bed.

About gorgeous Flow kosmetiikki I already wrote, so I will quickly summarise …

Flow kosmetiikka is from Finland and it is handmade cosmetics from family handicraft which use only certified organic and wild grown ingredients from the pristine Arctic nature of Lapland. Flow kosmetiikka philosophy realised in their products is worded as follows: "A little goes a long way."

Night skin care routine:

Step 1: First I cleaned my face with micellar water (currently I use Bioderma Sensibio H2O).

Step 2: Then I use Flow kosmeiikka natural and cleansing face balm- blueberry, which thoroughly cleans the skin and removes all impurities and makeup. It is suitable for all skin types. 100% natural and contain 95% of the grown organic ingredients. A small amount of balm put into the hands, add a little water and rubbing to create a wonderful cleansing milk, which is applied to damp skin and with the wet cotton pad I remove all dirt and makeup. 
Price: 29 euro

Step 3: After balm,  I use Flow kosmetiikk cleansing tonic for the dry and sensitive skin. Just as the balm, is also tonic 100% natural and contain 95% of the grown organic ingredients. It regulates the natural pH of the skin and soothes and regenerates the skin. Hyaluronic acid increases the softness and smoothness of the skin because binds the water. For an application, I use a cotton pad. 
Price: 29 euro

Step 4: At the end I use Flow kosmetiikk anti-age facial serum with sea buckthorn and cranberries. The serum is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and healthy fatty acids. After application skin becomes more smooth, very soft, more elastic and with regular use also wrinkles become less visible. I used serum alone (3-4 drops are enough for the entire face), it can also be used as an intermediate stage before applying the moisturiser. 
Price: 35,80 euro

All Flow kosmetiikk products are available in the online shop



Conditioner with hemp EXTRAVAGANJA OIL
As a fan of the Australian hair care AUSSIE very difficult to try something new. I was firmly convinced that Aussie 3 minute mask for hair I use instead of balm, nothing can replace. But sometimes it is necessary to step from your comfort zone and try something new.
My sister was donated december holidays, this remarkable natural hair conditioner with hemp oil. The packaging says, "p ozabite to dry, oily or w damaged hair ". I must admit that after rinsing my hair was like "straw", hard, dry and quite tangled. Before my eyes was what darkened, because I have seen how much trouble I had been during combing. But, fortunately, this did not happen. Hair is a harrow, but when I dried them were extremely soft, shiny and full of volume, the latter aussi mask never get it.
Balsam consists of konoplijnega oils dryer SC go from the stresses  f life and contamination f one environment  and  grapefruit , which  together with the unsaturated t one ma SC dental acids hemp oil nourish hair.  
It is important that when the balm  applied evenly esh  on damp f no hair  leave it s  act a few minutes  and then l aces rinse well.  
Since I was positively surprised balm and I saw on the website that they also have quite a few izdelkev skin care products, I definitely something sprobala.
Products are available in drugstores SHOWER, price balm is  about 6 euros.  Here, however, there is still a link to the website  EXTRAVAGANJA .

Cream soap for showering  HONEY I Washed THE KIDS  smells divine addition, it is suitable  for dry and at t delicate as f o,  which is a menu written on the skin. I dealno  but   for anyone who  f eli di s ati as a honey-caramel cake.
Dinner: 100 g -> 4.95 eur

L'oreal Paris  PURE CLAY MASKS
GLOW and purify the mask were my constant companions in January. More about them you can read in one of my previous posts  HERE .

ALKMENE Tea tree pikeltufer
Recently, my hormončki, a little crazy and on the chin and on the forehead as I started working pimples that way to dry. So far, I am fighting through this applicator comprising a pharmaceutically effective tea tree oil and currently helps. The emulsion is a special gentle care for sensitive and impure skin. The cooling effect of the gel reduces redness and skin refreshed.
Price: DM-> about 4 eur

The film baby BRIDGET JONES
Have you been watching? The menu this movie crazy cute, relaxing yet Fanja to laugh.

Five years have passed since the Bridget and Mark Darcy raz w la. Again a single heroine steadily built his career and u f iva in society f to friends. When she meets an attractive t care Ameri w ana Jacka Qwanta, blossom even her love  f life, for further enrichment takes care  W e buzz for one night w  flare former AD of friendship with Darcy. Soon Bridget surprisingly rebound finds that pregnant t a. The main question W akan they read, or the t e Mark or her child, Jack ?!

As a fan of the Australian hair care AUSSIE very difficult to try something new. I was firmly convinced that Aussie 3 minute mask for hair I use instead of conditioner, nothing can replace it. But sometimes it is necessary to step from your comfort zone and try something new.
My sister gave me this extraordinary natural hair conditioner with hemp oil. On the packaging says, "forget about dry, greasy and damaged hair". I must admit that after rinsing, my hair was like "straw", hard, dry and quite tangled. I had already seen how much trouble I will have during combing. But, fortunately, this did not happen. When I dry them, they were extremely soft, shiny and full of volume. Conditioner is composed of hemp oil, wich protects the hair from the stresses of life and environmental pollution and grapefruit. Together with unsaturated fatty acids of hemp oil nourishes the hair .It is important that when the conditioner is applied evenly to damp hair, let it work for several minutes and then rinse hair well.
Products are available in drugstores TUŠ, price is approx. 6 eur. There is a link to the website EXTRAVAGANJA.

Creamy soap for showering HONEY I WASHED THE KIDS smells divine, moreover, it is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. It is ideal for anyone who wants to smell like honey-caramel cake.
Price: 100 g -> 4,95 eur

GLOW and PURIFY masks had been my constant companion in January. More about them you can read in one of my previous posts HERE.

ALKMENE Tea tree pikeltufer
Recently, my hormones get a little bit crazy and on the chin and on the forehead as I started working pimples that can to dry. Pimples appeared on my chin and forehead. For now I am fighting with this applicator, which comprises a pharmaceutical effective tea tree oil. Emulsion is a special gentle care for sensitive and impure skin. The cooling effect of the gel reduces redness and refreshed the skin.
Price: DM-> approx. 4 eur

Did you already watched? For me is this movie cute, relaxing and funny.

Forty-something and single again after breaking up with Mark Darcy (Firth), Bridget decides to focus on her job and surround herself with old friends and new. But her love life takes a turn when she meets a dashing American named Jack (Dempsey), the suitor who is everything Mr. Darcy is not. In an unlikely twist, Bridget finds herself pregnant, but with one hitchshe can only be fifty percent sure of the identity of her baby's father.



L'OCCITANOVA krema za roke s karitejevim maslom / L'OCCITANE hand cream with Shea butter

I'll just say that this Kremiće, cream della cream than any hand cream I've ever sprobala :)  The cream  is enriched with SHEA vim butter has  ultrabogato and creamy texture that is quickly absorbed ,  for SC to go , nourishes and moistened f s hands , but still greasy feeling leaves. The ideal companion for those cold days.
Ps the divine smells
This cream is the best hand cream I've ever had. Cream is enriched with Shea butter. The ultra rich and creamy texture absorbs quickly, protecting, nourishes and moisturises hands. Ideal cream for these cold days.
P.s. it smells divine
Price: 150 ml-> 22.40 euros; 30 ml-> 8.10 euros
Price: 150 ml-> 22,40 eur; 30 ml-> 8,10 eur

Krema za Roke v Tubi Olivella /  Olivella hand cream in a tube

This is Kremiće for all lovers of natural cosmetics. Why? Because it contains as much as  100%  d evi s when olive oil  is suitable for even the most sensitive skin of hands. The texture is very light, as well as moisturizes the skin, protecting and nourishing and quickly absorbed. In addition to the above, the  cream without preservatives and without SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) / without SLES (Sodium Laureth Ether Sulfate), without paraben, without  f animal ma Sc having no other  f animal ingredients, gluten-free, free of dyes and color additives without a synthetic d ing di W av and perfume only, with a pure natural fragrance herbs SC , olives  , the ether d oils, dermatolo s when tested, not tested on  f Greene, hypoallergenic. Packaging f but is made from recycled material and also created to recycle lie on.  
This cream is for all the lovers of natural cosmetics. Why? Because it contains 100% virgin olive oil and is suitable for even the most sensitive skin. The texture is very light, hands moisturised, protected and nourished. In addition to the above, the cream is  without any preservatives, no SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) / no SLES (Sodium Laureth Ether Sulfate), no parabens, no animal fat, no other animal ingredients, gluten-free, without colourants and colour additives, no synthetic fragrances and perfumes, only with genuine natural fragrance of herbs, olive and essential oils, dermatological tested, not tested on animals, hypoallergenic. The packaging is made of recycled material, and also generated for recycling.
Price: 75ml-> 9.95 euros ( )
Price: 75 ml -> 9,95 eur (

Afrodita krema za roke in nohte 2 v 1 Cotton & Sil / Afrodita Cotton & Silk 2 in 1 Heand and nail cream

Another great Kremiće the divine odor, which is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin, nourishes and leaves no greasy residue. And super nourishes cuticles. And it is made of cotton, silk proteins and also contains macadamia oil, which abundantly nourishes the skin of hands and softens cuticles. 
Another great cream with divine scent, which is quickly absorbed, moisturises the skin, nourishes and leaves no greasy residue and also super nourishes cuticles. Cream is composed of cotton, silk proteins and also contains macadamia oil, which extensively nourishes the skin of hands and softens the cuticles.
Price: 75ml-> approximately 3 eur

Price: 75 ml-> approx. 3 eur



Have you sprobala any of the three new L'oreal programs masks the effect of radiant complexion?
I am, and ...
Have you tried any of the three new L'oreal Pure Clay Mask?
I am, and ...

All we know that our facial skin regularly exposed to various external aggressive agents. Therefore, it should be cleaned regularly and here and there, it is recommended to use also some cleansing mask. The ideal natural companion to clean and shiny skin, the clay has always been used to effectively care and skin renewal.
We all know that our facial skin is regularly exposed to various external factors. Therefore, it must be cleaned regularly and occasionally is also recommended to use some cleansing mask. For clean and glowy skin is ideal natural clay that has always been used to effectively care and skin renewal.

In line found 3 masks: black, green and red.
Its main component is a strong link 3 natural clays:
In line you will found 3 masks: black, green and red.
A powerful blend of 3 pure clays:

Rasul - Clay known that help clear complexion,
KAOLIN - Clay, known for its properties of absorbing impurities and excessive sebum,
Montmorillonite - Clay known for its action against irregularities.
KOALIN-  highly effective natural clay, known to absorb impurities and excess sebum,
MONTMORILLONITE-  Rich in minerals, a clay recognised for helping to eliminate imperfections,
GHASSOUL- A pure clay highly concentrated in minerals renowned to help clarify complexion.Instant and lasting, visible results.

I'm currently trying to buy the black and green mask, because we are currently most relevant.
I currently use a black and green mask.

Black Mask GLOW MASK , containing three clay and vegetable charcoal that keeps your skin nice and shiny, I apply it almost the entire face, omitting only the area around the chin, because I there recently appearing pimples. Already after the first use of the facial skin visibly clean and shiny. Naneseš mask in a thin layer on clean face for 10 minutes, as long as you have more sensitive skin is also sufficient just 5 minutes. When you have to wash a bit as tenacious as a result of carbon black a little harder to wash, but the result is but phenomenal.
Black- GLOW MASK, contains three clay and vegetable charcoal, which ensures that the skin is beautiful and shiny, I apply it to almost on the entire face, omitting only the area around the chin, because there I have quite a few pimples. Already after the first use the skin is visibly clean and shiny. Apply the mask in a thin layer on clean face for 10 minutes, if you have more sensitive skin is also sufficient only 5 minutes. Black carbon is a little difficult to remove from the skin, so you have to be a little bit patient when you washing your face, but the result it's phenomenal.

Green mask MASK Purify , and applied so as I have already mentioned on the chin. This mask just like black containing three clay and even eucalyptus extract, which is known for its cleansing properties. Creamy texture mask cleans pores and removes excess sebum, which cleanses the skin without drying and Making. Naneseš mask in a thin layer to clean skin of the face, avoiding the eye area and mouth. On the face of it you leave 5 to 10 minutes (by which I leave for 10 minutes) to dry, and then remove it, as a black mask with a damp towel or warm water.
Green-  PURIFY MASK I applied as I have already mentioned on the chin. This mask, just like black, contains three clay and even eucalyptus extract, which is known for its cleansing properties. Creamy texture mask cleans pores and removes excess sebum, which cleanses and mattifies the skin without drying. Apply the mask in a thin layer on clean face, avoid the eye and mouth area. On the face you leave it for 5 to 10 minutes  (I leave for 10 minutes) to dry, and then remove it, as a black mask,  with  wet towel or warm water.

Since all parts of the face have the same needs, you can also combine a mask and play with them, if desired, thus spoiling your skin.
Since all parts of the face do not have the same needs, you can also combine a mask and play with them.

In both masks the result is visible immediately and lasts several days, so that makes it a pleasure to use. 50 ml content is located in a glass bowl and enough for 10 uses the menu will be more.
The result is visible immediately and lasts for several days, so makes it a pleasure to use. 50 ml content is located in a glass jar, and it's enough for 10 uses or more.

In the future, I will definitely sporbala still red, I tell her what "pinky" :). The only minus, which would however highlight the odor. I'm not used to have masks so strong fragrances or is it just my nose a little too sensitive :). 
In the future, I will definitely tried the red/ "pinky" one :). The only negative, which masks have is scent. I'm not used to having masks  with so strong fragrances or is it just my sensitive  nose :).

Price: 50 ml-> 7.99 euros
Price: 50 ml-> 7,99 eur



C ICAPLAST levers thermal water LRP- balm for the reconstruction of the protective layer of the skin of the lips /  La Roche Posay CICAPLAST Barrier Repairing Lip Balm

The best product I have ever tried to irritated, dehydrated and dry lips. You can read  HERE .
Dinner: 5.30 eur
The best product I have ever tried for irritated, dehydrated and dry lips. More about this product you can read in one of  my previous post HERE.
Price: 5,30 eur

FLOW kosmetiikka piling himalajske soli vanilija - pomaranča / Vanilla & Orange Himalayan Salt Scrub - FLOW kosmetiikka

Natural p iling body is audible forms, but is by rubbing when the f i a relatively f e.  Razstruplaj cleanses the skin and  at the same time  it  also  nourishes as it is quite  hidratante , so that the application does not even need any lotion or milk for the body :). After use, when the f a soft, smooth, and di s s t a .
Exfoliation is the di s announcing  the  vanilla extract d whom the ether d Neem oil orange t e, which  helps eliminate  stagnation of water. The smell is very concerning all f ujo and release SC ujo d The only thing you have to watch is that no water gets into the cup, since then due to the natural ingredients shorten the shelf life.
More info you can read on the website of the trade
Dinner: 22,90 eur
The mineral rich Himalayan salt cleanses and helps to remove toxins from the body. The therapeutic essential oils nurture the body as well as the mind. Rinse after use (don't use soap) and pat dry with a towel. Leaves skin feeling smooth, soft and fragrant, so that after use you do not need any lotion for the body :)  Scented with sensual vanilla extract and fresh essential oil of orange, which helps with fluid retention. The refreshing yet relaxing orange stimulates spiritual and mental well-being.
Product is made up of natural ingredients, and therefore you have to take care that there is no water in the container.
More info you can find on the website of the on-line store
Price: 22,90 eur

Rimmel ScandalEyes maskara za volumen / Rimmel Volumeflash ScandelEyes Mascara

Mascara comprising a formula that makes the eyelashes abnormally long, full volume, and free of lumps. In addition, it is very durable and easy to remove.
Price: around EUR 7
Mascara contains a special formula, which makes lashes abnormally long and full of volume. In addition, it is very durable and easy to remove.
Price: approx. 7 eur

KIKO Smart Colour Eyeshadow

Eyeshadows are highly pigmented and persistent. The texture is silky to the touch, smooth and easy to shading. Colors are very clean and even the nanšajo. 
There is 32 shades, I chose shade 02 Pearly Champagne and Metallic shade 12 Rosy Sand.
Dinner: 2,50 eur
Eyeshadows are highly pigmented and lasting.Its particularly smooth and uniform consistency ensures high blendability. The eyeshadow is silky to the touch. Its pure colour is revealed instantly and glides on evenly.
Choose from 32 amazing colours, I chose a shade 02 Pearly Champagne and Metallic shade 12 Rosy Sand.
Price: 2,50 eur

O.W.N. Candels

In this spark plug and the scent of vanilla, I totally fell in love. Suppository is produced from  100% vegetable ego  vos ka and is free  of phthalates and parabens , and even wick is free of lead and zinc.  Di W ava Spiced Vanilla  's  creamy, sweet  and  medium-mo d on . All plugs are  r on t no made an  in OWN Candles, Slovenia .
I bought in a store Babushka price: 6,90 EUR. But you can also order via OWN candels, Slovenia online store  HERE .

