
Showing posts from April, 2016


Pomlad je že tu in da se bomo v svoji koži počutile še bolje, si privoščimo očiščevalno pomladno kuro s pomočjo DETOX VODE. Z vami bom delila moja dva najljubša recepta nad katerima sem navdušena J . Spring is here and it is the perfect time to do a detox and ‘spring clean’ your body with DETOX WATER. With you I will share my two favourite recipes J . 1. Detox with Lemon, Cucumber, Mint Water Sestavine: Ingredients:     1,5 l vode     1 kumara     1 limona       Nekaj listkov sveže mete     1,5 l water     1 cucumber     1 lemon     Fresh mint leaves Priprava: Kumaro in limono dobro operemo pod tekočo vodo in narežemo na rezine. V večji steklen kozarec ali steklenico naložimo meto ter rezine limone in kumare. Nato dolijemo še svežo vodo. Kozarec ali steklenico zapremo in čez noč položimo  v hladiln...


Že kar nekaj časa je preteklo od tega, ko so se na tržišču pojavile prve micelarne vode, katere so povzročile pravo revolucijo med ženskami. Medtem ko jim nekateri pripisujejo čarobne lastnosti, drugi trdijo da gre za samo še en dobro oblikovan izdelek, ki se ga dejansko ne potrebuje. Sedaj pa ve presodite ali je to res ali ne? Osebno vem, da si odstranjevanje ličil brez nje ne predstavljam več. Sama sem bila kar nekaj let zvesta Biodermin i S ensibio H2O   micelarni vodi nad katero sem bila tako navdušena, da sem kar nekaj časa zbirala pogum, da poskusim še kakšno drugo micelarno vodo, glede na to koliko jih je na tržišču. Sedaj uporabljam Corine de Farme Purity Micellar Water, ki je odlično nadomestila Biodermino micelarno vodo. Linija CORINE DE FARME je oblikovana s skrbno izbranimi in prečiščenimi ekstrakti rastlin in cvetja, zato, da koži nudijo kar največjo količino svojih pozitivnih hranljivih lastnosti. Celotna linija je sestavljena iz: Najm...


Kot obljubljeno, vam danes predstavljam še enega mojega pomladnega favorita in to je… Cliniqova Superdefense CC krema. Ker se v toplejših mesecih skušam izogibati težkim podlagam in pudrom, ter želim, da koža obraza diha in  izgleda čim bolj naravno, sem kar nekaj časa iskala pravo podlago, ki bi delovala čim bolj naravno ter hkrati prekrila rdečico in manjše nepravilnosti na mojem obrazu. Ker sem pred tem že uporabljala  Cliniqovo Age Defence BB kremo, nad katero nisem bila preveč navdušena, sem se odločila, da poskusim in dam priliko še CC kremici :). Že po prvem nanosu sem bila pozitivno presenečena, saj kremica nudi ravno pravšnjo količino vsega kar moja koža obraza potrebuje. »CC« skrajšano pomeni colour correcting, kar pomeni da je vloga teh kremic predvsem korigiranje manjših nepravilnosti na koži. Večina CC krem nudi srednje  prekrivanje. Cliniqova Superdefense CC krema je  lahke teksture ter vsebuje zaščitni faktor 30. Na koži deluje naravno...


Spring is finally here and is time to change some products in my makeup bag. I noticed, the two products are repeated every spring, so I decided to introduce them to you. Today I will presented my first favourite, this is, Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation. I adore Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet Foundation. It is lightweight, it has silky texture with quite comprehensive coverage and a beautiful luminous matte finish. After application my skin looks fresher, skin imperfections are instantly less visible and it contains an SPF 15, which is an additional bonus. Water texture instantly blends with skin and leaves a remarkable matte effect throughout the day. I’ve been using shade 22 Beige Rose. Bližajo se toplejši dnevi in s tem se tudi spreminja moja kozmetična torbica. Opažam pa, da se dva proizvoda vsako pomlad ponavljata, zato sem se odločila, da vam ju predstavim. Danes bom predstavila mojega prvega favorita, to je  Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet pu...


Ingredients: 25 g blueberries 100 g Greek yogurt Gluten-free biscuits (or ordinary biscuits) 1 teaspoon of coconut oil Instructions: Place  biscuits in a jar and mixed with coconut oil. Then add a Greek yogurt and place on top blueberries. More about the ingredients: Blueberries->  a source of vitamins A, B and C, iron and calcium, therefore has a strong antioxidant effect. Coconut oil->  Oil has numerous healing effects on our body. Criteria that will help you in the selection of high-quality coconut oil are 4 star: o     *extra virgin o      *cold-pressed o     *about 100%  raw o     *organic Greek yogurt->  Greek yogurt contains a higher protein density than regular yogurt. Besides, it contains twice as much protein as regular yogurt and is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Sestavine: 25 g borovnic 100 g grškega jogurta ...


Every time I bought a creamy eyeshadow I've been disappointed.   All I can saw after the first use was creasing, caking and flaking. Recently I tried Maybelline New York Color Tattoo 24hr Gel-Cream Eyeshadow. I chose a shade 65 Pink Gold. You will not believe, but this creamy eye shadow is really AMAZING!!! It has an extremely gel-creamy texture. This eyeshadow certainly does last a lot longer than any other I've tried, but not 24hrs (definitely 12 hrs J ). It's so easy to use. Really easy to apply and blend and great pigmentation! You can apply eyeshadow with fingertips, sweep all over eye from inner corner and work outwards. You can find different shades of extremely intense colours. It's ophthalmologist-tested and safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers, which is an additional bonus. Vsakič ko sem kupila kremasto senčilo sem bila že po prvi uporabi zelo razočarana. Vsako, ampak res vsako in to ne glede na ceno, se je že po prvi uri nanosa ra...