
Showing posts from March, 2016


Few weeks ago I found on YouTube a vlogger who is so passionate spoke about the mask Simple Kind This Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask. So I decided to order. The mask is amazing. Skin is thoroughly cleansed and nourished and without tightening facial, so you can easily talk:). Skin is after application clean, soft and nourished. Mask is perfect for sensitive skin and also for normal and oily skin. My skin is dry and sensitive so I use it once a week, but if you have normal or oily skin, you can use it twice a week. If you want more information about Simple product, you can visit their website: / Pred kratkim sem v enem izmed vlogov na Youtube naletela na blogerko , ki je s tako strastjo predstavljala  masko Simple Kind To Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask, da mene kot skin freaka ni bilo težko prepričat, da sem jo še isto minuto naročila. Maska je odlična, kožo temeljito očisti in jo nahrani, poleg tega pa ne zateguje obraza tako, da lahko z lahkot...


Ingrediants: 1 cup frozen raspberries 1 small beet 1 tea spoon chia seeds 1 cup water or coconut milk  Instructions:         Place everything into blender and puree until smooth.     More about the ingrediants: Raspberries-> vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, magnesium, folic acid iron, enhance the immune system of the skin, smooth wrinkles; Beet->  calcium, folic acid, a strong detoxification effect, strengthening the connective tissue in the skin, strengthens firmness of hair and nails; Chia seeds-> omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, protein sources, antioxidants and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, and E, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Sestavine: 1 skodelica zmrznjenih malin 1 manjša rdeča pesa 1 čajna žlička chia semen 1 skodelica vode ali kokosovega mleka  Priprava: Sestavine narežete in  vrzite v mešalnik. ...


Ingrediants: 1 cup Quinoa pops 1/2 pinabutter 1/4 agave or maple syrup 100 g dark chocolate  Instruction: Stir all ingredients together in a large bowl (except chocolate). Spread mixture out on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use your hands to form a rectangular shape. With chocolate sauce, store the bars in the fridge overnight, until completely firm. Remove from freezer and slice into bars.  More about the ingredients: Quinoa pops->   made by popping whole grain quinoa under high pressure and a bit of heat. Dark chocolate->  contains antioxidant Flavonoids, which help our body for a more effectively fight against toxins, free radicals and DNA damage. Sestavine: 1 skodelica kvinojinih napihnjencev 1/2 arašidovega masla 1/4 agave ali javorjevega sirupa 100 g temne čokolade Priprava: Kvinojine napihnjence, arašidovo maslo in agavo zmešaš v posodi.  Maso enakomerno razporediš po manjšem pe...


You know, that I love Biobaza cosmetics. I decided to wrote something about their pH Natural Sensitive. All winter I was looking for good body lotion or cream for my sensitive skin. My skin was irritated and dry. I try some pharmaceutical products but nothing really help me. So I decide to bought and try this product. After few days my skin become more moisturising, vital and hydrate. Glede na to, da že veste, da obožujem naravno kozmetiko Biobaza, sem se odločila, da napišem nekaj o pH Nevtralni vlažilni kremici. V hladnem zimskem obdobju sem iskala dober losjon oziroma kremo, ki bi moji občutljiv koži odgovarjala, saj je bila zelo pordela in suha. Najprej sem se odločila, da poskusim z nekaterimi izdelki, ki se jih dobi v lekarnah, a mi žal niso pomagali. Zato sem se odločila, da poskusim še z nekaterimi kremicami in losjoni, ki jih lahko dobim v vseh drogerijah. Naletela sem na omenjeno kremico, katero je moja suha in občutljiva koža zelo dobro sprejela. Po nekaj t...


Last few months my sensitive skin loves line of   BIOBAZA cosmetics.  Biobaza cosmetics do not contain components such as preservatives, perfumes and colorants.   Everything that skin needs   can be found in their products, which are adapted to sensitive skin. So, I decided this time to introduce to you two products which I LOVE.  This are Lift-it! Anti-Oxidant Fluid  and  Lift-it-up! Oil Serum.  For more products and information you can visit their web site: Glede na to, da zadnje mesece moja občutljiva koža obožuje linijo kozmetičnih izdelkov BIOBAZA, ki so prilagojeni občutljivi koži, ker ne vsebujejo konzervansov, sintetičnih dišav, barvil in drugih za kožo dražečih sestavin, sem se odločila, da vam predstavim dva izdelka, ki sta me popolnoma navdušila.  To sta  Antioksidanti fluid   in  Oljni serum .Več o liniji kozmetičnih izdelkov si lahko preberete na njihovi spletni s...