I completely fell in love with this candel. The candle is made of 100% of vegetable wax and is free of phthalates and parabens, and even wick is free of lead and zinc. Spiced Vanilla fragrance is creamy, sweet and medium powerful. All candles are handmade in O.W.N. Candles, Slovenia. I bought it in the Babushka store, price: 6,90 EUR. But you can also order via O.W.N. Candels, Slovenia online store HERE.



Have you ever happened that your lips become completely dehydrated, irritated and dry?
Have you ever had a completely dehydrated, dry and irritated lips?

He considers it happened recently, namely the combination of the cold bora and they have done their own. And I have to admit that there was nothing pleasant. Lips, despite regular lubrication with a Stick, succumbed to winter inconvenience. The edge of the lower lip became bright red and bind me, the corners are very baked me, I had a feeling as if my lip grow, while becoming increasingly dry and began to peel off.
My lips are totally succumbed to the winter inconveniences. The edge of the lower lip became bright red and bind me,  I had the feeling that my lip grow, moreover, are becoming more and more dry and started to peel off.

I first started on the wholesale smearing Melenom that you still have in stock and in most cases, it helps me, but when this is waived in whole line. Then I reached for ognjičevem ointment to be fed and tried to heal dry cracked skin, I use it for 4 days only to the edge of the lips and corners, unfortunately, this did not help me. Then I saw in the pharmacy of La Roche - Posay CICAPLAST Levres with thermal water or LRP. Balm for the reconstruction of the protective layer of the skin of the lips, which was written on the box, it sounded promising, lose anyway I did not have anything, so I bought it.
First I started to use Melem, which did not help me, then I started to use a natural calendula ointment, after 4 days of regular use, also did not help. Then I saw in the pharmacy of La Roche - Posay CICAPLAST Levres with thermal water or LRP. Balm for the reconstruction of the protective layer of the skin of the lips, which was written on the box, so I bought it.

Dear ladies, I did not believe that this is a wonder to me 2 days actually welcomed my poor lips. The first day I really anointed as crazy and lips I started a little more exfoliate, but the second day they were all completely healed and nourished there, and there it remained until pulp "husk", but that unpleasant feeling of bonding, it was not more on the third day they were lip completely healed. Now from prevention is still mažem this balm, namely compulsory every night before bedtime, but in between 2 more times and the most important is that finally you can re-use šminkice: D
Dear ladies, I can not believe that this product actually in two days, repairs my poor lips. First day I really used the balm as crazy, the second day, my lips were healed and a little bit nourished and this unpleasant feeling was not there any more, but the third day my  lips were fully healed. Now I use the balm every night before bedtime and in between 2 times  per a day… the most important is that I can finally use lipstick again :D

Product Name?
CICAPLAST levers thermal water LRP- balm for the reconstruction of the protective layer of the skin of the lips
What is it?
La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Barrier Repairing Lip Balm

What lips it is intended ?
The lips and the area around the lips with a dry, cracked and irritated skin.
Who is it for?
For the lips and the area around the lips with a dry, chapped and irritated skin.

Pantenol + MP Lipidi
Without parabens and fragrances
Panthenol + MP Lipids
Without parabens and fragrances

The product is used as needed. Apply it on the damaged lips and around them. The texture is nutritious and just greasy greasy, it leaves no sticky film.
How do you use it?
Product use, if necessary. Apply on damaged lips and around them. The texture is very nutritious and it does not leave a sticky film.

A good product?
  • Restores, whole, nourishes and protects lips
  • nourishing texture
  • easy application
  • practical packaging

Whats good about it?
  • Regenerates, nourishes and protects lips
  • Nourishing texture
  • Easy application
  • Practical packaging

The downside of the product?
Whats not so good about it?

Where the product may be obtained?
In pharmacies
Where can you get it?
In pharmacies

7,5 ml-> 5,30 eur
7,5 ml-> 5,30 eur





Instead of candles lately I prefer to use essential oils. Now I look forward to December before I was looking for something by smell of cinnamon to the apartment smelled a little more festive. The DM-in, I found that the essential oil that smells divine. I told myself that I will become applicable only in December, but the very smell I could not resist, so I started using it right away. The apartment but it smells like that every day of hell cinnamon biscuits.
Instead of candles I lately prefer to use essential oils.This time I chose the essential oil with the scent of cinnamon, which smells divine. Apartment already has a festive scent :)
Price: DM-> about 2 eur
Price: DM-> approx. 2 eur


About this product I already once launched. The mask is really unique. In addition to the natural skin after use are cleaned, fed, incredibly fresh and toned. More about it you can read in one of my previous posts HERE.
About this product I already wrote. The mask is really unique. After application of natural flow facial mask the skin is clean, nourished, incredibly fresh and toned. More about this mask you can read in one of my previous post HERE.

Cena:> 60 g-> 13,90 eur
Price:> 60 g-> 13,90 eur


NUXE Prodigieux oil gel has a prominent odor cult and endinstvenega Huile Prodigieuse® dry oil, which is the number one oil. Although I am not a lover, powerful, powdery and oriental perfumes, I have this smell in  these   colder days completely addicted.
The gel is very gentle and contains gold pearl particles that are in contact with water in an unprecedented foam. What is extremely important to me is that the product contains no soap, so that the skin does not dry out, in addition, it has a vegetable base, enriched with sweet almond oil, which gently cleanses the skin and nourishes. The skin after showering silky, soft, nourished and pleasantly perfumed.
NUXE Prodigieux shower oil contains the scent of his cult and unique Huile Prodigieuse® dry oil, which is the number one oil in the world.
I am not a fan of, strong, powdery and oriental fragrance, but with this smell I became completely addicted.
The gel is very gentle and contains golden pearl particles. For me is extremely important that the product does not contains the soap, so that the skin does not dry out, moreover, has a a plant base, enriched with sweet almond oil, which gently cleanses the skin and nourishes. An ultra-sensorial shower oil which gently cleanses, leaves a satin finish and a delicate fragrance for a moment of pure pleasure. 

Price: In all the pharmacies Sloveniji-> 9,80 eur
Price: In all pharmacies in Slovenia->9,80 eur


Mauve Twilight perfume is located in an elegant minimalist bottle and has cvetlično- fruity scent. Menu very pleasant and pravjšnji for the winter. Considering the price is also very durable.
Twilight Mauve perfume is located in an elegant minimalist bottle and has flower- fruity scent. Scent is very pleasant and ideal for  winter. Considering the price is also very persistent.

Price: ZARA 30 ml-> 5.95 euros; 100 ml-> 9.95 euros
Price: ZARA 30 ml-> 5,95 eur; 100 ml-> 9,95 eur

Organic Chamomile tea /  BIO chamomile tea

My evening routine always ends with mint or camomile tea. This time the choice is BIO chamomile tea, which contains 100% of chamomile flowers.
My evening routine always ends with mint or camomile tea. This time I chose BIO chamomile tea, which contains 100% of chamomile flowers.

Price: DM-> approximately 3 eur
Price: DM-> approx. 3 eur

... that I will not only mention of tea, there's some kind of sweet, intoxicating, fragrant, perfect ... a few days of december :)
… that I will not write only about teas, there's something fragrant, sweet and intoxicating,… something great for December days :)


I myself quite a bit in November afford this intoxicating chocolate luxury in December'll just have escalated: D: D. This hot chocolate is extremely rich, delicate flavor and is perfect for cerkljanje in  these  cold days of december.
I started using this hot chocolate already in November and now in December I'll just escalating :D :D. This hot chocolate has very rich, delicate flavor and is perfect for cuddling in this cold December days.

Price: 350 g-> 7.95 eur (I got it as a gift, purchased was in the gift shop 1001)
Price: 350 g-> 7,95 eur (I got it as a gift, you can buy in the shop 1001 dar)



NUXE Prodigieux collection is famous odor cult and endinstvenega Huile Prodigieuse® dry oil, which is the number one oil.

Although I am not a lover, powerful, powdery and oriental perfumes, I have this smell in these colder days, became completely addicted. I would like you to make me whole apartment smelled such a shame that they do not have any scented candles with the scent :)

In order to enjoy as long as possible in these fragrances, my evening routine starts with Prodigieux oil shower gel. The next purchase will definitely have perfume in this collection.

The gel is very gentle and contains gold pearl particles that are in contact with water in an unprecedented foam. Glitter on the skin very unobtrusive so as not to excessively svetiš, but there there a few lights. What is extremely important to me is that the product contains no soap, so that the skin does not dry out, in addition, it has a vegetable base, enriched with sweet almond oil, which gently cleanses the skin and nourishes. The skin after showering silky, soft, nourished and pleasantly perfumed.

NUXE Prodigieux collection contains the scent of his cult and unique Huile Prodigieuse dry oil, which is the number one oil in the world.

I am not a fan of, strong, powdery and oriental fragrance, but with this smell I became completely addicted. I wish that they  have a candles with this fragrance :)

My evening routine starts with Prodigieux shower oil. The next purchase will be definitely a perfume from this collection.

The gel is very gentle and contains golden pearl particles. For me is extremely important that the product does not contains the soap, so that the skin does not dry out, moreover, has a a plant base, enriched with sweet almond oil, which gently cleanses the skin and nourishes. An ultra-sensorial shower oil which gently cleanses, leaves a satin finish and a delicate fragrance for a moment of pure pleasure. 

Product can buy in any pharmacy in Slovenia.
Suitable for all skin types.
Price: 200 ml-> 9.80 euros
Product can be buy in any pharmacy in Slovenia.
Suitable for all skin types.
Price:200 ml-> 9,80



My morning routine starts with a gentle BIOBAZINIM gel for washing the face. Gel  is extremely light and delicate. It is composed by a single natural and great  ingredients email as  abstract t to seed peter š ilja, oil medicinal borage vitamin E  and oils  ro f marina and lavender , which   prevents w UJ father  drainage š RESCUE when f e and  the skin also  tonific irate .
Gel facial skin  without f no  CL same and disposed of and all  no t the same CO that has accumulated overnight ,  and furthermore  less š a pore on your face and smoothes when f o. After washing  but  is when f f a velvety soft  and ready for the application of the cream. 
Product is in dark plastic containers with with Pump and accompanied by herbal scent. Since the product is really very delicate, I use it in the morning and in the evening only when not wearing makeup, because makeup is not removed best.
My morning routine starts with a gentle BIOBAZA Face wash. Face wash is extremely light and delicate. It consists of a natural and amazing ingredients such as, parsley seed extract, medicinal borage oil, vitamin E and rosemary and lavender oils it prevents drying out while toning and leaving the skin velvety soft.
Face wash gently cleans and removes all the impurity that has been accumulated over night, in addition, decreased pores on the face and smoothes the skin. After washing, the skin is velvety soft and ready for application of the cream.
The product has herbal smell and is located in a dark plastic packaging with pump. Because the product is very gentle, I use it only in  the morning (in the evening only when I do not wear makeup).
Product Name?
What is it?
BIOBAZA Face wash

What skin is it for?
It is ideal for all skin types.
Who is it for?
Ideal for all skin types.


  • extract F ek seed peter š ilja
  • sea salt
  • extract F ek chamomile
  • oil healing borage
  • ro f marinovo oil
  • oil gray s

  • parsley seed extract
  • sea salt
  • chamomile extract
  • borage oil
  • rosemary oil
  • lavender oil
Small any t amount of gel is applied around esh  on wet face  and makes it soft foam and then it  is washed EC.  
How do you use it?
Apply a small amount of gel to wet face, foam up and rinse.

A good product?
  • 96% natural ingredients
  • ideal for dressing facial cleansing
  • do not dry out the skin
  • tones skin
  • practical packaging
  • It does not contain parabens, fragrance and colorants
Whats good about it?
  • 96% natural origin
  • ideal for morning routin
  • without drying the skin
  • tones skin
  • practical packaging
  • paraben free, perfume free, color free

The downside of the product?
  • makeup does not remove the best
Whats not so good about it?
  • makeup does not remove the best

Where the product may be obtained?
DM, Muller
Where can you get it?
DM, Muller

200 ml-> about 6 euros
200 ml-> approx. 6 eur



Today's post is dedicated to all the ladies who love natural and organic cosmetics :)
Today's post is dedicated to all ladies who love natural and organic cosmetics :)

Have you ever heard of FLOW natural and organic cosmetics? If the answer is no, you I will now briefly present :)
Have you ever heard for FLOW natural and organic cosmetics? If the answer is NO, I will  present to you :)

Flow kosmetiikka the story with Finland on the  ro w no cosmetics made  from othe f Wounds handicraft, which are used only  certified organic  and  wild grown ingredients  from the  pristine arctic t is not the nature of Lapland.
More about Flow cosmetics can be found on the website  or on   Sugarloveblog-u created by blogarka Monika, who became ambassador online shops and Flow products zelooo like to use.
Flow kosmetiikka is from Finland and it is handmade cosmetics from family handicraft which use only certified organic and wild grown ingredients from the pristine Arctic nature of Lapland. More about Flow cosmetics you can  found on the website or on Sugarloveblog, created by beauty blogger Monika, which has become also the ambassador of the online shop and she loves Flow products.

The very philosophy of Flow cosmetics I really like, in addition to the natural, very good effect. For starters I ordered a  Flow kosmetiikka mask on  face powder - strawberry milk for dry and tired as f the above which I'm totally excited.
After regular use I noticed that the skin tone improved. However, since my skin is very dry and moisture is needed by this mask is definitely age. In addition, r evitalizira  my  tired and dry when f about , and you  do not f on the d same, calm  and humid f i . The ultimate and immediate result is more   shiny Ca and nourished skin .
I love philosophy of  Flow cosmetics. For a start I ordered a Flow kosmetiikka face mask powder - strawberry milk for dry and tired skin, over which I am absolutely thrilled. After regular use I noticed that my skin tone improved. However, my skin is very dry and  with this mask definitely gets moisture. In addition it revitalizes my tired and dry skin and gently cleanses, calms and moisturizes. The ultimate and immediate result is more radiant and nourished skin.

Due to the fact that I said mask completely impressed, I've already prepared a list of some of the products FLOW, which would in bottles still like to try out :)
Given the fact that this mask completely impressed me, I've already prepared a list of  FLOW products that would like to try out :)

Product Name?
Flow kosmetiikka mask Powder - strawberry milk for dry and tired when f about
What is it?
Flow kosmetiikka face mask Powder - strawberry milk for dry and tired skin

What skin is it for?
It is intended for dry and tired skin
Who is it for?
It is intended for dry and tired skin

  • White clay  -  rich in minerals, not f no  w same  and  renewed when Z is not a cell
  • Ro Z on clay  -  rich in minerals, not f no  t the same  and  u t a series of capillaries
  • Milk t no foundation  -  when f about do  f velvety smooth and soft
  • Strawberry  -  rich in vitamin C, a limpid and spring when f o, improve AD but the production of collagen (Collagen is a protein in the body, which has an impact on the shiny w  appearance when f e, when the d is not restricted, it is observed as the first signs of aging) ; Prevention t U is healthy and inflammation, protects you f on the front  W harmful u d effects from the environment
  • R f eva meal  -  regulates when f is the tone, smoothes wrinkles and pigmentation. Immediately W LAST shiny t  look porcelain smooth and u d effect on where f i

(Components are copied from the website of trade
  • White clay - rich with minerals, gently cleans and restores skin cells
  • Rose clay - rich with minerals, gently cleanses and tightens the capillaries
  • Milk powder - skin feeling velvety smooth and soft
  • Strawberry- rich with vitamin C, clear and rejuvenates the skin, improves the production of collagen (Collagen is a protein in the body that affect the shiny appearance of the skin; when it starts to run low, we see this as the first signs of aging); prevent and treat inflammation, it protects the skin against the harmful effects of the environment
  • Rice flour - regulates skin tone, smoothes wrinkles and pigmentation. Immediate shiny appearance and porcelain smooth skin effect

(ingredients are copied from the website store

The mask, which is 100% natural and organic, and free of preservatives and emulsifiers regular use for about a month, and at 1-times a week. 
Preparation makes it so that the  t Critical  f li d which powder in the mask  mix with  1  w usually  f li d when water . Mix until until you get a smooth mass.  On this you applied to  the d i sc one time f on the  face  and leave im  act approximate f well for 10 minutes. Then  I washed  it with warm water.
How do you use it?
The mask, which is 100% natural and organic and free of preservatives and emulsifiers, I used regularly for about a month, once a week. How to prepare a mask? 2 teaspoons of powder mix with 1 teaspoon of water. I mix until  a smooth mass. Then I apply it on cleansed face and leave there about 10 minutes and then washed with warm water.

A good product?
  • 100% natural
  • organic
  • without preservatives
  • without emulsifiers
  • It nourishes the skin, moisturizes, cleans and soothes
  • Convenient and easy packaging
  • obtrusive smell

Whats good about it?
  • 100% natural
  • Organic
  • Without preservatives
  • Without emulsifiers
  • It nourishes the skin, moisturizes, cleans and soothes
  • Handy and lightweight packaging
  • Discreet scent

The downside of the product?
Whats not so good about it?

Where the product may be obtained?
Online store:
Where can you get it?
On-line shop:

60 g-> 13,90 eur
60g -> 13,90 eur



Blend the October favoritev here.
The mix. of October's favorites is here.

1,2,3 .... Let's start ;)
1,2,3 .... Let's start ;)

 Manicure /  Manicure

    My nails on hand for quite some time not in the best condition, so far I have used the KISS strengthener for brittle and soft nails that are on my nails is best proved by him, I insisted several months. In the meantime, while I was looking for something else and I came across quite a few positive reviews on   Essenece ULTRA STRONG paint  in silver containers made me regardless of price, positively surprised. Now I use about a month concerns him 2 times a week and I must admit that my nails can layer more so than they. Of course, the nails are still in the same condition as you want, but compared to the previous state are great. However, as I like on my short nails mainly pastel colors, I was totally impressed over the  L'Oréal Color Riche nail , which are highly resistant coating and {record 5 days ... in spite of washing and cleaning, the paint is not chipping :)}. I chose two pastel shades, namely  Nude Demoiselle 114 and Dimanche Apres-Midi 220 . However, my manicure looks more or less solid, using the cuticles Alverde oil with the scent of peaches, which moisturizes the skin nice and feeds.

    My nails on my hand are not in the best condition, so far I have used the KISS hardener which did not help me, I insisted with him several months. In the meantime, while I was looking for something else and I found quite a few positive reviews on Essenece ULTRA STRONG polish in silver packaging, which I was comparison with the price positively surprised. Now I use it for a month, I apply him twice a week and I have to admit that my nails are more strong, as were. Of course, nails still do not look like you want, but compared to the previous situation are great. On my short nails I love pastel colors. I completely fell in love with the L'Oréal Color Riche nail polish, which are very durable and overlay {record 5 days ... despite dishwashing and cleaning, the color is still there, with no peeling :)}. I chose two pastel shades, namely Nude Demoiselle 114 and Dimanche Apres-Midi 220. Because I want that my nails look more or less ok, use the cuticles Alverde oil with the scent of peaches, which moisturizes the skin nice and feeds.

    ESSENCE Ultra Strog nail Hardener: cca 3 eur, approx. 3eur
    L'OREAL Color Riche nail polish : cca 6 eur, approx. 6 eur
    Alverde oil: about 3 euros,  approx. 3 euros

    Podlaga /  FIRST

    Long-lasting basis Catrice prime and fine beautyfing that I use every day. I use it individually or as a basecoat before applying the powder. The substrate is a light pink color with light pearl particles and vitamin E. After applying my skin has an even tone, moreover, is still shiny and silky.

    Long-lasting  Catrice Prime and Beautifying the Primer I use every day. I use it individually or as a base before I apply my foundation. Basisis in  light pink color with light pearl particles and vitamin E. After application my skin is shiny and silky.

    CATRICE Prime and Fine Beautifying Primer: 
    about 5 euros,  approx. 5 euros

    BOOK /  BOOK

    In the October Favorita it has landed yet another cute book, on which I honestly laughed. Namely, it is a cynical book author Nora Ephron entitled My door on my nerves and other thoughts on how to be a woman. Author of the book was Annan as a screenwriter and director who created the film classics such as When Harry Met Sally, Romance in Seattle, waiting for this mail and Julie & Julia.

    This month I read one very cute book. The book was written by cynical author Nora Ephron. The title of the book is I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman. Author of the book was also known as a screenwriter and director who created the film classics such as When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail and Julie& Julia.

    Price / Price : 19 eur, Publisher: Vale Novak



    About Garnier two-phase micellar water for cleaning face I read quite a few reviews bloggers. Reviews have been different, some were completely enthusiastic over it, and some just the opposite, because to them that the application caused a lot of pimples. So I spent some time delayed this or you should try it or not, because I have a very občitljivo skin and I dread the consequences.

    Well, here is my assessment yet ...

    Formula enriched micellar particles and oil to remove all types of makeup also waterproof. After cleaning the skin clean, soft and soothed, but it is most important to me, it leaves no greasy residue. However, it should be shaken before use. Prmerna for all skin types even the most sensitive.

    The menu is great, I must admit that I was initially a little skeptical, because oil acts. Above all, I am afraid that I will be after the application, as well as some of the girls appeared mazoljčki, but this did not happen :). Water is located in 400 ml containers and is sufficient for 200 applications.

    The Definitive this is my second favorite micellar water. The first is still firmly occupied Biodermina Sensibio H2O micellar Eau.

    Price: around € 6; DM, Muller, Drugstores Shower

    About Garnier skin cleansing two-phase micellar water for cleaning the face I read quite a few reviews from bloggers. Reviews have been different, some were completely enthusiastic over it, and some just the opposite, because to them  the application caused a lot of pimples. Because I have very sensitive skin, I spent some time thinking about whether should I try it or not.

    Well, here it is now my review …

    The formula is enriched with micellar particles and oil, removes all types of makeup including waterproof. After cleaning the skin is clean, soft and calm, with no greasy traces. Before use it is necessary to be shaken. Suitable for all skin types even for the most sensitive.

    For me is great, I must admit that I was at the beginning a little bit skeptical, because of oil acts. I was afraid that I would get pimples after use, but it did not happen :). Micellar water is in 400 ml containers and is sufficient for 200 applications.

    Definitely this is my the second favorite micellar water. The first one  is still  Bioderma Sensibio H2O micellar water.

    Price: approx. 6 eur; DM, Muller, Drugstores TUŠ

    What about you, you already tried?
    What about you, did you already tried it?


    T okratna post will be a little different because I will not be assessed any items, but I will share with you some simple, natural and quick recipes for facial, which itself uses.

    Fair we have already stepped into the autumn and the temperatures are lower and lower. Because in this period become obsessed with tea and my collection in the kitchen which is growing and growing. Among this collection, but also find chamomile and mint tea with me Never zmanjakti.

    These tea but lately not only used for cuddling in the morning, afternoon and evening :), but also for beauty purposes.

    Well let's start with my DIY recipes and tips :)
    chamomile tea

    For those who do not know, chamomile has a soothing effect on the skin,  acting disinfectant f evalno and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to exhaust SC bearings and dry when f i . 

    Kmilični tea is not only used for inhalation, when I have a cold, but I did it from one such mini domestic natural tonic for the face. Because my skin during this period becomes dry, I use it every day instead CLINIQUE-vega toning and yet I must admit that it works. It also occurs to me when I made the face of such a beautiful mature pimples, which I can not resist :) and then flushing that occurred loosen up with him.

    If you wish to try it too, here is a quick recipe for which I do I:
    Cook  mild Kamil d is  t aj, strained W , cool W  and poured in a glass F after from which it will be s  used la.  For more W of resistance  can be  added to W as  a grain or two of permanganate, which is available from W  in the pharmacy and the whole well-axle sedge .  I did not use.  The thus prepared toner is mild and suitable for  the d delicate and dry skin. You have to spend it in a week.

    In addition to toning but I also do a great scrub for the face, for which you need:

    1/2 cup white sugar
    1/4 olive oil
    1 bag of chamomile tea

    In the cup or glass, which can close the well after use, put all the ingredients before they tea bag still raztrgaš to get out of minced chamomile. All together good premešaš and peeling is made. I use it 1 time per week.

    Cajun TEXT

    Mint tea is for me the best tea in the world :)  In addition, it has a pleasant smell and taste,  and lot of beneficial effects on the body, it also works great for beauty purposes.

    Mint tea from time to time I use eye, specifically for dark circles as well removes puffiness. Namely, when you make tea bags do not throw it away, but they ask for some time in the refrigerator, sometimes overnight and in the morning you lay eyes on. Bags on the eyes leave to stand for 10-15 minutes and puffiness disappear, yet the area around the eyes is a blood supply.

    What it is about your favorite tea?

    This time I will share with you some simple, natural and quick recipes for the face, which I also use.

    Autumn is here and the temperatures are lower and lower. In this period I become obsessed with tea and my collection in the kitchen is getting bigger and bigger. Two tea in my collection should never be missing, this are chamomile and mint tea.

    Lately I used these two tea not only for cuddling in the morning, afternoon and evening :), but also for beauty purposes.

    Let's start with my DIY recipes and tips :)


    For those who do not know, chamomile has a beneficial effect on the skin, acting disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, and helps with rashes and dry skin.

    Chamomile tea I not used only for inhalation, when I have a cold, but I've made one mini natural toner for the face. Because my skin during this period becomes very dry, I use it every day instead of CLINIQUE Clarifying Lotion and I have to admit that it works.

    If you want to try it too, here and quick recipe:
    Cook mild chamomile tea, cool and pour into the bottle from which it'll be used. For better stability can also add a grain or two of permanganate, which you get at the pharmacy and then you mix everything together.I did not use. The prepared toner is gentle and suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Tonic should be used within one week.

    Besides toner I also made a great facial scrub, for which you need:
    1/2 cup white sugar
    1/4 Olive oil
    1 bag of Chamomile tea

    In the jar, which can you closed well, put all the ingredients, before that you need to open the bag of chamomile tea to get out minced chamomile. Mixed well and scrub is made. I use it once per week.


    Mint tea is for me the best tea in the world :) In addition, it has a pleasant smell and taste, and a lot of beneficial effects on the body, it also works great for beauty purposes.

    From time to time I use mint tea  for depuff my eye bags. When you make a tea, bags do not throw away, but put them in to the fridge, for as long as you want, sometimes I leave them in the fridge overnight and in the morning I place them on my eyes. Put them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes and puffiness disappear.

    Which is it your favorite tea?



    I can not believe it's around September and time for monthly favorites.
    I can not believe it's already the end of September and it's time for monthly favorites.

    Here we go ...
    Let's start…

    The author is an Australian blogarka and nutritionist Jessica Sepel. The book talks about healthy lifestyles and nutrition. The content is divided into three parts. In the first part we will find various tips for a healthier life. At the end of each chapter, but the first part contains a kind of scrapbook / journal with various questions about your lifestyle, diet, etc. So that you can all zabeležiš and constantly checking whether you're on the right track. The second part is devoted to proper nutrition, and the third part are themselves great light and healthy recipes.
    The menu is a book very cute and I feel that I'm not tired. Every time I run out of motivation, you read a chapter and then I get a reboot for a healthier lifestyle.
    In addition to books, but also I love to read her blog  JShealth  ( ), where you can read a little more about the authors themselves and their philosophy of eating and a healthy lifestyle. If you healthier way of eating and living close to, or are you trying to live a little healthier, but can not find the motivation, this book is in my opinion perfect for you :)
    I bought it on the website of the Book Depository. Price: EUR 17,86

    The author of the book is Australian blogger and nutritionist Jessica Sepel. The book talks about healthy lifestyles and nutrition.
    The content is divided into three parts. In the first part you will find various tips for a healthier life. At the end of each chapter in the first part, you will finde a notebook / diary with various questions about your way of life, diet, etc.The second part is devoted to nutrition and in  the third part you will find healthy recipes. I love this book. Every time I run out of motivation, I read a chapter  of this book and then I get a restart for a healthier lifestyle. Also  I like to read her blog too JShealth If you are trying to make your lifestyle a liitle  more healthy, but  you can not find the motivation then… on my opinion is this book  perfect for you. If you are want to make a little more healthy lifestyle, but you can not find the motivation, in my opinion is this book  perfect for you.
    I bought it on the website of Book Depository. Price: 17,86 eur

    BALEA pilling Enzyme Mask
    For all those who do not know what enzyme exfoliation, I'll briefly and I hope it is understandable described. Enzyme exfoliation operates using F by enzymes. The most commonly used , this  enzyme papain and bromelain. Papain from papaya, bromelain from pineapple. Enzymes break down the connection between the cells of that latter la f is faster and Decide SC lie.  Enzyme Pilling find may be in the form of powder that you mix with water, or in a creamy texture. It will recognize him after that, it does not contain tiny granules.
    Balea Enzyme peeling mask with papaya enzymes and aloe vera, is intended for all skin types. The mask has a creamy texture and a pleasant sweet smell. It can be naneseš 1 times to 2 times per week for up to 5 min. I am the first to leave on your face a little further approx. 10 minutes and the result was not pleasing to the eye, I became very red, like tomato: D. So really, no more than 5 minutes. After application, the skin is very soft and smooth.
    Cena: Dm-> 50 ml; 2,45 eur

    BALEA Enzyme Peeling Mask
    For all those who do not know what enzyme exfoliation, I will briefly explain. Enzyme Peeling works by using enzymes.
    Most commonly used enzyme papain and bromelain.Papain from papaya, bromelain from pineapple. Enzymes decompose the connection between the cells of that the latter easier and faster to pull off. Enzyme pilling you can find in the form of a powder that is mixed with water or in  creamy texture. Also, you will recognize it after that, it does not contain tiny granules. Balea Enzyme peeling mask with papaya enzymes and aloe vera, is intended for all skin types. The mask has a creamy texture and a pleasant sweet smell. It can be applied  1- times to 2- times per a week for a maximum 5 minutes. For the first I leave on my face a little longer around 10 minutes and the result was not pleasing for the eyes, I became red as a tomato :D. So really, no more than 5 minutes. After application, the skin is very soft and smooth.
    Price: Dm-> 50 ml; 2,45 eur

    CLINIQUE Toner 1 very dry / dry skin
    Given that we have already entered the autumn and in addition to the weather and temperatures are also changing my skin. This becomes very dry. Until we find some more gentle tonic for dry skin I seize Cliniquovem toniku first
    Areas where the skin is more dry and disappeared after treatment I no longer have the feeling of tight skin. Because he is my skin became grateful to September 'favorite, but I am very annoyed but the smell is very chemical / sharp / the pharmaceutical (I do not know how he could have described: D).
    Therefore, my dear ladies, you know what more natural tonic for dry and sensitive skin? Which one you use these? I will be glad for any recommendations: * 
    Price: Müller> 200 ml; 19.90 euros.

    CLINIQUE Clarifying Lotion 1 for very dry to dry skin
    My skin is very dry lately. I started to use this CLINIQUE Clarifying Lotion 1. Areas where the skin is more dry are disappeared,  after the treatment I have no longer the feeling of tightness on my skin. The only thing that bothers me is the smell, this is quite sharp/ chemical/ pharmaceutical (I do not know how it could even more described: D). 
    Do you know any brand that produces more natural lotion for dry and sensitive skin? Which do you use?  I will be glad for any recommendations :*.
    Price: Muller-> 200 ml; 19,90 eur

    FILM: With Thee
    And finally, if a totally non-beauty favorite :)
    If emotional story that captured the library f not leave w Nice Jojo Moyes, followed adorable, but still a little scattered and naive Lou, who must turn a new page in the book of his  f life. When you lose a boyfriend and serve f will be recruited at the mansion of a young axle f Care banker Willa is in a traffic accident d i became completely paralyzed. Lou for t not worry about him, but soon realizes that Will also suffer du s Mental since the former has lost the joy of  f life. When their underdeveloped adventures SC municipalities omeh č but his heart is jointly embark on a new detection of tiny beauties  f life, which weaves between them unsuitable F expectancy romantic d to  d feelings.
    If you like romantic drama, you will certainly also. I am viewed by already 3 times this month. Upsiiii: D

    MOVIE: Me Before You
    And in the end, one totally non-beauty product :)
    Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they're going to change each other for all time.

    If you like romantic drama, you will certainly like this one too. I watched this movie already 3 times this month. Upsiiii :D


    My Hair Care there is nothing special. But still I was determined to share with you a few products, in particular, to introduce you to an Australian brand Aussie, with which I have a long-standing relationship;).

    Aussie Australian brand of hair products, which was founded in 1979. Products will enchant you with sweet and intense aroma, rich foam and ingredients. The content of their products consist of many Australian plants, nuts, roots, fruits, ...

    First, I note with this brand over blogarke Zorannah (Zorannah's Fashion Corner), about 3 years ago when one of his vlogs, very enthusiastically talked about their products. Especially he was impressed line 3 Minute Miracle. Then I product Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Treatment Deep purchased somewhere in Croatia, but fortunately the Aussie came to Slovenia.

    Until now, I have the brands tested some of these shampoos REPAIR, and SHINE COLOR, dry shampoo and a line of 3-Minute Miracle Color and SHINE.

    Since these products I was most disappointed dry shampoo, which is to let your hair dry and dull texture. Shampoos are okay, maybe a little too aggressive for my scalp. Currently using 1- times in two weeks MIRACLE their REPAIR SHAMPOO, in the meantime, the current use of Aphrodite nettle shampoo because my hair over this period fats and fall out. After the shampoo, however, instead of balsam I apply Aussie 3- minute Miracle COLOR Deep Treatment. I leave the mask on your hair as the name suggests 3 minutes :). First, it is applied to the tip, and then with a brush distributed across the entire obliged hair. Already during rinsing the hair smoother, but when you dry them are abnormal tissue, light, lively and soft, but still a nice smell of Australian wild peach :).

    So far 3 Minute Miracle COLOR Deep Treatment can be exchanged for anything in the world :).
    Icing on the cake is when you have a hairdresser boast how beautiful hair you :). Then you know you're doing something right and that Aussie mask in my case really effective: D.

    Aussie products are affordable, prices range up to about 10 eur. When we get them at all is initiated programs and Muller- jevih stores. The DM-u have yet attack on all their products, so if you can be tempted to which sprobala quickly jump to see;).

    My hair care routine is nothing special. But anyway, I decided to share with you a few products, in particular, to introduce to you an Australian brand Aussie, with whom I have a long-standing relationship ;).

    Aussie is Australian brand of hair products, which was founded in 1979. Products will charm you with a sweet and intense scent, rich foam and ingredients. The content of their products consisting of interesting Australian plants, nuts, roots, fruits, …

    I heard for this brand via beauty and fashion blogger Zorannah (Zorannah's Fashion Corner), about 3 years ago, when she has  talked  in one of her vlogs about their products. She was very excited above the line 3- Minute Miracle. Then I bought  product Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Treatment Deep somewhere in Croatia, but luckily the Aussie came in Slovenia.

    So far, I have  tested a few shampoos REPAIR, SHINE COLOUR, dry shampoo and a line of 3- Minute Miracle COLOUR and SHINE.

    At least I liked the dry shampoo because it makes the hair dry and leanShampoos are okay, maybe little too aggressive for my hair. Currently I using 1- times in two weeks their REPAIR SHAMPOO MIRACLE,in the meantime, I use the Afrodita Nettle shampoo that my hair currently need, because during this period they are greasy and falling out. After shampoo, instead of conditioner I apply a Aussie 3 Minute Miracle COLOUR Deep Treatment. I leave the mask on my hair, as the name suggests 3 minutes :). After application the hair are silky, light, lively, soft and they smell like Australian peach :).

    For now , 3 Minute Miracle COLOUR Deep Treatment I would not change  for anything in the world :). Cherry on the top of cake is, when your hairdresser boast, how beautiful hair you have :). Then you know you're doing something right, or even better, in my case  Aussie mask really works :D.

    Aussie products are affordable, prices range up to about 10 eur. In Slovenia you can get them in all DM and Muller  drugstores. Now DM has discounts on all their products, so if you want to try some of their products, go to your nearest DM drugstore ;).



    If you do not know the brand Catrice for autumn / winter 2016 I prepared a lot of new features. Among them  Liquid Powder Liquid Coverage HD , which is the beauty blogger provoked a real "boom" :) powder provides high coverage, natural look and can be very fluid texture.
    If you do not know the brand Catrice for this Autumn/Winter 2016 prepared a lot of new things. Among them, stands out the most Liquid Coverage HD Foundation, which has become must have product for some beauty bloggers :) Foundation offers high coverage, natural look and a very liquid texture.
    Product Name?
    HD Liquid Coverage Puder
    What is it?
    HD Liquid Coverage Foundation
    What skin is it for?
    The product should be designed for all skin types. But, in my opinion, is not the most suitable for dry and very dry skin, for all the rest, in my opinion. Sam got more dry skin, so I have to powder before applying the definition, first apply a moisturizer because it is just so nice then powder smeared and beautiful, natural and even complexion.
    Who is it for?
    The product is intended for all skin types. But in my opinion, is not the most suitable for a dry and very dry skin. I have a dry skin and if I want to get it this natural look I must apply first a very greasy moisturiser.

    Product Description?
    The content of the current HD powder is located in an oval bottle with dropper. Powder offers high, but naturally overlap with extremely light-hearted feeling of the skin. The inscription, the product offers a second skin effect, absolutely true. After application, the complexion uniform, smooth and do not have the feeling that you're wearing a mask (after two successive layers). Me very reminiscent of the MAC's Face and Body Foundation. In addition to the above, however loose cover all irregularities, Making the skin and very dogo is stable. It can be in four colors, namely: 010 Light Beige, 020 Rose Beige, Sand Beige 030, 040 Warm Beige. I use the lightest shade 010th
    Product description?
    The content of the current HD Foundation is located in an oval bottle with dropper. Foundation offers high, but naturally coverage with extremely light feeling of the skin. The inscription, that the product offers a second skin effect, is absolutely true. After application, the complexion evenly, smooth and you do not have the feeling that you're wearing a mask (even after two consecutive layers). The texture is very similar to the MAC Face and Body Foundation. In addition, the foundation cover all irregularities, is very long lasting and gives the skin a matt finish. These can be obtained in four shades: 010 Light Beige, 020 Rose Beige, Sand Beige 030, 040 Warm Beige. I use the lightest shade 010.


    Before use, shake the bottle well, because the texture of the powder a little more controlled. Then by using the pipette naneseš on hand and porazdeliš the face. You can naneseš with fingers, brush or sponge to blendanje.
    How do you use it?
    Shake the bottle well before use to preserve the evanescence and lightness of texture. It can be applied with fingers, brush or blending sponge.

    A good product?
    • High, of course overlap
    • Lightweight, fluid texture
    • Long-lasting (12 hours without change of: D)
    • After application you do not have the feeling that you're wearing a mask
    • matte
    • glass packaging
    • Kapalka
    • Price

    Whats good about it?
    • High but natural-looking coverage
    • Ultra-light, liquid texture
    • Long-lasting (12 hours without changes: D)
    • Matte effect
    • Glass packaging
    • Dropper
    • Price

    The downside of the product?
    • Only four shades
    • The smell that reminds me of baby powder is a little annoying

    Whats not so good about it?
    • Only four shades
    • Smell, which reminds me on baby powder, is a little annoying

    You can buy the product?
    Dm, Muller
    Where can you get it?
    Dm, Muller

    30 ml-> about 8 euros
    30 ml-> approx. 8 eur


    Step 1:
    Balea gel cleanser with a fresh scent of grapefruit

    My morning routine begins with a gentle gel that is ideal for the morning awakening. The gel texture with water turns into soft foam that gently cleanses the face and refreshed, moreover, leaves a pleasant scent of grapefruit.
    Price: 150 ml-> 1.65 euros

    More about him you can read in one of my previous posts ( HERE ).

    Step 1:
    Balea cleanser gel  with a fresh scent of grapefruit

    Abot this gel  I wrote in one of my previous posts. My morning routine starts right with this gentle gel, which is idelaen for the morning awakening. Gel texture, together with the water turns into a gentle foam that gently cleanses the face and refreshed, moreover, it leaves a pleasant scent of grapefruit.
    Price: 150 ml-> 1,65 eur

    More about this gel you can read in one of my previous posts (HERE).

    Step 2:
    Balea Aqua Sprey for face and body

    Aqua sprey use to refresh your face. Sorry, product refreshes the skin of the face, it does not calm down and make it more soft, as they do thermal water Vichy, Avene, or LRP.
    Price: 150 ml-> 1.45 euros

    Step 2:
    Balea Aqua Spray for  face and body

    I use a spray only to refresh my face. Unfortunately Spray only refreshes facial skin, it does not calm down and make it more soft, as they do thermal water Vichy, Avene, or LRP.
    Price: 150 ml-> 1,45 eur

    Step 3:
    Kahne Stabilni vitamin C

    Stable vitamin C are used not only at night but also in the morning. Twice a day I use it because I have to face now over the summer re-appear pigmented spots, but which are vitaminček successfully reduces (not disappear, but they declined). Since my facial skin dry content distributed three pressures dozirko.
    Dinner: 12 eur

    More about him you can read in one of my previous posts ( HERE ).

    Step 3:
    Kahne Stable vitamin C

    I use Stable vitamin C not only in  the evening but also in the morninig. I have to mention that I get some pigment spots on my face,  which this Vitamn C successful reduce (not disappear, but reduce).
    Price: 12 eur

    More about this Stable vitamin C you can read in one of my previous posts (HERE).

    Step 4:
    Lift-it! Anti-Oxidant Fluid

    Pomoje already all know that I'm a big fan of natural cosmetics Biobaza :). Their products my sensitive skin very well tolerated, as they contain no preservatives, no synthetic fragrances, dyes and other skin irritating ingredients. My morning companion is an antioxidant fluid. Fluid is quickly absorbed, tightens the skin and equalizes skin. The composition of the extracts of seeds of parsley in combination with boražine oil and vitamin E reduces pigmentation and protects the skin against premature aging. Nourishing almond oil and shea butter provides additional natural moisture and makes the skin soft and elastic.
    Price: 100 ml-> 10.32 euros
    More about him you can read in one of my previous posts ( HERE ).
    Step 4:
    Lift-it! Anti-Oxidant Fluid
    Probably already all know that I'm a big fan of natural cosmetics Biobaza :). Biobaza cosmetics do not contain components such as preservatives, perfumes and colorants.This fast absorbing fluid has a firming effect on the skin and evens out skin tone
    Its composition, consisting of parsley seed extract, borage oil and vitamin E, reduces pigmentation and protects the skin against premature aging.
    Nourishing almond oil and shea butter provide additional, natural moisture, making your skin soft and supple.
    Price: 100 ml ->10,32 eur
    More about this Stable vitamin C you can read in one of my previous posts (HERE).
    Step 5:
    SIMPLE Kinde to eyes revitalisig eye roll-on

    Without creams or eye. gel but in the end it is not. Currently I use this Kinde eyes revitalisig eye roll-on, with which I am quite happy because somehow achieve a result that I look a little more rested in the morning / awakened. But, I'm still in the exploratory stage, some great Kremiće for this area. Sometimes it seems to me that this is mission impossible.
    Price: 15 ml-> 6.21 euros / 5.19 GPB

    Have you found your ideal kremico for the eye area?

    Step 5:
    SIMPLE Kinde to eyes revitalisig eye roll-on

    In the end I use eye cream. I currently use Kinde eyes revitalisig eye roll-on, with which I am quite happy because somehow achieve a result that I look a little more rested / awakened in the morning. But, I'm still in the exploratory stage, for some great creams for this area. Sometimes it seems to me that this is a mission impossible.
    Price: 15 ml-> 6,21 eur /5,19 GPB

    Have you already found the ideal eye cream?



    August is over and it is time for the monthly favorites. Not by much, but they are, are worthy of publication :)
    August is over and it is time for the monthly favorites. There are not many, but those who are, are worthy of publication :)


    I must admit that I really love this mascara. About her I wrote in one of my previous posts ( HERE ), but I think if we once again mention will not be any harm :) princess Lash false lash effect mascara makes lashes so long and very beautiful that at first sight actually They are acting as if they were artificial. Brush eyelashes nicely extended, moreover, to them that the volume and the effect of false eyelashes. In addition to all the above, but the packaging is very attractive, as it is calling in that you have to try out;)
    Price:  12 ml -> 3.50 euros

    I must admit that I really love this mascara. About this mascara  I wrote in one of my previous posts (HERE), but I think it is good if I mention it ONCE again;) Lash princess false lash effect mascara, makes the lashes so long and beautiful that at first sight you actually think, that they are false :)  Brush extended eyelashes, and gave them the volume and the effect of false eyelashes. In addition to all of the above, the packaging is very attractive and calling for that you should try this mascara ;)
    Price: 12 ml -> 3,50 eur

    Body Milk with coconut / BE WITH MILK COCOUNAT 

    This Biobazino body milk, but ask what summer should not goodbye. Milk is very moisturizing and, in addition, the intoxicating smells. The milk are themselves natural ingredients, as in all Biobazonih products :) In this article are the following components: 
    • Sweet almond oil and sesame -> moisturize, soften and zaščititita it from premature aging.  
    • Shea butter and wheat germ oil -> protects the skin against the formation of unwanted stretch marks.
    • Coconut -> to milk stunning odor.
    Price:  400 ml -> 5.19 euros

    With this Biobaza body milk I want to make summer lasted all year. This milk is a very light and moisturizing and contains only natural ingredients, such as:

    • Sweet almond and sesame oil -> improve the skin’s appearance, providing it with freshness and protection from premature ageing.
    • Shea butter and wheat germ oil ->  prevent stretch marks.
    • Coconut -> leaves exotic scent  on the skin.
    Price: 400 ml->5,19 eur

    For in the end, two scented suppositories waiting for autumn evenings. 
    In the end, here are two scented candles that are waiting on autumn evenings.

    Scented candles at SINNLIG / CANDLE SCENTED SINNLIG 

    The first is IKEINA scented candle SINNLIG. It always ends my purchase in IKEA :) I like it because it leaves a  scent of vanilla.  After it will not even smelled the apartment, but a place where you will turn on, it certainly will :) 
    Dinner:  2,99 eur

    The first IKEA scented candles SINNLIG. With her always ends my purchase at IKEA :) I like it because it leaves a gentle scent of vanilla.
    Price: 2,99 eur


    The second is a scented candle Aura. I learned about it on the blog Sugarlove blog . 
    Scented candles Aura, when we get in the drugstore shower. After the form is reminiscent of Yankee Candle. I chose the Mandarin Flower scent that smells intoxicating and I can hardly wait for the autumn evenings. Even after you will not even smelled the apartment, but a place where you will turn on, it certainly will :)
    Dinner:  2,80 eur

    The second is a scented candle Aura. I saw her in a post on the blog Sugarlove blog.
    Scented candles Aura, in Slovenia you can get in drugstores Tuš. A shape reminiscent of Yankee Candle. I chose the smell of Mandarin Flower, which smells amazing and I can not wait for the autumn evenings.
    Price: 2,80 eur


    I am convinced that each loves long and expressive eyelashes full volume. In all these years of use, I found that the main role in choosing the right mascara can play the price, but the color quality is durable and good brush, you can paint is applied with sufficient precision. So I decided to give you a present to my selection TOP 3 Essence mascara, which I was totally impressed and meet the above criteria.
    I believe that every women loves long and expressive eyelashes full of volume. In all these years of use, I found that the main role in choosing the right mascara is not a price, but quality color that is long lasting and good brush. Today I will present my TOP  3 Essence mascaras, which I'm totally impressed.


    When I love extreme mascaras are all about the volume. Extra large plastic brush, nice embraces all the lashes and give them both the desired volume. Black and creamy texture very well overlap each lash. Packaging Mascara is designed in pink with black lettering and also ophthalmologic tested. 
    Price: 12 ml -> 2.99 euros
    Extremely large plastic brush, embraces all lashes and gave them the  desired volume. Black and creamy texture very well cover each individual lash. The mascara container is designed in pink with black lettering and  it is also ophthalmologic tested.
    Price: 12 ml -> 2,99 eur


    Maximum Definition Volume Mascara very nice and extended forms eyelashes to give them such a beautiful natural look. In this mascaras I was totally impressed flexible synthetic brush that reaches the finest lashes in the corner of the eye. Packaging mascara is formed in the copper / orange and ophthalmologic tested. 
    Price: 8 ml -> 3.18 euros
    Maximum Definition Volume Mascara very nicely extended and shape all the lashes and give them such a beautiful natural look. I was totally impressed with flexible synthetic brush that reaches the finest lashes in the corner of the eye. The mascara container is designed in copper / orange color and it is also ophthalmologic tested.
    Price: 8 ml -> 3,18 eur

    The icing on the cake, followed by my favorite mascara, which I possessed last month. The first two are really great, but this ... No words stay :)
    For the the finishing touch, is the my favorite mascara, which I  am obsessed last month. The first two are REALLY great, but this ...


    Lash princess false lash effect mascara that makes the eyelashes so long and very beautiful that at first sight actually acting as if they were artificial :) The conical shape of the fibrous brush eyelashes extended, moreover, to them that the volume and the effect of false eyelashes. Packaging is elegantly designed, decorated with beautiful black dance dress mint. Like the rest of the well, this ophthalmologic tested.
    Price: 12 ml -> 3.50 euros
    Lash princess false lash effect mascara, makes the lashes so long and beautiful that at first sight you actually think, that they are false :) The conical shape of the fibrous brush extended eyelashes, and gave them the volume and the effect of false eyelashes. Packaging is a stylishly designed, decorated with beautiful black-mint evening dress. Like other is this one also ophthalmologic tested.
    Price: 12 ml -> 3,50 eur



    In today's publication I will present the TOP 3 powders by my choice, which I was most impressed. I hope that you will also be more excited about, at least as much as I do :)
    Here we go ...
    The first is definitely MAC Face and Body Foundation, which is currently used by me and for hot summer days the most appealing. For him being followed even   Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet powder and Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, which can shamelessly compete with the high price powders.
    In today's post I will present the TOP 3 foundations by my choice, which I was most impressed.
    Let's start…
    The first is definitely the M-A-C Face and Body Foundation, which I currently used and for this hot summer days  is most suitable. After them are  Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation and Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, which can compete with the high price foundations.

    M-A-C Face and Body puder / M-A-C Face and Body Foundation

    As you can read in one of the previous posts, I have for these summer days decided to test the MAC's first and most popular product F & B. Because I'm looking for summer days puffs to be lightweight, durable, nearly invisible, but still such that a nice equalize skin tone and gives it a fresh / healthy appearance, the decision to purchase more than excellent.

    In a nutshell ...

    The menu is very much like the foundation, mainly because without a matt finish at the end, but leave the skin a bit more shiny finish, which is very much like me. Surface works very naturally and no one will notice that even wear powder, which is for those warmer days in general SUPER :). I chose a shade N1.

    Coverage by the Foundation provides the medium. But it is interesting that a long time as vtirate more guest becomes larger and coverage has. However, I would like to once again emphasize that the powder is very smooth and controlled. It is the most liquid foundation, I have until now used (more liquid than  Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Powder ). This is going to be when applied to the back of the hands, at the slightest movement spread over the whole hand.

    Powder intended for dry, normal / non-problem skin. All those who have oily skin, I do not recommend it, especially because you started to shine after a few hours. I do not recommend it to those who like to have a base of more prekrivnostjo and matte finish.
    Price: 50 ml-> 30 euros

    As you can read in one of the previous posts, for these summer days  I decided to use the MAC's first and most popular product F & B.  For this summer days I was looking for foundation, which will be lightweight, durable, nearly invisible and with fresh / healthy effect.

    This stuff is probably the runniest foundation you will have ever used, it’s like water.  But as soon as you start working it into the skin, the strangest thing starts to happen. The more friction or movement F&B gets, the thicker it gets, so the more you blend it in, the more coverage it has.

    The coverage is sheer to medium, really you can build this up to be full coverage. The finish is dewy, and very smooth, skin looks pore free and perfect.

    This foundation  isn’t the best for oily skin, because, it could goes very shiny. It’s amazing for normal to dry skins though.
    Price: 50 ml-> 30 eur

    The full publication can be read  HERE Entire post is available  HERE

    Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Puder
      / Chanel Perfection Light Velvet Foundation

    Also, I really like Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet powder, because the super lightweight silky texture, in addition, it is almost invisible and without a bad conscience repeatedly naneseš the skin. Water texture instantly blends with the skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. After applying the PQ's skin look fresher, skin imperfections are less visible in the moment. It also contains SPF 15, which is another bonus. I use a shade 22 Beige Rose.
    Price: 30 ml-> 39.50 euros

    Also, I really like Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation, because it has silky texture with quite comprehensive coverage and a beautiful luminous matte finish. After application my skin looks fresher, skin imperfections are instantly less visible and it contains an SPF 15, which is an additional bonus. Water texture instantly blends with skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. I’ve been using shade 22 Beige Rose.
    Price: 30ml-> 39,50 eur

    The full publication can be read  HERE  /  Entire post is available  HERE

    Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum / Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation

    This dusting powders think that you have already read a lot of reviews. Now Specified own. The powder is really supeeeer. For me personally, no fault can only be that it actually is not stable for 16 hours, but it does not bother me.

    In addition to the gorgeous scent on the skin it looks formidable. Suitable for all skin types. I got it in the shade 52 Vanilla. Very nice covering irregularities gorgeous smells, the end result is a fresh and healthy appearance of the skin. Same ingredients are very interesting, as it contains extracts of lychee, strawberry and pomegranate. Definitely autumn back back to him.
    Price: 30 ml-> about 10 euros

    I think you have already read many reviews about this serum/ foundation. But anyway… :) This foundation is really amazing. For me personally, the only mistake can be, that actually is not stable for 16 hours.

    After use the skin it looks phenomenal and foundations smell gorgeous. I got it in the shade 52 Vanilla. Very nice covering irregularities, smells divine and the final result is a fresh and healthy appearance of the skin. The ingredients are very interesting, because it is composed of extracts of lychee, strawberry and dog-rose berry. In the autumn I'll start used it again.
    Price: 30 ml-> cca 10 eur



    Biobaza lotion natural skin tone / Biobaza self-bronzing lotion

    Well, I have a list Biobazin another product that I was positively surprised and became my "must have" this summer. It is a completely natural self-tanning lotion, which is designed primarily for light skin, what is most important is that after not become flekast, but still very nice smell.

    Lotion absorbs quickly into the skin, so it is not necessary I do not know how long to wait to wear it, after the application of a pleasant smell, but still nourishes the skin. Or leave those artificial yellow color, but gentle to the skin a bronze tint. However, if you want it a little more brown, repeat the process until the desired color shade. 
    Dinner:  9,33 eur
    Now,I have another Biobaza product wich positively surprised me and became my "must have" for this summer. I like that the lotion leaves a bronz color and not the yellow one and also doesn't leave a dark spots.
    Price: 9, 33 eur

    The full publication can be read  HERE  /  Entire post is available  HERE

    Balea oil for removing makeup / Balea makeup remover cleansing oil-

    Baleino oil cleansing has proved to be a super remover to completely remove all dirt and makeup from the face, including waterproof, while still nourishes the skin. Contains no fragrances to skin may iritirala, while maintaining the skin's natural balance. The oil is intended primarily for dry skin. The oil is applied to the dry skin, even after the eyes and in the circular movements rub into the skin (so that it looks like one of a panda: D), and then by using wipes or sponges konjac remove from the face. After use, the skin is visibly clean and soft.
    Dinner:  2.45 eur
    Balea cleansing oil has proved to be a super remover, which completely removes all impurities and makeup from the face, also waterproof. Does not contain any fragrances and also maintains skin's natural balance. The oil is intended primarily for dry skin. I apply oil on  dry skin and even on the eyes. In the circular movements rub into the skin (so as to look like a panda: D), and then by using cloths or  konjac sponges  remove from the face. After use, the skin is visibly clean and soft.
    Price: 2,45 eur

    The full publication can be read  HERE Entire post is available  HERE

    Kahne Stabilni vitamin C / Kahne Stable vitamin C

    Since I Collistarjevo vitamin bomb completely spent, I decided to try something new. I chose some Slovenian and otherwise stable vitamin C from cosmetic house Kahne. I must admit that I was a little forgotten about their products. 

    Vitamin C is one of the key vitamins for our skin regardless of the type and age. In a stabilized form it acts as an antioxidant free radical scavenger.  It reduces the visibility of dilated capillaries, thereby flushing. It neutralizes UV rays and bright pigmented freckles on his hands. It promotes the formation of collagen fibers, and inhibit the aging of the skin. Also suitable for younger as well as for those with oily skin because it helps to eliminate pimples.

    Stable vitamin C are used together in the evening and night care. I have to mention that to me on the face appeared pigment spots, but which are vitaminček successfully reduces (not disappear, but they declined). Since my facial skin dry content distributed three pressures dozirko. If you have oily skin or pigmentation, dosing can double down. It refers to on cleansed face before cream. For lightening pigmentation can be several times a day škropiš his hands. The product does not contain dyes, perfumes and preservatives.
    Dinner:  12 eur
    Because I completely expended my  Collistar vitamin bomb, I decided to try something new. I chose Stable vitamin C from Slovenian cosmetic house Kahne.

    Vitamin C is one of the main vitamins for our skin regardless of the type and age. The stabilized form works as an anti-oxidant, a scavenger of free radicals. Reduces the visibility of dilated capillariesand thus the redness. It neutralizes UV rays and bright pigment spots, also on the hands. It stimulates the production of collagen fibers and prevents aging of the skin. Suitable for younger as well as for those with oily skin because it helps eliminate pimples.

    I use Stable vitamin C in the evening when I'm doing my night skin care routine. I have to mention that I get some pigment spots on my face,  which this Vitamn C successful reduce (not disappear, but reduce). Product (spray) is suitable for dry as well as for oily skin. Product does not contain dyes, fragrances and preservatives.
    Price: 12 eur

    Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles
    In my opinion this is the best and most lasting concealer I've ever tried. Located in a plastic bottle, You apply it by means of the sponge through which the corrector doziraš. Sam I have no problems with dark circles, so I do not know how well it covers dark circles. I it is applied to the area around the eyes, as well as other blemishes on your face, that we have a nice cover. The very texture is too thick nor pretekoča, therefore, in my opinion, gets into wrinkles. If you are ever happens to me crawls in wrinkles, he just gently potapkam and that's it.

    But it has one flaw product, namely that it is not to be found in Slovenia. I bought his in one of the drugstores in Trieste. The website Maybelline I saw that the concealer is sold in 6 shades. In Trieste we had only two, namely Light 120 (which I took) and Neutralizer 150 (suitable for those with dark circles).
    Price:  around EUR 9
    In my opinion this is the best and most lasting concealer I've ever tried. I have no problems with dark circles, so I don't know how well it covers them. I use it for the eye area and for other imperfection on my face. Texture is too thick and not too liquide. 

    Unfortunately, you can not buy the product in SloveniaI bought it  in one of the drugstores in Trieste. On the Maybelline website I saw that the concealer is sold in 6 shades. In Trieste they had only two shades, Light 120 (which I took) and Neutralizer 150 (suitable for those with dark circles).
    Price: approx. 9 eur

    KIKO Power Pro Nail Lacquer

    Kiko nail me very much, especially because of the wide range of colors, their persistence and price. Their new collection of KIKO Power Pro Nail Lacquer, in addition to a beautiful high gloss colors, also offers exceptional stability of up to 7 days (after my preizkušnji- 5 days definitely). It is available in 58 different shades of elegant bottles. 
    I chose the color Teal Green 35, which is suitable for just about any time of year :)
    Dinner:  4,90 eur
    I like Kiko lacquers because of their shades, quality and price. New collection KIKO Power Pro Nail Lacquer is salon-quality nail polish with shiny colour for up to seven days. It is available 58 different shades in modern bottles.
    I chose the color  35 Teal Green, which is suitable for any time of year :)
    Price: 4,90 eur



    In today's announcements, I will present two BALEINE product, which surprised me positively and are currently my everyday companion. Here we go :)

    In today's announcements, I will present two BALEA product, which inspired me and I use them every day.Here we go :)

    Balea oil for make-up removal / cleansing oil Balea

    Until now I never use oil to remove makeup, because I was quite skeptical about their effectiveness. My opinion was to become greasy after application only and that the makeup does not effectively removed. However, I must admit that I was really wrong.

    Baleino oil cleansing has proved to be a super remover to completely remove all dirt and makeup from the face, including waterproof, while still nourishes the skin. Contains no fragrances to skin may iritirala, while maintaining the skin's natural balance. The oil is intended primarily for dry skin. The oil is applied to the dry skin, even after the eyes and in the circular movements rub into the skin (so that it looks like one of a panda: D), and then by using wipes or sponges konjac remove from the face. After use, the skin is visibly clean and soft.

    Until now I have never used oils for removing my make-up, because I was quite skeptical about their effectiveness. I thought that after application you become only  greasy and that the makeup does not effectively removed. I must admit that I was wrong.

    Balea cleansing oil has proved to be a super remover, which completely removes all impurities and makeup from the face, also waterproof. Does not contain any fragrances and also maintains skin's natural balance. The oil is intended primarily for dry skin. I apply oil on  dry skin and even on the eyes. In the circular movements rub into the skin (so as to look like a panda: D), and then by using cloths or  konjac sponges  remove from the face. After use, the skin is visibly clean and soft.

    Product Name?
    Balea oil for removing makeup
    What is it?
    Balea cleansing oil/ Makeup remover

    What skin is it for?
    It is primarily intended for dry skin.
    Who is it for?
    For dry skin.

    Product Description?
    The oil from the skin gently remove make-up, dirt and contaminants. The skin of the face, around the eyes and lips, cleans and nourishes, while leaves no trace. Natural formula without perfume keeps the natural moisture balance of the skin. The oil is also suitable for removing waterproof makeup.
    Product description?
    The oil from your skin gently removes makeup, dirt and impurities. The skin on the face, around the eyes and lips, cleans and nourishes, while does not leave traces.  A natural formula without perfume keeps the natural moisture balance of the skin. The oil is also suitable for removing waterproof makeup.

    Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil | Isopropyl Palmitate | Isopropyl Myristate | PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate | Ethylhexyl Stearate | Tocopherol | Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil
    Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil | Isopropyl Palmitate | Isopropyl Myristate | PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate | Ethylhexyl Stearate | Tocopherol | Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil

    Two or three splashes of oil put on the tips of the fingers and gently rub into dry facial skin. Then rinse the oil from the skin.
    The product is dermatologically and ophthalmologically approved.
    How do you use it?
    Two to three splashes of oil put on the fingertips and gently rub into dry facial skin. Then rinse well the oil from the skin.
    The product is dermatologically and ophthalmologically approved.

    A good product?
    • Contains Argan oil
    • Gentle to the skin and eyes  
    • Visibly clean skin
    • Effectively removes even waterproof mascara
    • Low price

    Whats good about it?
    • Contains Argan oil
    • Gentle to the skin and eyes
    • Visibly clearer skin
    • Effectively removes even waterproof mascara
    • Affordable price

    The downside of the product?
    Whats not so good about it?

    You can buy the product?
    V dm-u.
    Where can you get it?
    In all dm stores.

    100 ml-> 2,45 eur

    100 ml->2,45 eur

    Test: I uporbila Essence waterproof eyeliner, Bourjois Volume 1 second mascara, L'Oreal lipstick-ovo exlusive collection by Julianne and Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadow 24 h.
    Test: I useEssence waterproof eyeliner, Bourjois Volume 1 seconde mascara, L'Oreal lipstick exlusive collection by Julianne and Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadow 24 h.  

    Balea gel cleanser with a fresh scent of grapefruit /  Balea gel cleanser with a fresh scent of grapefruit

    For the dressing facial cleanser always use more delicate products, so BALEINE gel Ideally the morning awakening. The gel texture with water turns into soft foam that gently cleanses the face and refreshed, moreover, leaves a pleasant scent of grapefruit. Ideally facial cleanser for warm summer morning :)

    In the morning I use more gentle products for facial cleansing, so it is Balea gel perfect for morning awakening. Gel texture, together with the water turns into a gentle foam that gently cleanses the face and refreshed, moreover, it leaves a pleasant scent of grapefruit. Ideal cleanser for warm summer morning :)

    Product Name?

    Balea gel cleanser with a fresh scent of grapefruit
    What is it?
    Balea cleanser gel  with a fresh scent of grapefruit.

    What skin is it for?
    For all skin types.
    Who is it for?
    All skin type.

    Product Description?
    Gently cleanses the skin and refreshes.
    Product description?
    Skin gently cleanses and refreshes.


    The gel is applied morning and evening on wet face, neck and décolleté and gently rub. Drain the areas around the eyes and mouth. Suffice it to another syringe. After applying the gel, rinse thoroughly.
    The product is dermatologically approved.
    How do you use it?
    You can applied  gel in the  morning and evening on wet face, neck and décolleté and gently rub. Release the areas around the eyes and lips. After application of the gel, rinse thoroughly.
    The product is dermatologically approved.

    A good product?
    • It contains vitamin C and vitamin B5
    • Gentle to the skin  
    • Visibly clean skin
    • Low price

    Whats good about it?
    • Contains vitamin C and vitamin B5
    • Gentle to the skin
    • Visibly clearer skin
    • Affordable price

    The downside of the product?
    Whats not so good about it?

    You can buy the product?
    V dm-u.
    Where can you get it?
    In all dm stores.

    150 ml-> 1,65 eur

    150 ml-> 1,65 eur

    What do you use it for facial cleansing?
    What do you use for facial cleansing? 




    This summer I decided that after a long time sprobam some self-tanning lotion. This was mainly arose from the fact that I really "white as chalk." But because I have to self tan creams bad experience, I needed some time that I found the right one for me. After all have read online, I decided to try Biobazin self-tanning lotion.

    It is a completely natural self-tanning lotion, which is designed primarily for light skin, what is most important is that after not become flekast, but still very nice smell. For both nerodo like me, this is the ideal product.

    Lotion absorbs quickly into the skin, so it is not necessary I do not know how long to wait to wear. After application, the skin is pleasantly perfumed and nourished. Lotion does not leave those artificial yellow color, but gentle to the skin a bronze tint. However, if you want it a little more brown, repeat the process until the desired color shade.

    I use lotion every second / third day, before that you do optional peel (use as my "home made" peeling, namely sugar + olive oil). Peeling is recommended particularly for the stability of a single color.

    Well, I have a list of another Biobazin product that positively surprised me and became my "must have" this summer.

    This summer I decided, after a long time to try some self-tanning lotion. Because I have some bad experience with these creams, I spent some time picked out and looking for the right one. I decided to try Biobaza Self-bronzing  lotion which is  completely natural  with amazing smell. I like that the lotion leaves a bronze colour and not the yellow one and also doesn't leave the dark spots.
    I use lotion every second / third day, before that I  exfoliate my skin (I use "home made" scrub -> sugar + olive oil). 

    Now,I have another Biobaza product which positively surprised me and became my "must have" for this summer.

    Product Name?
    Lotion natural skin tones
    What is it?
    Self-bronzing lotion
    Product Description?
    Completely natural lotion with an innovative complex: black carrot extract, nourishing oils, cocoa butter and vitamin E, which helps in darkening the skin without sun, you will be impressed with your esotičnim scent and fast-absorbing, non-greasy texture. The results are quickly seen beautiful copper skin, as if the sun at the beach
    Product description?
    You will be delighted with a completely natural lotion with innovative complex of black carrot extract, nourishing oils, cocoa butter and vitamin E, which promote skin tanning without exposure to the sun, as well as with its exotic fragrance and fast absorbing, non-greasy texture. A quickly visible result is a beautiful, sunny bronze skin, just like the one you get on your favorite beach.

    Abstract black carrot almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil.
    Black carrot extract, almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil.

    Apply the lotion to clean skin. Wait until absorbed into the skin, then you can wear. After application wash your hands well. Repeat the process until the desired nuances of fair skin.
    How do you use it?
    Apply evenly on the clean skin. Wait until the lotion absorbs into the skin and then put your clothes on. After use, wash your hands thoroughly. Repeat the process until you reach the desired skin tone.
    You can buy the product?
    Muller, DM
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get it in Muller and DM
    150> 9.33 eur
    150> 9.33 eur



    VITAMINS A + C + E

    Vitaminčki located in a dark glass bottle with a dropper. The texture of the product is more watery and sticky, but it is nevertheless very easily absorbed into the skin. When the first coat sticky texture we just did not like it, but it was only this morning already forgotten, because it was the first remarkable result. My facial skin was already first applications visibly more radiant. Now, after a month of regular use, my skin feel fresh, taut, shiny skin tone and also I improved. The product uses only the evening. In addition to a pleasant smell, I like the fact that it is used in small quantities. For the entire face and neck is enough 1-2 drops.
    Dinner: 33 eur


    Currently, I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra Light Fluid SPF 50+. Anthelios XL 50+ ultra-light fluid very high protection UVA facial for sensitive skin and skin that is prone to sun allergy. Fluid is white and very light texture. Texture is free of grease and unnoticeable to the invisible end layer and the highly water-resistant. In addition to the above but the fluid acts as a very good basis before applying makeup.
    Dinner: 16,97 eur


    I would like to emphasize that the powder is very smooth and controlled. It is the most liquid foundation, I have until now used (more liquid than Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Powder). This is going to be when applied to the back of the hands, at the slightest movement spread over the whole hand.
    Coverage by the Foundation provides the medium. But it is interesting that a long time as vtirate more guest becomes larger and coverage has. I powder is applied by means of brush, because I so advised the MAC's artiste. Some makeup artists believe that it is better to apply foundation with your fingers. I play both ways and I noticed a difference. However, it is important that the ground quickly and very well vtreš the skin, because otherwise it becomes a little sticky.
    Dinner: 30 eur


    KIKO Oil Nourishing Lip something crazy. In addition, it nourishes and moisturizes lips, leaving behind even a nice shiny look. The oil is located in the heart embalaži.Dobiš can NJAMI in three flavors (coconut, vanilla and grapefruit). I have it flavored with coconut and I must admit that smells divine. I use it alone, but sometimes it is also applied over lipstick. The formula is enriched with jojoba oil, shea butter, mango butter and wild-vitamin E.
    Dinner: 11,90 eur


    Well, I have another Biobazin product that I was totally impressed. Although the product is intended for the sun, I use it as instead of cream for the body after a shower because the smell of the product and formula phenomenal. The product contains green tea extract, avocado oil, aloe vera juice and yogurt proteins (single super ingredients), but even after applying this cools.
    Dinner: 5,49 eur

    VITAMINS A + C + E

    The content of product is located in a dark bottle with a dropper. The texture of the product is more watery and sticky, but it is nevertheless very quickly absorbed into the skin. At the beginning I did not like this sticky texture, but it was soon forgotten, because the first results were amazing. My skin on the face was already visibly more radiant, after first use. Now, after a month of regular use, my skin is fresher, compact and radiant. I use this Vitamins "bomb"  only in the evening. Besides pleasant fragrance, I like the fact that product can be used in small quantities. For the entire face and neck is enough 1-2 drops.
    Price:33 eur


    This season I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+. Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+ is very high face sun protection UVA. The fluid is white and blends in really quickly leaving a super light-weight finish on the skin and work great as a primer if you are wearing makeup. It doesn’t feel sticky and actually makes the skin really smooth. 
    Price:16,97 eur

    This stuff is probably the runniest foundation you will have ever used, it’s like water.  But as soon as you start working it into the skin, the strangest thing starts to happen. The more friction or movement F&B gets, the thicker it gets, so the more you blend it in, the more coverage it has.
    For applying I use a brush  but you can also use your fingertips. I tried both ways and I do not notice any difference.
    Price:30 eur


    KIKO Oil Nourishing Lip is amazing.  Oil nourishes and moisturizes lips and leaves a glossy finish. You can get  oil in three yummy flavors (coconut, vanilla and grapefruit). I have it a coconut flavored and I must admit that smells heavenly. Oil I use it alone, but sometimes I also applied over lipstick. The formula is enriched with jojoba oil, shea butter, wild mango butter and vitamin E.
    Price:11,90 eur


    Well, I have another Biobaza product, which totally impressed me. The product is intended for after-sun, but I use it instead of body cream after shower, because the smell and the formula of the product are phenomenal. This product contains green tea extract, avocado oil, aloe vera juice and yogurt proteins. After application cream gently cool the skin, providing a long lasting sense of pleasure
    Price:5,49 eur



    Today's announcement is intended to present IBM MAC powder. All we know is that the MAC is one of the most exciting and the most popular brand among makeup artists. Those who do not know, you are now aware of this;)

    Since I have a MAC convenience store near your face (Trieste), I must admit that I'm quite a regular visitor. My last visit was completed with the purchase of powder Face and Body. I was looking for something light and durable. Something that will be suitable for warmer days. So I decided to have their first and most popular product F & B.

    Well, let's get started ...

    I would like to emphasize that the powder is very smooth and controlled. It is the most liquid foundation, I have until now used (more liquid than  Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Powder ). This is going to be when applied to the back of the hands, at the slightest movement spread over the whole hand.
    Coverage by the Foundation provides the medium. But it is interesting that a long time as vtirate more guest becomes larger and coverage has. I powder is applied by means of brush, because I so advised the MAC's artiste (the application can use  the MAC's 187 brush , I use  KIKO 107 brush ). Some makeup artists believe that it is better to apply foundation with your fingers. I play both ways and I noticed a difference. However, it is important that the ground quickly and very well vtreš the skin, because otherwise it becomes a little sticky.
    The menu is very much like the foundation, mainly because without a matt finish at the end, but leave the skin a bit more shiny finish, which is very much like me. Surface works very naturally and no one will notice that even wear powder, which is for those warmer days in general SUPER :)  
    Definitely powder intended for dry, normal / non-problem skin. All those who have oily skin, I do not recommend it, especially because you started to shine after a few hours. I do not recommend it to those who like to have a base of more prekrivnostjo and matte finish.

    Today's announcement is intended to present the MAC Face and Body foundation. We  all know that the MAC is one of the most quality and the most popular brand among makeup artists. Those who do not know, now you know ;)

    I was looking for something light and durable. Something that will be suitable for warmer days. MAC Face and Body foundation has been around for a long time. This was the first MAC foundation.

    So, let's start…

    This stuff is probably the runniest foundation you will have ever used, it’s like water.  But as soon as you start working it into the skin, the strangest thing starts to happen. The more friction or movement F&B gets, the thicker it gets, so the more you blend it in, the more coverage it has.

    For applying I use a brush (you can use MAC face brush 187, I use KIKO face brush 107) but you can also use your fingertips ( some makeup artist told that this is the best way for applying). I tried both ways and I do not notice any difference.

    The coverage is sheer to medium, really you can build this up to be full cove.rage. The finish is dewy, and very smooth, skin looks pore free and perfect.

    This foundation  isn’t the best for oily skin, because, it could goes very shiny. It’s amazing for normal to dry skins though.

    Product Name?
    M-A-C Studio Face and body puder.
    What is it?
    M-A-C StudioFace and body foundation.

    What skin is it for?
    Dry, normal / non-problematic skin.
    Who is it for?
    Normal to dry skins.

    Product Description?
    The powder based on water-based. Suitable for all those who do not like heavy bases and love the natural, fresh and shiny appearance of the skin. Excellent for face and body. The color powder is not transferred to the clothing. The product is available in 13 shades quiet. Because my skin more pinkish undertone, I therefore appropriate shade N1.
    Product description?
    A water-based, water-resistant foundation that provides natural coverage for face and/or body. Face and Body Foundation provides sheer, natural looking coverage in an easy to blend formula. Available in a wide range of colours. I use shade N1 (because I have pink undertone). Contains several emollients to help moisturise and condition the skin. It delivers professional looking results that meet the exacting standards of beauty photography and is ideal for perfecting the face and body.

    Water, Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Butylene Glycol, PVP/Hexadecene Copolymer, Stearic Acid, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Talc, Tocopherol, Tocopherol Acetate, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange), Fusanus Spicatus Wood oil, Xantham Gum, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 20, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin [ /- Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Chromium Oxide Greens]
    Water, Dimethicone, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Butylene Glycol, PVP/Hexadecene Copolymer, Stearic Acid, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Talc, Tocopherol, Tocopherol Acetate, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange), Fusanus Spicatus Wood oil, Xantham Gum, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 20, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin [ /- Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Chromium Oxide Greens]

    Before use, shake the bottle well, because it is quite watery texture powder. Then, by using a finger or a brush Apply the entire face.
    How do you use it?
    Shake the bottle well before use to preserve the evanescence and lightness of texture. Apply with fingertips or brush, then blend in from the middle of the face outwards.

    A good product?
    • Powder is nice and equate the face and body
    • Do not transferred to clothing
    • Very light base
    • The end result: a radiant, natural-looking skin
    • The substrate is particularly suitable for the summer months
    • long-lasting

    Whats good about it?
    • Second skin effect
    • Amazing also for a body
    • Is not transferred to clothing
    • Very light base
    • The final result: shiny and natural-looking skin
    • Foundation is particularly suitable for the summer months
    • Long-lasting

    The downside of the product?
    A little too smooth.
    Whats not so good about it?
    A little too liquid.

    50 ml-> 30 eur
    120 ml-> about 38 euros
    50 ml-> 30 eur
    120 ml-> about 38 euros

    What is yours favorite foundation for those warmer days? 

    Which is  your favourite foundation for these warmer days?


    VITAMINS A + C + E

    Last time I read a lot about how vitamin creams are great for our skin. In our small Slovenian market is Kremiće these vitamins and serums, very little. I chose Collistarjevo vitamin "bomb", which contains vitamins A, C and E.

    Why? Because:

    Vitamin A (Retinol)
    It is the first ingredient, it must contain a good cream against wrinkles. Retinol is a great helper in restoring and rejuvenating all skin types, because it makes for tense skin and collagen, which is a prerequisite for flexible and healthy appearance of the skin.
    Vitamin C
    It is an excellent stimulant of the formation of collagen, as well as a great help to zbledevanju brown freckles.
    Vitamin E
    Vitamin E has properties similar to vitamin C, in addition, it also contributes to the treatment of skin scarring and allows greater elasticity of the skin. It is also an excellent supplement of vitamin C by increasing its performance.

    Vitaminčki located in a dark glass bottle with a dropper. The texture of the product is more watery and sticky, but it is nevertheless very easily absorbed into the skin. In the first application, but I just sticky texture was not like it, but it was only this morning already forgotten, because it was the first remarkable result. My facial skin was already first applications visibly more radiant. Now, after a month of regular use, my skin feel fresh, taut, shiny skin tone and also I improved. The product uses only the evening. In addition to a pleasant smell, I like the fact that it is used in small quantities. For the entire face and neck is enough 1-2 drops.

    There is little sera Kremiće and fluids that impress me from today to tomorrow. But this vitamin "bomb" the TOP and my expectations were met :).

    Recently, I read a lot about how vitamin cream are excellent for our skin. I chose Collistar vitamin "bomb", which contains vitamins A, C and E.

    Why? Because:

    Vitamin A  (Retinol)
    Retinol is another name for vitamin A. It is an extremely effective cell-communicating ingredient that has the ability to connect to almost any skin cell receptor site and tell it to behave like a healthy, younger skin cell.
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin C can provide a range of benefits that keep your skin younger-looking, longer, such as: reducing the appearance of brown spots and other types of sun damage, helping to boost healthy collagen production, reducing inflammation and irritation, both of which cause a cascade of damage, fading post-breakout red marks by improving skin’s natural healing response, increasing the effectiveness of your sunscreens and boosting your skins defence against UV exposure.
    Vitamin E
    Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. Free radicals, which are caused by several factors including metabolism, pollution and UV radiation, are oxygen molecules that have lost an electron and need to find another one quickly.

    The content of product is located in a dark bottle with a dropper. The texture of the product is more watery and sticky, but it is nevertheless very quickly absorbed into the skin. At the beginning I did not like this sticky texture, but it was soon forgotten, because the first results were amazing. My skin on the face was already visibly more radiant, after first use. Now, after a month of regular use, my skin is fresher, compact and radiant. I use this vitamin "bomb"  only in the evening. Besides pleasant fragrance, I like the fact that product can be used in small quantities. For the entire face and neck is enough 1-2 drops.

    With one word this vitamin "bomb" is  TOP of the TOP  :).

    Product Name?
    Vitamins A + C + E recovery and lighten
    What is it?
    Vitamins A+C+E regenerating brightening

    What skin is it for?
    For all skin types.
    Who is it for?
    For all skin types.

    Product Description?
    Collistar has created a bottle of pure molecules with vitamins A, C and E. Because of this special formula with vitamins A + C + E Pure Active: protect the skin against free radicals, promote the restoration and regeneration of skin cells, strengthen skin tissue and revitalizirajp prevent and reduce wrinkles and uneven skin tone and signs of aging, the skin becomes more radiant.
    The product does not contain perfumes, alcohol and colorants.
    Product description?
    Collistar Research has brought them together in their purest forms in a single valuable product. An exclusive combination that enhances their individual properties and represents a genuine tonic for the skin’s tissues. Thanks to its special formula Vitamins A+C+E Pure Active: carries out a powerful anti-free radical action, stimulates skin cell renewal and regeneration, strengthens and revitalises the skin tissues, prevents and reduces wrinkles, uneven skin tone and signs of ageing, leaves the skin radiant. Free of fragrances, alcohol and colourings.

    The product is used morning and / or evening. It can be used alone or under a cream. The skin is moisturized by applying generous, nourished and radiant. The summer is the perfect combination of care after sunbathing or as a standalone treatment as obscure any irregularities caused by the sun daughters of the skin (dark spots, photoaging, spots, freckles ...)
    How do you use it?
    Apply by delicately massaging into thoroughly clean face and neck morning and/or evening. Effective on its own, it may also be applied under a regular skin care cream for a powerful action. Moreover, Pure Actives can also be used simultaneously, alternating them on the basis of individual requirements. 

    A good product?
    Skin is moisturized, back to gain strength and compactness. Signs of dehydration disappear, lines are blurred and face revived in youthful appearance. The product is made in the form of a light texture that is instantly absorbed into the skin, which becomes velvety soft
    What’s good about it?
    Pure Actives Vitamins A+C+E: stimulates cellular regeneration, strengthens and revitalises skin tissues, brightens the skin and reduces uneven skin tone. A genuine all-round tonic for the skin’s tissues. Used every day it improves the quality of the skin, which becomes incredibly radiant and firm.

    The downside of the product?
    Price is a little high.
    What’s not so good about it?
    The price is little to high.

    You can buy the product?
    V Mullerju.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia, you can get it in Muller.

    30 ml-> approx. 33 euros
    30 ml-> approx. 33 euros



    Dear ladies, which does not want a healthy and radiant skin? For you, I  chose 10 tips that have helped my skin to really shine.

     1 . Water. Water and water again

    L aženje is  the most important step  on the path to  healthy and beautiful skin fresh appearance.  I start the day with a glass of lukewarm water into which squeeze juice of half a lemon. During the day, however, try drink at least 1.5 liters of water and 8 glasses.

    2. Fruits and Vegetables

    Oxidants in fruits and vegetables help prevent free radicals, which damage our skin and at the same time contribute all the ingredients you radiant  skin  needs. 

    3. Products without fragrance

    It is known that fragrances in products often cause unwanted allergic reactions, but the face does not look like nothing attractive. Therefore, the products which you use fragrance free.

    4. Piling

    The skin is really fresh only when you get to it removes dead skin cells. Only then it will breathe and shine, also will accelerate its renovation. Nevertheless, peelings not Run Too often, also do not use too aggressive media and devices. 
    I do pilig prepare you alone, two tablespoons of sugar mixed with one teaspoon of olive or coconut olja.Opozorila would this before you use any scrub thoroughly know your skin type. Select funds, which do not contain oversized particles or brush with soft bristles.

     5. Wash the cotton cloth

    Some sources say that most face wash our hands. I personally, however you prefer to wash my linen cloth, because the only way I have a feeling that it is really clean. (In order to understand the cloth is changed every day :))

     6 Moisturizing cream

    Always use a quality moisturizer. If you want that your skin is radiant, it is important that you regularly nurture and feed them. Therefore, take your time and find a cream that suits your skin type.

     7. Sun cream

    Never forget the face to apply a sunscreen with a high protection factor. If these applying sunscreens to the face does not smell, select a moisturizing cream or powder, which contains a sun protection factor.

    8. Removing makeup

    Before going to sleep you have to face mandatory cleaned of all impurities and make-up !!!

     9. Spain

    At night, our skin regenerates and rest, and daily attempts to sleep at least seven hours.

     10. Compression pimples

    Pressing acne is harmful to your skin. Why? Because this will make the skin more harm than good. Usually acne is not compressed properly, in addition, we pressed so much time (well, at least I can :)) let us stay at his face bloody wounds can also become permanent scars. If you have serious problems with acne and pimples, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

    Ps: The less you try to touch the skin of your face during the day, once a week apply a moisturizing mask and had success will be guaranteed;)

    Do not forget that the  skin is extremely important .

    We all want to saw our skin healthy and glowing. I will share with you 10 tips that have helped me.

    1. Water. Water and again water.

    The more water you drink, the more regular the toxins will flow out of your body. I start the day with a glass of warm water, in which squeeze juice of half a lemon. During the day I try to drink at least 1.5 litres or 8 glasses of water.

    2. Eat clean

    The cleaner your eat, the less toxins will enter your body.  The easiest way to clear your skin and brighten your complexion is to treat it well. 

     3. Products without fragrances

    Fragrance in products often cause adverse allergic reactionsTherefore, you should use products which are  formulated to be completely fragrance-free.

     4. Exfoliants

    One of the key steps to having radiant, younger looking skin is to get rid of old, dry, dead skin cells. And the best way to do that is to exfoliate.

     I mix the sugar crystals (2 tps) with olive or coconut oil, to make a paste and than scrub on my face in a circular motion, rinse, wash as usual.

    5. Use a face cloth

    Use a face cloth when cleansing your face. It cleans your skin, gently exfoliates and leaves your skin looking cleaner, clearer and brighter.

     6. Moisturising

    Always use a good quality moisturiser. We all know that keeping skin moisturised is the key to getting that youthful glow and maintaining a nice, supple complexion. Find the best moisturiser for you.

     7. Sunscreens

    Never forget to apply on face cream with a high SPF. You can also choose a moisturiser or foundation which have a high  SPF.

     8. Strip off your make-up before bed

    Before you going to bed you must clean your face of all impurities and make-up !!!

     9. Sleep

    At night our skin regenerates and renews, therefore, try to sleep at least 7 hours per day.

    10. Compression pimples

    Compression pimples is harmful for your skin. Why? This habit can do more harm than good. Usually pimples is not compressed properly, moreover, may be compressed as much time that we remain on the face of a bloody wounds, which can also become permanent scars. If you have serious problems with acne and pimples, it is the best way  to consult with dermatologist.

    P.s.: Keep your hands off your face during the day  and once a week, apply a moisturising mask on face… the results will be guaranteed ;)

    Don't forget, skin care is extremely important.




    In these beautiful spring days I do not leave home without sunscreen for the face. Since it is generally my skin is very sensitive and bright, her in these warmer months to come, I dedicate further attention. According to dermatologist's advice, which I visit once a year, I have to use very high sun protection factor. For ease uses a different sun-cream as for the body, as well as a protective factor is slightly higher. I found that sunscreen for face less oily, faster and soak up some work as a super base before applying makeup. The higher the SPF for the face but also use it to avoid premature aging of the skin, hyperpigmentation, and of course sunburn.

    Currently, I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra Light Fluid SPF 50+ . Anthelios XL 50+ ultra-light fluid very high protection UVA facial for sensitive skin and skin that is prone to sun allergy. Fluid is white and very light texture. Texture is free of grease and unnoticeable to the invisible end layer and the highly water-resistant. In addition to the above but the fluid acts as a very good basis before applying makeup.

    The first thing I do when the sun comes out is layer on the SPF. For the past year I’ve been using a separate SPF on my face than the rest of my body. I find that SPF’s specifically for the face are easier to blend, less greasy and some of them work great as a primer if you are wearing makeup. I also like to use a higher SPF on my face to avoid dark spots, wrinkles and leathery skin.

    This season I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+. Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+ is very high face sun protection UVA. The fluid is white and blends in really quickly leaving a super light-weight finish on the skin and work great as a primer if you are wearing makeup. It doesn’t feel sticky and actually makes the skin really smooth.

    Product Name?
    La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+
    What is it?
    La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+
    What skin is it for?
    For all skin types.
    Who is it for?
    For all skin types.

    Product Description?
    La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL 50+ ultra-light fluid very high protection UVA facial for sensitive skin and skin that is prone to sun allergy, commonly known as allergy to the sun.
    Product description?
    Anthelios XL Ultra Light Fluid SPF 50+ from La Roche-Posay provides very high face sun protection for normal to combination skin. The non-greasy fluid is suitable for use on fair and sensitive skin.

    Over-exposure to the sun is dangerous. Product sunscreen use immediately before sun exposure. Product apply often and in rich quantity to maintain protection, especially after swimming, sweating or toweling. For outdoor use.
    How do you use it?
    Apply the sunscreen product just before exposure. Re-apply frequently and generously to maintain protection, especially after swimming, perspiring or towelling. Avoid eye area, in case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly. Over-exposure to the sun is dangerous. Keep babies and young children out of direct sunlight. Do not stay too long in the sun, even while using a sunscreen product because it does not provide you 100% protection.

    A good product?
    • Non-comedogenic
    • without parabens
    • Water resistant
    • Very high, broad, fotostabilna UVA / UVB protection
    • Tested under dermatological supervision
    • It prevents the occurrence of dark spots caused by the sun (pregnancy freckles, photosensitization ...)
    • Optimal protection SPF 50+ with enhanced protection against UVA rays (stricter than the European recommendation of products for sun protection) thanks to patented filter system Mexoplex in combination with thermal water La Roche-Posay
    • convenient packaging

    Whats good about it?
    • No parabens
    • Non-perfumed
    • Water resistant
    • 100% hypoallergenic skincare range
    • Non-comedogenic
    • With Mexoplex (a complex that contains Mexoryl SX) and Mexoryl XL, this product provides high broad spectrum sun protection against the harmful effects of both UVA and UVB rays. Contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water.
    • Helping to prevent the appearance of dark spots caused by the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays
    • Handy packaging

    The downside of the product?
    Whats not so good about it?

    You can buy the product?
    The pharmacies.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia, you can get it in pharmacies.
    50 ml-> 16,97 eur
    50 ml-> 16,97 eur



    Weleda is a Swiss company, which I've never pen. About Weleda products I've heard a lot, however I've never met them.

    I like their philosophy of thinking, namely Weleda believes that aging is a natural process. Do not try to stop him and nobody want to rejuvenate. Instead of supporting the inner beauty and splendor in every stage of life, because they want to get their users feel good and look good. For them it is very important to glow from the inside out. All Weledini natural products and tailored to the needs of each individual.

    My skin is very sensitive and prone to irritation, and therefore requires special care. I care what applies to it, so I try to choose the most natural cosmetics. I decided to test Weledin nourishing body lotion for sensitive kožo- Almond.

    It is the principle of gentle lotion with a pleasant smell, which we love. The lotion is quickly absorbed, skin soothes and moisturizes, moreover , the skin after application of soft / velvety and pleasantly perfumed.  

    Weleda is a Swiss company. About Weleda products I've heard a lot, but I've never try them.

    Natural products for health and vitality, tailored to the needs of every individual – this is the philosophy behind Weleda’s natural cosmetics and holistic skin care.

    My skin is very sensitive and irritation-prone and therefore requires special care. For me is very important what I apply on my skin, so I try to choose the most natural cosmetics as possible. I decided to test Weleda body lotion for sensitive skin- Almond.

    It is a very gentle lotion with a pleasant smell. Lotion absorbs quickly, calms skin prone to irritation and provides long lasting moisture. After application my skin is soft / velvety and gently perfumed.

    Product Name?
    Almond nourishing body lotion for sensitive skin
    What is it?
    Almond Sensitive Skin Body Lotion

    What skin is it for?
    For sensitive skin prone irritation.
    Who is it for?
    For sensitive and irritation-prone skin.

    Water, Almond oil, alcohol, glycerin, Squalane, behenyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, Beeswax - white, carrageenan, Xanthan - gum, lactic acid, Fragrance
    Water, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Alcohol, Glycerin, Squalane, Behenyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Cera Alba, Carrageenan, Xanthan Gum, Lactic Acid, Fragrance

    Product Description?
    Like almonds with its protective shell surrounding the kernel, as well as nourishing body lotion protects sensitive skin. Lotion with organic almond oil improves the skin's protective barrier and protects the skin against external factors. At the same time long-lasting moisturizing the skin and also reduces skin feels tight. Almond nourishing body lotion for sensitive skin absorbs quickly, soothes the skin, which is prone to irritation and helps alleviate redness. It maintains the natural balance, making skin silky soft.
    Product description?
    Just as the almond wraps its kernel in a protective shell, the Almond Sensitive Skin Body Lotion gently protects sensitive skin. The lotion with organic almond oil strengthens the skin’s own protective function and therefore defends against exposure to the elements. At the same time it provides long lasting moisture, thereby reducing feelings of skin tightness. Almond Sensitive Skin Body Lotion absorbs quickly, calms skin prone to irritation and helps to reduce redness. It restores the skin’s natural balance, for skin that feels silky soft.

    Turn down packaging and prior to first use Shake well. Almond nourishing body lotion for sensitive skin Apply to the skin after bathing or showering.
    How do you use it?
    Turn the bottle upside down and shake before first use. Apply after bath or shower.

    A good product?
    Gluten-free and skin friendly pH. Effectiveness and the skin product is well tolerated, has been clinically tested and dermatologically confirmed.
    What’s good about it?
    Gluten-free, pH-skin balanced. Skin tolerance and efficacy clinically tested and dermatologically confirmed. Free of synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants, and raw materials derived from mineral oils.

    The downside product? /
    What’s not so good about it?/

    You can buy the product?
    Weledine products can be bought in all shops DM and Muller.
    Where can you get it?
    Weleda products in Slovenia can be bought in all DM and Muller shops.

    200 ml- 16,22 eur
    200 ml- 16,22 eur


    PURITY MICELLAR  WATER- Corine de Farme

    For quite some time has elapsed since that time have appeared on the market first micellar water, which caused a revolution among women. While some attribute magical properties, others argue that this is just another well-designed product, which is not actually needed.

    Now judge knows whether this is true or not? Personally, I know you're removing makeup without it no longer represents.

    I myself have been quite a few years of faithful but Biodermini Sensibio H2O mic elarni water over which I was so excited that I spent some time to gather the courage to try some other micellar water, regardless of how many there are on the market.

    Now I use Corine de Farme Micellar Water Purity is an excellent compensation Biodermino micellar water.

    Line CORINE DE Farm is designed with carefully selected and purified extracts of plants and flowers, so that the skin provides the greatest amount of their positive nutritional properties. The complete series is made up of:
    • At least 97% of the natural ingredients
    • Without parabens and no dyes

    Micellar guide for cleaning consists of micelles that effectively remove makeup from the face, eyes and lips. Thanks to the gentle formula, with extract of peony flower, the skin after use moisturized, toned, clean and refreshed. Micellar guide is suitable for all skin types, also for dry and sensitive.

    Micellar has a delicate scent that does not bother me personally. As for removing make-up, I remembered after each use micellar water use has cleansing milk or foam, because the only way I feel that my face is really clean. Micellar water Corine de Farme removes powder is very good, a little harder to remove mascara, but it depends on which application. Some are removed with ease, some a little harder. Due to the fact that my skin is dry and very sensitive, Corine de Farme Micellar water ideal for me and I'll be happy to use, even for quite some time.

    For quite some time has passed when they appeared on the market first micellar waters, which caused a revolution among women. While some attribute magical properties, others argue that there is only one well-formed product, which is not actually needed.

    Now you tell me whether this is true or not? Personally I don't know any more how to remove my makeup without micellar water.

    A quite a long time I have been faithful to Bioderma Sensibio H2O. I was so excited about her that I need some time to gather the courage and try some other micellar water, regardless of how many there are on the market.

    Now I use the Corine de Farme Micellar Water Purity and is it an excellent compensation to Bioderma Sensibio H2O.

    Line CORINE DE FARME is designed with carefully selected and purified extracts of plants and flowers, so that the skin to offer the maximum amount of their positive nutritional properties. The complete line is composed of:
    • At least 97% natural ingredients
    • Without parabens and no dyes

    This micellar purity water is composed of micelles, small particles of tensioactives which trap impurities found the surface of the epidermis. 

    These micelles effectively remove make-up and thoroughly clean the face, eyes and lips. 
    With its gentle formula and peony flower extract known for its toning properties, micellar purity water leaves skin fresh while respecting the fragility of dry or sensitive skin.

    Micellar has a delicate scent that does not bother me personally. As for removing makeup, still after each use of micellar water I use cleansing milk or foam, because this is the only way I have a feeling that my face is really clean. Micellar water Corine de Farme removes foundation very good, a little harder removes mascara, but it's up of mascara. Considering the fact that my skin is dry and very sensitive, Corine de Farme micellar water is ideal for me.

    Micellar water is applied by means of cotton pads to the face, eyes and mouth, so clean the entire face and thereby remove impurities, and then with another cotton swab, which is also soaked again with mouthwash repeat the procedure. Rinsing is not necessary.
    How do you use it?
    Soak a cotton pad with micellar water and gently cleanse and/or remove make-up from your face and eyes. Re-apply until the cotton pad becomes clean. There is no need to rinse afterwards.

    Water, Poloxamer 184, glycerin, PEG 40 hydrogenated castor oil, sodium benzoate, perfume, potassium sorbate, citric acid, sodium EDTA, or an extract of the flower of peony, sodium hydroxide.
    Aqua, Poloxamer 184, Glycerin, Peg-40, Hydrogenated Castor oil, Sodium Benzoate, Perfum, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Disodium EDTA, Paeonia Officinalis flower extract, Sodium hydroxide.

    Where the product may be obtained?
    In Slovenia you can buy in stores Müller.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller.

    500 ml ->6,69 eur
    500 ml ->6,69 eur


    As promised, today I present another one of my favorite spring and it's ... Cliniqova Superdefense CC cream. As in the warmer months I try to avoid heavy bases and Powder, and I want to facial skin breathe and look as naturally as possible, I spent some time looking for the right basis on which to act as naturally as possible and at the same time covered the redness and minor imperfections on my face. As I previously used Cliniqovo Age Defense BB Cream, above which I was not too impressed, I decided to try and give you the chance to have CC Kremiće J. Already after the first application I was positively surprised because Kremiće provides just the right amount of everything my facial skin needs.

    "CC" is abbreviated as color correcting, meaning that the application of these Kremiće mainly correction of minor imperfections. Most CC Cream provides medium overlap.

    Cliniqova Superdefense CC cream has a light texture and provides a sun protection factor on the skin 30 acts naturally and leaves healthy and fresh appearance throughout the day. CC cream is also a great base, I occasionally applied as a base before applying Chanel powder (Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation) and the end result is remarkable.

    As I promised, today I will present another one spring product, which I love and this is ... Clinique Superdefense CC cream. In the warmer months, I try to avoid heavy basis and foundation. I just want that skin on my face breath and looks as naturally as possible. Quite a long time I was looking for the right basis, which act as naturally as possible and at the same time conceal the redness and small imperfections on my face. Before that I have used Clinique Age Defence BB Cream, above which I was not too impressed, so I decided to try CC Cream J. Already after the first application I was positively surprised because cream provides just the right amount of everything that my facial skin needs.

    "CC" cream is used by some brands to mean Colour Control cream, or Colour Correcting cream, and some brands claim to reduce the appearance of skin redness or sallowness or to improve uneven skin tone. Most CC Cream Provides medium coverage.

    The Clinique Superdefense CC cream it has the light texture and contains SPF 30. On the skin it works naturally and leaves a healthy and fresh look throughout the day. CC cream is also a great base, occasionally I use it as a base before applying my Chanel foundation (Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation) and the final result is amazing.

    Product Name?
    Superdefense CC Krema Clinic
    What is it?
    Clinique Superdefense CC Cream

    What skin is it for?
    It is intended for all skin types.
    Who is it for?
    Ideal for all skin types.

    Hilauronska acid keeps the skin moisture and freshness; vitamin E; rosemary; nordihydroguaiaretic acid eliminates damage to the UVA / UVB rays and asorbyl-tocopheryl maleate protect the skin against external harmful influences.
    Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin moisture and fresh; vitamin E; rosemary; nordihydroguaiaretic acid eliminates the damage of UVA / UVB rays and asorbyl-tocopheryl maleate protect skin against external harmful influences.

    You can wear it alone, if you would like more and more intense covering can apply it as a base beneath Powder.
    How do you use it?
    Wear it alone or apply it over your favourite moisturizer. For fuller coverage wear it under foundation.

    A good product?
    • Ultra-light texture
    • Canceller dark spots and redness cover
    • Very good covering minor imperfections
    • It does not contain oil
    • It does not cause acne
    • After application, the skin of the face is not lit.
    • Contains SPF 30
    • Persistent throughout the day

    What’s good about it?
    · Lightweight texture
    · Dark spots and redness are perfectly corrected
    · Very good covering small imperfections
    · Oil free
    · Do not cause acne
    · After application, the skin on the face is not illuminated
    · Contains SPF 30
    · Lasts all day

    The downside of the product?
    Cream, unfortunately, can only be obtained in three shades.
    What’s not so good about it?
    Unfortunately you can get cream in only three shades.

    Where the product may be obtained?
    In Slovenia you can buy in stores Müller.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller.

    40 ml ->25,90 eur
    40 ml ->25,90 eur




    Spring is finally here and is time to change some products in my makeup bag. I noticed, the two products are repeated every spring, so I decided to introduce them to you. Today I will presented my first favourite, this is, Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation.

    I adore Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation. It is lightweight, it has silky texture with quite comprehensive coverage and a beautiful luminous matte finish. After application my skin looks fresher, skin imperfections are instantly less visible and it contains an SPF 15, which is an additional bonus. Water texture instantly blends with skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. I’ve been using shade 22 Beige Rose.

    Approaching the warmer days and this is also changing my cosmetic bag. I note, however, that the two products are repeated every spring, so I decided to introduce them to you. Today I will present my first favorite, this is  Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation .

    Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet puffs love, because it is extremely lightweight silky texture, in addition, it is almost invisible and without a bad conscience repeatedly naneseš the skin. Water texture instantly blends with the skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. After application, my skin looks fresher, skin imperfections are less visible in the moment. It also contains SPF 15, which is another bonus. I use a shade 22 Beige Rose.

    Product Name?
    Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Puder
    What is it?
    Chanel Perfection Light Velvet Foundation

    What skin is it for?
    Ideal for normal, combination or oily skin.
    Who is it for?
     Ideal for normal, combination or oily  skins.

    Before use, shake the bottle well, because its texture quite watery, then with the help of fingers applied across the face (from the middle of the face outwards).
    How do you use it?
    Shake the bottle well before use to preserve the evanescence and lightness of texture. Apply with fingertips, then blend in from the middle of the face outwards.

    A good product?
    • Ultra-light powder
    • Textures on his face hardly feel
    • Void lightens dark spots and redness
    • Very good covering skin imperfections
    • After applying the facial skin silky matt effect
    • Stable throughout the day

    What’s good about it?
    • Lightweight texture
    • Emulsion instantly becomes one with the skin
    • Dark spots and redness are perfectly corrected
    • Very good covering
    • Matte velvety effect
    • Lasts all day

    The downside of the product?
    Price can be a bit too high.
    What’s not so good about it?
    The price is maybe to high.

    You can buy the product?
    In Slovenia you can buy in stores Müller.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller.

    30 ml ->39,50 eur
    30 ml ->39,50 eur




    Every time I bought a creamy eyeshadow I've been disappointed. All I can saw after the first use was creasing, caking and flaking. Recently I tried Maybelline New York Color Tattoo 24hr Gel-Cream Eyeshadow. I chose a shade 65 Pink Gold. You will not believe, but this creamy eye shadow is really AMAZING!!! It has an extremely gel-creamy texture. This eyeshadow certainly does last a lot longer than any other I've tried, but not 24hrs (definitely 12 hrs J). It's so easy to use. Really easy to apply and blend and great pigmentation! You can apply eyeshadow with fingertips, sweep all over eye from inner corner and work outwards. You can find different shades of extremely intense colours.
    It's ophthalmologist-tested and safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers, which is an additional bonus.

    Every time I bought a creamy eyeshadow I was already after the first use very disappointed. Every, but really each and irrespective of the price, is already the first hour of application razmazalo and gets into the folds of the eyelids. Recently, I sprobala shadow Maybelline New York Color Tattoo 24hr Gel-Cream Eyeshadow. I chose a shade 65 Pink Gold. You will not believe it, but this creamy eye shadow is really AMAZING !!! It has an extremely creamy-gel texture and is extremely durable. The eyelids can withstand for a long time, not just 24 hours (12 hours but certainly  J ), and this without any evidence of adverse lubrication, the creep in the folds of the eyelids and the formation of lumps? Hood is very easy to apply on the eyelid, apply gently using your fingertips. In the sale of the various shades of very intense colors. Blinds are suitable for sensitive eyes and users of contact lenses, which is yet another bonus.

    Dinner? 6,59 eur 
    Price? 6,59 eur

    You can buy the product?
    In DM, Muller, it is possible also purchase online.
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can buy in drugstore like DM, Muller and also you can buy online.




    Recently I was in one of vlogs on Youtube encountered a blogger who is so passionate represent mask Simple Kind This Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask to me as a freak skin was not hard to make sure that I had the same minute orders. The mask is an excellent skin thoroughly cleans and nourishes, and they do not tighten the face so that you can easily čebljaš :). The skin after applying visibly clean, soft and nourished. The mask is designed for sensitive skin, as well as for normal and oily skin. Since my skin is dry and sensitive is applied once a week, but if your skin is normal or oily, you can naneseš twice a week. More about Simple products, please visit their website:

    Few weeks ago I found on YouTube a vlogger who is so passionate spoke about the mask Simple Kind This Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask. So I decided to order. The mask is amazing. Skin is thoroughly cleansed and nourished and without tightening facial, so you can easily talk:). Skin is after application clean, soft and nourished. Mask is perfect for sensitive skin and also for normal and oily skin. My skin is dry and sensitive so I use it once a week, but if you have normal or oily skin, you can use it twice a week. If you want more information about Simple product, you can visit their website:

    Product Name?
    Kind To Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask
    What is it?
    Kind To Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask

    What skin is it for?
    Ideal for dry and sensitive skin, as well as for normal / oily skin.
    Who is it for?
    It’s perfect for sensitive skin and even for normal/oily skin.

    Voda, Bela glina, Glicerol, Paraffinum Liquidum (mineralno olje), Glicerol Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Pantenol, PEG-100 Stearate, Carbomer, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Propylene Glycol, Natrijev hidroksid, Methylparaben, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E), Hamamelis Virginiana Distillate, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, Sodium Benzoate.
    Aqua, Kaolin, Glycerin, Paraffinum Liquidum, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Panthenol, PEG-100 Stearate, Carbomer, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Hydroxide, Methylparaben, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Hamamelis Virginiana Distillate, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, Sodium Benzoate

    Product Description?
    The mask contains the perfect combination of ingredients, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Bisabolol (the main component of essential oil of chamomile, which act against inflammatory, anti-microbial, promotes healing and soothes the skin), natural clay and algae extracts that help in depth cleansing and removing dead skin cells, as well as improving the appearance of the skin.
    The product does not contain artificial colors and fragrances.
    Product description?
    Mask contains the perfect blend of ingredients for drawing out deep down dirt and to eliminate dead skin cells.  Special blend of Simple cleansing goodness containing Pro-Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Bisabolol, Natural Clay and Seaweed Extracts, helps to gently cleanse and exfoliate helping to improve skin condition. Mask do not contain artificial perfume or colour.

    Apply to cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly with clean water. The mask can be applied once a week on dry skin. In the event that your skin is normal or oily, you can apply twice a week.
    How do you use it?
    Apply to thoroughly cleansed skin avoiding eye area. Leave for 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use once a week on dry skin or twice a week on normal/oily skin.

    A good product?
    The mask is an excellent skin thoroughly cleans and nourishes, moreover, creamy texture without tightening face. Result: visibly clean, soft and nourished skin.
    What’s good about it?
    The mask is excellent, skin thoroughly cleans and nourishes, and does not tighten the face. Results: Skin is after application, soft, nourished and  clean.

    The downside of the product?
    What’s not so good about it?

    The product is dermatologically tested and approved.
    Dermatologically tested and approved.

    You can buy the product?
    In the UK you can buy in their drugstores Boots and Superdrug.
    Where can you get it?
    In UK you can buy in their drugstores Boots and Superdrug.

    75 ml -> 5,62 eur
    75 ml -> 5,62 eur 




    You know, that I love Biobaza cosmetics. I decided to wrote something about their product pH Natural Sensitive. All winter I was looking for good body lotion or cream for my sensitive skin. My skin was irritated and dry. I try some pharmaceutical products but nothing really help me. So I decide to bought and try this product.  After few days my skin become more moisturising, vital and hydrate.

    Given that you already know that I love natural cosmetics Biobaza, I decided to write something about pH neutral moisturizing Kremiće. In the cold winter I was looking for a good lotion or cream that could answer my sensitive skin, since it was very red and dry. First, I decided to try some products that can be obtained in pharmacies, but we unfortunately did not help. So I decided to try it with some Kremiće and lotions that you can get in all drugstores. I found mentioned kremico which my dry and sensitive skin very well received. After a few weeks, the skin becomes more vital, nourished and moisturized.

    Product Name?
    Neutral pH moisturizer.
    What is it?
    pH  Natural Sensitive

    What skin is it for?
    Ideal for sensitive skin of children and adults.
    Who is it for?
    It is ideal for sensitive skin of children and adults.

    Abstract immortelle and German chamomile.
    99% of the natural ingredients.
    Immortelle and German chamomile extract.
    Contains 99% ingredients of natural origin.

    Product Description?
    Light-protective cream based immortelle and German chamomile with 99% natural ingredients. It provides the skin with natural protection in all seasons. It is the perfect choice for sensitive skin of children and adults. The natural combination of German chamomile and immortelle actively soothes irritated skin and restores its natural shine, is what dry and sensitive skin needs most. With its moisturizing formula hydrates the skin long-term, it contributes to its natural resistance and protects it from external influences. The skin becomes vital, wrinkles are less visible. The cream can be used in all seasons, especially in conditions that are uncomfortable to the skin (eg. Wind, dry air, strong sunshine, air-conditioned rooms, etc.).
    Product description?
    The natural combination of German chamomile and immortelle actively reduces irritation of sensitive skin and restores its natural shine - it is a real blessing to dry and sensitive skin. With moisturising formula, it hydrates the skin, supports its natural resistance and protects from external influences.
    The skin becomes vital, and tiny wrinkles less visible. It can be used during all seasons, especially in unfavourable weather conditions for the skin: wind, dry air, exposure to strong sunlight, air-conditioned rooms, etc.

    Apply it on a clean and dry skin. Suitable for skin care for face and body.
    How do you use it?
    Apply to clean and dry skin. Suitable for body care but you can also use for face.

    A good product?
    It is the perfect choice for sensitive skin, but still very nice smell. Kremiće contains no parabens, artificial colors or fragrances.
    What’s good about it?
    It is a real blessing to dry and sensitive and smell amazing and it’s colour, perfume and paraben free.

    The downside of the product?
    What’s not so good about it?

    The product is not tested on animals.
    Product is not tested on animals.

    You can buy the product?
    In Slovenia, you can buy in stores Müller and online. For other countries, but I attach a link:
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller and online.
    For other countries, I attach a link

    250 ml -> 5,26 Euro (super price for the quality and quantity)
    250 ml -> 5,26 eur ( good price for quality and quantity)




    Last few months my sensitive skin loves line of BIOBAZA cosmetics. BIOBAZA cosmetics do not contain components such as preservatives, perfumes and colorants. Everything that skin needs can be found in their products, which are adapted to sensitive skin. So, I decided this time to introduce to you two products which I LOVE. This are Lift-it! Anti-Oxidant Fluid and Lift-it-up! Oil Serum.For more products and information you can visit their web site:

    Given that the last months of my sensitive skin adores line of cosmetics BIOBAZA, adapted to sensitive skin, because it does not contain preservatives, synthetic fragrances, dyes and other skin irritating ingredients, I decided to introduce you to two products, which are I am totally impressed. These are  Antioxidants fluid   and  oil serum . Learn more about Cosmetic products, please visit their website:

    Product Name?
    Lift-It-Up! oil serum
    What is it?
    Lift-it-up! Oil Serum

    Who is it for?
    Ideal for normal to dry skin.
    Who is it for?
    Ideal for normal / dry skin.
    Almond oil, wheat germ oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, coconut oil, rosemary oil, jojoba oil, lavender oil and an extract of parsley seeds. Crazy, also in this product all the ingredients I can read this: D
    This product contains 99% natural ingredients.
    Almond, wheat germ, evening primrose, borage, coconut, rosemary, jojoba and lavender oil, parsley seed extract.  Crazy, all the ingredients actually I can read: D
    Product contains 99% natural ingredients. Awesome!!

    Product Description?
    Concentrate based on extracts of seeds of parsley, eight valuable, natural oils and vitamin E, is a real treasure antioxidant ingredients that nourish the skin and prevent wrinkles. Facial skin nourishing complex provides optimum protection, restoration, and gives it a healthy glow and a fresh look.
    Product description?
    A concentrate based on parsley seed extract, eight precious natural oils and vitamin E is a real treasury of antioxidant ingredients which nourish the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
    Nourishing composition provides optimal protection for the skin, regenerates it, and gives it a healthy glow and a fresh appearance.

    I apply 3-4 drops and vmasiram a clean face and neck. Serum is designed for day and night care. Sam used only for night care, before applying antioxidant fluid.
    How do you use it?
    I apply a few drops (3-4 drops) and massage on the clean face and neck. You can use it for day and night care. Can be used alone or before you apply  Anti-Oxidant Fluid.

    A good product?
    Bottle, ingredients, herbal aroma and effect that serum leaves skin. My skin, I find its use more nourished and moisturized.
    What’s good about it?
    Glass bottle, ingredient, herbal smell and the effect that serum is left on my skin. After use my skin is more hydrant and toned.

    The downside of the product?
    The pipette does not perform its functions as it should.
    What’s not so good about it?
    I do not like a dropper.

    The product is not tested on animals.
    Product is not tested on animals.

    Where the product may be obtained?
    In Slovenia you can buy in stores Müller. Some products can be bought online as well.
    For other countries, but you enclose link:
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can find this product in Muller. For other countries, I recommend to visit their web site:

    50 ml-> 11,93 eur
    50 ml -> 11,93 eur

    Product Name?
    Lift-it! Antioksidantni fluid
    What is it?
    Lift-it! Anti-Oxidant Fluid

    What skin is it for?
    It is ideal for sensitive and dehydrated skin.
    Who is it for?
     Ideal for sensitive, dehydrated skin.

    Almond oil, shea butter, borage oil, parsley seed extract, green tea extract, rosemary oil and lavender oil. Crazy, all the ingredients actually I can read :)
    Super seems to me that the 98% natural ingredients.
    Almond oil, shea butter, borage oil, parsley seed extract, green tea extract, rosemary oil and lavender oil. It's crazy, all the ingredients, actually I can read :)
    Product contains 98% natural ingredients. Awesome!!

    Product Description?
    Fluid is quickly absorbed, tightens the skin and equalizes skin. The composition of the extracts of seeds of parsley in combination with boražine oil and vitamin E reduces pigmentation and protects the skin against premature aging. Nourishing almond oil and shea butter provides additional natural moisture and makes the skin soft and elastic.
    Product description?
    This fast absorbing fluid has a firming effect on the skin and evens out skin tone
    Its composition, consisting of parsley seed extract, borage oil and vitamin E, reduces pigmentation and protects the skin against premature aging.
    Nourishing almond oil and shea butter provide additional, natural moisture, making your skin soft and supple.

    Personally, I apply 4 to 5 splashes. Fluid gently razmažem the entire face and neck. It is suitable for day and night care.
    How do you use it?
    I spray it on my hands (4-5 times) and gently apply on the clean face and neck. It is suitable for day and night care.

    A good product?
    Good product as an ingredient in herbal scent and the impact that the fluid is left on the skin. I also like the packaging, the bottle is dark, which means that it protects the components from external influences.
    What’s good about it?
    Ingredient, herbal smell and the effect that fluid is left on the skin. I like dark glass bottle that protects the ingredients from external factors.

    The downside of the product?
    If it was before something good packaging is a bottle such as can poor, mainly due to the poor efficiency of the entire contents.
    What’s not so good about it?
    It is difficult to use the product until the end.

    The product is not tested on animals.
    Product is not tested on animals.

    Where the product may be obtained?
    In Slovenia you can buy in stores Müller. Some products can be bought online as well.
    For other countries, but you enclose link: 
    Where can you get it?
    In Slovenia you can get the product in Müller, also some products you can buy online.
    For other countries, I attach a link 

    100 ml ->10, 32 eur
    100 ml ->10, 32 eur




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